Carly Rae Jepsen

P.M.'s avatar

turboterry544 said:
Ensign Smith; were u there w your kid standing in heat that was around 102 or for 2 hrs, I bet not and look at all the pic and show me one were there r more smile than not. They drooped the ball all the way around on this one. if u were not there may u should not type away about it so fast

The fact remains that this was a free concert to promote Luminosity and as such they don't really owe anybody anything. You paid for park admission and you got park admission.

EDIT: Plus, all Ensign Smith said was that more people are going to complain than compliment. He didn't even say anything about its quality.

Last edited by P.M.,


did you take the time to read fb like this one but on the other hand shame on you cedar point and fm 96.5. I understand there was an issue with her luggage and she started 1 1/2 hours late. She was the one that told us after she got there. It's hard for me to understand why cedar point or the dj didn't tell us because it was obvious they knew there was a delay. We all know how hot it was. There was a lot of little children there to see her and were suffering out there. The customers DESERVED to know what was going on. They could have gone to the bathroom, ate, got something to DRINK, rode rides. Most people were there by 6:30 and wasted 2 hours of our time. its not like there is nothing else to do at cedar point, but no one wanted to leave the arae and miss her, we were stuck listening to a rotten dj and seemed like he played the same song 10 times. No aplogy needed but an explanation sure would sound good. the big bosses need to open there eye's and stop looking at the money there r making all the time.

coolkid's avatar

^If the park told the concert goes what was going on, then Cedar Point would look like they were making excuses. The concert was free, the park doesn't have to tell the concert goers anything. If they were too hot, thirsty, or needed to use the restroom, leave the concert; it is the same thing when waiting to get on a roller coaster.

P.M.'s avatar

turboterry544 said:

No aplogy needed but an explanation sure would sound good.

Any information more than "there is a delay" can come back to bite them, and most professional venues know this. Especially when no time frame is known. That's why you never get info on ride breakdowns, either. If they tell you the wrong time then guests will just be angrier.

It is hot out there this week, so hopefully enough people left to cool down before the show started. But about all management can responsibly say is "there's a delay." I wasn't there, so I don't know if they did this or not.


were u there to see how messed up it was ?

Kevinj's avatar

There was a lot of little children there to see her and were suffering out there

I think you need some perspective on the word suffering. You make it sound like they were being tortured. It was a free concert at Cedar Point.

"Kids suffering" and "Cedar Point" do not belong in the same sentence.

Just a tad on the dramatic side.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

I think u were not there just by reading your post I can tell that.stop and go read cp's fb page than come back to post.

Kevinj's avatar

The fact that you lend such credence to posts made on Facebook tells me everything I need to know. Being there has nothing to do with it. You're complaining about a free show by a current popular artist in one of the world's best amusement parks.

It was your choice to go to Cedar Point when it was 100 degrees outside. I was at home in the air conditioning, as "suffering" was not on my list of things to do yesterday.

Free concert. Cedar Point.

I'm assuming you knew the forecast.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

yes Kevin you are right I was not there to watch the show and I could hear a lot of people not happy. The post I posted from fb was a re post of a post not my words to 100% would I good along w him all the way no but some of what he typed yes. You're complaining about a free show, no I was re posting about the show

Last edited by turboterry544,
99er's avatar

So is the horrible grammar and spelling from you or is it copied from Facebook too?

Kevinj's avatar

You weren't there and you're still complaining?

Promoter of fog.

This is comedic let me shed some light. I used to work in a concert venue vanilla ice played he showed up 2 hours late delaying doors by 2 hours he did not inform us he was running behind. Therefor we had no knowledge of this yet the customers were standing out in a snow filled freezing temperatures an extra two hours in t shirts not one complained.

P.M.'s avatar

Deathfearsnone said:
not one complained.

Vanilla Ice fans are a totally different comparison. They're relentless in devotion to the Van Winkle.

Last edited by P.M.,


Kevinj's avatar


The point is, paying any attention to posts made on Facebook is utterly ridiculous. And complaining about a free concert at Cedar Point is just silly.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

turboterry544 said:
I think u were not there just by reading your post I can tell that.stop and go read cp's fb page than come back to post.

If you can't spell out words, don't post. You aren't sending text messages here.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

At one point I thought I had heard they were having a dance crew competition before the concert but hadn't heard anything about it the last few weeks. Does anyone know what happened with this?

Fight the Shapers . . . Join the Resistance . . .
Save Humanity!

IDK, Y R U B ing so critical J? WTF......ROTFLMAF.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains

Maverick00's avatar

Krafty said:
At one point I thought I had heard they were having a dance crew competition before the concert but hadn't heard anything about it the last few weeks. Does anyone know what happened with this?

Ya I was hearing that too but haven't heard anything lately.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

99er's avatar

They had some sort of dance off or dance crew. It was in the Sandusky Register, which by the way had over a 100 photos of what appeared to be very happy people that were excited about the concert. Those that are posting on FB are probably bitching because they got there to late and were in the back, or got some cold french fries which in turn ruined the whole Carly Rae experience.

KISS did a promotion throughout the day where amateur dance crews set up at various places on the midway asking guests to vote for them by texting in their team number. I don't remember what the prize was.

I didn't care about her being late. I was more annoyed at the horrible KISS DJ spinning station music and station elements (badly) while everyone waited. But I digress.

Carly did tweet that she was going to be late, and in turn, Cedar Point re-tweeted. The KISS DJ asked everyone to hang out and be patient. I don't think anyone was super angry. Not only that, the weather had cooled down significantly right when she was supposed to go on at 7. No suffering at that point either.

As for my opinion on her performance, a LOT of people left after the first three songs or so, because nobody knows any of them. Her weird antics between songs didn't help her either. I mean, asking a bunch of teenagers if they've ever felt "real heartbreak" is kind of hilarious. She made several jokes about dating and there was literally no reaction.

But boy, when she sang "that one song," every cell phone in the crowd went up in the air to shoot it.

Kudos to Cedar Point for hosting her. The crowd was impressive and people had fun. Having that stage was pretty sweet too. Did it help attendance? I'd put money on "no."

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