Ahead or behind???

Iss constuction ahead, behind, or on schedule for construction? Shouldnt have they tested by now since in one of the journal entries, it said something about getting a full month of testing before they could open it but that would mean that they would have started testing on april 4th but it is the 16th and nobody has seen a full launch yet.


if you read the journals... mony said that they are well into testing... they should start full launching soon. hopefully very very soon! crossing my fingers!!

Cedar Po!nt Rocks My Socks

Testing doesn't have to be full power launches.

GOCC member #335

When it opens on May 4th, it'll either be ahead or on schedule. :)
when they opened ride at KBfarm they just made it .they were testing on openning day in the mornning . they opened and the rest is history

I'm not an old fogey, I'm just an old coaster rider..

Bryan said:
Testing doesn't have to be full power launches.

OK. So they don't do any full power tests before media day, right? Then hundreds of reporters show up and, fffttt, it barely goes half way up the tower. I can hear it now, "Cedar Point leader in the thrill ride industry needs Viagra."

Yeah, they don't need to do full power testing.


I don't think that's what Bryan was trying to say. I believe he was stating that just because they aren't doing full power launches doesn't mean that they aren't testing. There is alot more going into testing these things than just slamming a train through.

If I win the lottery, I promise not to quit my job. Although, it may not take very long for me to be fired.
In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?!"

if the park is advertising this ride will open on may 4 it WILL OPEN ON MAY 4!!
True, but a lot of testing and measuring needs to happen while the full circuit testing is in progress. With 6 trains, there are bound to be timing issues, they need to document and measure forces on the rider. I hope they are on schedule, but given the lack of updates from Monty, I am starting to have a few concerns. Living in Boston, I have cancelled my planned early May trip until more information is made public.


You've gotta walk before you can run... I recall a video on westcoaster.net of Xcelerator's initial test runs. They launched the train relatively slowly, only going part way up the tower. They did several "under-powered" launches until they finally went over the top.

Of course, Dragster is much bigger, and much more complicated (3x the trains!). They're probably testing things like the retracting brakes, the tires which roll trains through the stations, etc etc. All of these are important before a full launch can be done.

Tommy Penner - YoYoBaybeeMan
"I'm St. Clair Shores' Most Wanted, yo!"

People Hydraulics is what is needed to launch this they are testing hydraulics now without them the ride cant launch to measure forces that may take what 5,6,7 days there is no need to cancel a trip because of one ride CP will open may 4 if TTD is still testing it will be here im sure at least 10 years if you cant ride the first season im sorry but come next season.
I agree with coasterman24. Cancelling a trip should not even come into mind. Cedar point is always on time and keeps their word. I recall MF being tested right up until the last day. It will be open.

Just the track, the wind, and the speed.

thank you coasterguy
Maybe Monty hasn't posted a new journal entry because he is too busy testing the ride. I would rather him worry about getting the ride ready to go than posting new journal entries every week.


you know it is funny to watch people worry about if a ride is going to open all i do is just laugh you will live i promise!
It will be open May 1st. Must we keep getting topics like this.

Speed Freaks - 2003

7 days until I process in.

Very good post coaster runner as I to am so sick of hearing "is it going to be open" over and over again. People just relax it WILL be open. It reminds me of a child asking "Are we there yet?"

Top Thrill Dragster 03

coaster runner said:
It will be open May 1st. Must we keep getting topics like this.

Speed Freaks - 2003

7 days until I process in.

Don't you mean 4th?

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!

Media day is May 1st. It will be ready by then.

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.

Ahem...do the words Media Day ring a bell to you?

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