Amusment Parks Vs. Natural Disaster

Now, the more profound worry would actually be how the hurricane made it all the way to Sandusky... ;)
*** Edited 9/1/2005 10:41:10 AM UTC by djDaemon***

It could happen. A tornado was spotted in southern California last month. Stranger things can happen. :)

bholcomb's avatar

oMg me 2!!1111oneoneoneone

hehe you also are weird ;)

djDaemon's avatar


If a hurricane does make it all the way up to CP, we've got much, much bigger problems!

For instance, the anti-christ will prolly be following closely behind, followed by fire and brimstone and all that other crap...



Actually a huge tornado hit Sandusky in 1924. The point itself got no damage but mainland boat dock was demolished and there was widespread destruction in the Sandusky area. many other cities like Toledo and Lorain here also heavy hit.

As was pointed out to me earlier in the week no place is immune to apotential national disaster.

djDaemon's avatar

Right, but hurricanes need specific conditions to form, and one of those is the trade-winds, which don't occur over the mainland.

Tornado? Absolutely - they can form just about anywhere, but are nothing at all like hurricanes...


bholcomb's avatar

Hurricanes need large amounts of water over 80-84 degrees to form and become very strong.

When was the last time Lake Erie hit 75? ;) And the Great Lakes aren't large by any means. There's a TON of energy in a hurricane, and that kind of energy just doesn't exist except for in warm, open ocean water.

Tornadoes are actually more powerful than hurricanes in that they can pack a bigger, more powerful punch but are more localized (obviously). Tornadoes have a smaller death toll as well. For some reason, idiots thought they could ride out Hurricane Katrina in their homes, and are now stranded or drowned. The May 3, 1999 tornado outbreaks in Oklahoma only killed 40 people and injured 675. That's probably one of the greatest tornado outbreaks we'll see in our lifetime, and it caused only a relatively small number of deaths.

I guess back to the subject at hand... Amusement parks are sitting targets. Ohio isn't very favorable for strong tornado development, and the chances of a very strong, destructive tornado hitting Cedar Point are very low, especially compared to say Six Flags over Texas. I don't know what the structures are rated for, but I would be more worried of a strong straight-line damage event than a tornado.

Vince982's avatar

djDaemon said:
...That much debris (boats, trees, dogs, CP souveneir mugs, Mediterranean Swallows, very small rocks, etc.) inside 100+mph winds could bring down MF, TTD, MS, Gemini, Maggie, BS, SRF, WWL, Raptor, Mantis, PT, DT... well, you get the idea....


I believe you mean African or European ;)!
*** Edited 9/1/2005 4:56:46 PM UTC by Vince982***

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

djDaemon's avatar

LOL, yeah, that is what I meant! ;)


For some reason, idiots thought they could ride out Hurricane Katrina in their homes, and are now stranded or drowned.

Yeah, thats sorta how I felt, but then was informed of the possibility that not everyone had the means to evacuate. New Orleans is one of the poorest cities in the US, meaning not everyone has a car, and those that do may not be able to afford the gas...

Now, if after all this they all move back there, then they are most definitely idiots of the highest degree.


JuggaLotus's avatar

An African swallow may-be, but they're non-migratory.

Goodbye MrScott


Vince982's avatar

The real damage would be caused if they were all carrying coconuts by their husk ;).

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

JuggaLotus's avatar

Its not a question of where he grips it. Its a simple question of weight ratios. A 5 ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Not to go off topic, but does anyone know where (if any) to find pics of SFNO under the water? I was browsin' around CBuzz, but couldn't find anything.


Vince982's avatar

Good ol' Monty Python.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

djDaemon's avatar

Thats what CP needs to get attendance back up! Monty Python Weekends! Forget HalloWeekends... give me some CP personell following behind me banging two halves of coconuts together, and I'll be there! Then, we can weigh some 'witches' at the Guess Your Weight games! And finally, fill DT's building with horny women who love spankings!!!



JuggaLotus's avatar

What I'd love to do is get a group of Buzzers together to go down the main midway as the chanting monks from the movie, of course, there is the whole no costumes thing for adults at halloweekends.

Goodbye MrScott


Bah, give me Sir Robin's strolling minstrels any day.

Actually, I think a whole line of crucifixees singing a bright optimistic song would really brighten my mood :) .

djDaemon said:

If a hurricane does make it all the way up to CP, we've got much, much bigger problems!

For instance, the anti-christ will prolly be following closely behind, followed by fire and brimstone and all that other crap...


Well then I hope you are saved because according to the National Enquirer, these are the End Times. :)

All kidding aside (for the moment) I think there is a much stronger possibility of Lake Erie flooding and destroying CP than tornadoes or hurricanes.

bholcomb said:

For some reason, idiots thought they could ride out Hurricane Katrina in their homes, and are now stranded or drowned. The May 3, 1999 tornado outbreaks in Oklahoma only killed 40 people and injured 675. That's probably one of the greatest tornado outbreaks we'll see in our lifetime, and it caused only a relatively small number of deaths.

Most of those people were not idiots. I would be willing to say about 85% of those people are not. Most of them are homeless, poor and could not afford to get out of town, in poor health which allows them little or no mobility or simply had no where else to go.

What a vague and very uninformed statement.

I am sure Cedar Point has some sort of insurance. What kind of company in such a multi million dollar industry would not protect their investment?

So, I think they would let it fall and start over.
*** Edited 9/2/2005 1:37:44 AM UTC by J. Robert***

You are all missing the real danger. It isn't the African or European Swallows, its the man-eating rabbit and holy hand grenade! But now I'm straying off topic. lol

Of course CP has insurance on their major investments, though I think they would prefer not to use it.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

Vince982's avatar

He nay way su no le way *smacks head with book*.

That there is my best attempt at chanting on the internet.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

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