Cedar Point 2013

Pete's avatar

Just Coasting said:
I took the time to relook at the layout, and it is worse than I originally thought. This has to be the lamest ending in roller coaster history.

What a troll...

His stupid comments not withstanding, IF they use minimal trim brakes on the mid-course brakes, I think the ending will be quite good. Should get a nice pop of air off the brakes, the helix actually looks great - reminds me a little of Raptor and there is another nice little air time hill before the station brakes. Given the banking of the helix, they are most likely going to have to let it fly through the brakes. I think the ending will surprise a lot of people.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

vwhoward's avatar

^^Really? This ride looks great! A lot of haters out there. Or RCT moguls.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Surprise a 95 year old grandmother maybe!

djDaemon's avatar

Then don't ride it, and spare us your complaints.


Umm, those brakes are there to allow three-train operation and will not stop the train completely. You really enjoy trolling don't you? I'm beginning to think you wouldn't enjoy any ride.

Pete makes a good point. Brakes do not necessarily mean the ride will crawl through the final elements. Accoring to Jasper the ride will maintain 60+ MPH speeds at the bottomn of most drops. Hitting an ending like that at those speeds with riders sitting so far out from the heartline might be too stressful on riders/structure. Just because a ride hits the fianl elements at a slower speed does not mean it will be bad. That being said, I would have liked a trimmed air-time hill (see Maverick).

Did they mention anything about the security at the gate? CP has to be the only major park left that does not employ metal detectors. Will they be installed?

Also if anyone from CP reads this take note of what I feel is a great idea...if I don't say so myself. Put lockers outside all major rides. Allow people to purchase a locker ticket at the front gate when they enter the park. That ticket will have a combination valid for that day that can be used on any locker in the park all day. People find an open locker, use their codes and store items that cause delays loading rides. I believe Raptor would be the only problem then as people need to be allowed to remove sandals.

You do realize that it is very similar to how Magnum hits the brakes right after the final tunnel and then coasts to the transfer brakes? I hear alot of people complain about how lame that portion is. ;) If the ride does in fact coast through the helix I think it will be a nice way to catch your breath before you arrive at the station after going through the rest of that amazing layout.

^GateKeeper would fall into that category now as well.

Last edited by CP fanatic 2400,

R.I.P. Mr. Scott

How I love trolls.
I don't know why people are surprised about there only being one load/unload platform. B&M has never made a ride that I know of that has a separate load/unload platform. I also believe that that B&M only does dual load for flying coasters which is because the amount of time it takes to load those rides.
As for bins this ride needs to have them because of flip flops. You could have people sit on their flip flops, but i'm sure that several guests would complain and refuse to sit on their shoes. It just wouldn't be worth putting employees through that headache.

I cant believe all the haters either. I remember back in 2006 I was so excited for the new coaster announcement and then saw Maverick. I remember not being impressed at all and very disappointed initially. Then I rode Maverick and it turned out to be one of my favorite roller coasters.

I am very happy and cant wait to ride GK next year!!

Thanks CP!!

SuperSonicGoalie said:

Also if anyone from CP reads this take note of what I feel is a great idea...if I don't say so myself. Put lockers outside all major rides. Allow people to purchase a locker ticket at the front gate when they enter the park. That ticket will have a combination valid for that day that can be used on any locker in the park all day. People find an open locker, use their codes and store items that cause delays loading rides. I believe Raptor would be the only problem then as people need to be allowed to remove sandals.

That would be a guest relation nightmare. If the combo is only good for one locker then there is the issue that the park is so big that you would have guests complaining that they spent good money for a locker yet it is so inconvenient to use. If they were good for multiple lockers then there will be an issue if there is no lockers open at a certain location.

Correct me if im mistaken... but doesnt placing seats on the sides of the track like a wingrider drastically increase g forces a la centriptal force?

