What you lack in intelligence, you make up for in stupidity.
Virtual Midway
3 sayings to live life by:
"bite my grandma"
"does a mullet make a man?"
"Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville, welcome to Jackass"
*** This post was edited by rogue kielbasa 5/4/2003 10:02:47 AM***
Breakers Registration Clerk "03"
"Ima end this with a f*** you and have a nice day!"
5 days until I process in....woooo!!
Big D said:
Media day is May 1st. It will be ready by then.
- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.
sorry i spaced. forgot when that was. my friend was bragging that he gets to go that day. oh well i know i will have a whole lot more fun going on the 4th then he will on the 1st!
O'Doyle RULES!
Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!
7 days until I process in.
*** This post was edited by coaster runner 4/17/2003 6:12:49 PM ***
Can't wait to be at the Point!
Blue train always wins. . . . .Unless the red train cheats! Click here
Matt - '02-'03 WT crew
Guest- "Are the towers supposed to move??" Me- "No, I just sit in a chair underneath it all day long, hoping it collapses on my head."
Those sly foxes who decided to make TTD 420 feet tall...they deserve a prize or something
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