Dependin on the side of the train you choose, when doing those twists, you have to be pulling some serious positive g's

Edit: ditto on maverick capt. Spaulding.... it looked like it sucked... but now its tied with millie as my favorite (raptor coming in 3rd)

Last edited by NextGen89,

I'm anxious to see just how close riders will be made to feel like they're going to smash their face on cement prior to turning thru the keyholes. They didn't show that on the POV, but you see a little bit of it as it goes in reverse. I wonder if they purposefully omitted that. I imagine it will have more of an effect on riders than the Gemini decapitater hill.

Last edited by Bigmal,

I don't mind real criticism. I was one of the loudest critics of the Dinosaurs announcement last year. But, you have to have some meat behind your argument. Comparing Gatekeeper to Double Loop at Geauga Lake eliminates all credibility and makes you look like a knucklehead.

This ride had to be squeezed into a pretty tight area and, given that, I am impressed with the design. And, if it was put together as quickly as I've been led to believe (relatively speaking) then that is really saying something.

I think it is fair to criticize what we think might be "agressive" capacity numbers unless they alter some policies. I think it is fair to question the ending of the ride though given what the first two thirds of the ride does that is like complaining about the outtakes at the end of a great movie. I think it is fair to criticize the video representation of the ride for making it appear there will be a backward element to it.

But, to compare it to the Geauga Lake Double Loop? Ridiculous. (But, in defense of my old friend the Double Loop, I always enjoyed the helix at the end and the bounce you got when you popped onto the break run).

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

I see major stacking issues with regards to dispatching the trains on this ride. MAJOR

It will be another Mantis in 3-4 years, reduced down to a 2 train operation, which means longer then normal wait times.

They'll have a tarp covering the 3rd train, oh what a pretty site that will be.

What Cedar Point officials must do is ride the rides before they actually submit an order for a new ride, that means wait in line with the General Public, do a typical day at Cedar Point, then make sure that the new ride they are ordering does not have any of the negatives that previous rides that they put in currently have.

Look at the space where Geauga Lake put in the Double Loop. Major tight squeeze.

The ending on Gatekeeper is useless.

Face it, Cedar Point failed on this ride design. Build it right or don't build it at all!

I always wondered how many of the actual decision makers ride the current rides they have? I won't criticize any of their decisions with the new coaster until after riding it, but I think spending a day as Joe Smith walking the park and waiting in line may give them a better view of how to better design things. Maybe this happens, I am wondering if anyone knows of this?

Dead Sexeh said:

That would be a guest relation nightmare. If the combo is only good for one locker then there is the issue that the park is so big that you would have guests complaining that they spent good money for a locker yet it is so inconvenient to use. If they were good for multiple lockers then there will be an issue if there is no lockers open at a certain location.

The combo is good for every locker in the park.

Example: I use my code to occupy a locker outside Gatekeeper, ride the ride, then remove my things from that locker. In the process I cancel my code on that locker. That locker is now open for use to anyone who wants it.

I make my way to Maverick and use my locker code there to occupy an empty locker while I ride Maverick, and so on and so forth. The locker can then be linked to a computer system so one code can only be in use on one locker in the park at any time. Each locker would have a large light to idicate whether is is occupied or not. Once a day early in the morning the system resets and all lockers are unlocked and all codes reset for the next day.

It's a good idea, but it would be expensive to implement. I also feel that it would be hard to get a locker at the popular rides. Take TTD for example you will have those lockers being used by people riding TTD, PT, Magnum, and Corkscrew along with people who will just keep their stuff in that one locker all day.

Jeff's avatar

Just Coasting said:
Just another Double Loop disaster in the making.

I knew there was a reason I didn't see you in the queue for the ride when I went a year forward in my time machine.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I don't post often I usually like to read these forums. But i'm getting pretty tired of this just coasting guy. If you don't like what you see in a 30 million dollar expenditure and a First class front gate statement than get off of these forums. Go complain why your life sucks so bad that you have to try to bring others down to your miserable level all by yourself.

"I reject your reality and replace it with my own." - Adam Savage

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