Age range of this board?

45. Though I know I look much younger--a lot of strangers tell me I could pass for 25. Of course, I have to pay them first...

Yep, I've been insane about amusement parks since my first visit to KI in 1973. I remember when I was 9, I told my dad that someday I'd write a book about them. Sure enough, decades later I did. And a screenplay about them. The comic strip is still a work in progress...

My author website:

29 here. Going since I was a toddler.

39. first visit was in '89.

Currently at x0, y0, z0

I think all of us old folks have intimidated the younger crowd from posting. ;)

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

One can only hope...

My author website:

rollerdog11's avatar

14... Ok...

Leave the hypercoaster alone


bholcomb's avatar

Weird to see I'm one of the younger in this thread at 29.

Captain Bob's avatar

Old enough that I got to ride the Jumbo Jet - 48.


When I was 4 I asked Santa for the bumper boats to put in my backyard. Instead he gifted me a season pass.


Thabto's avatar

I'm 27.

Kevinj's avatar

I've enjoyed 36 journeys around the sun.

Promoter of fog.

Your feet must be awfully sore.

My author website:

Kevinj's avatar

No, but my wings are tired. :)

Although I'm still laughing too hard from the Monty Python witch post to care.

Promoter of fog.

operative_me's avatar

34. First year I went was 1982, been there every year since. I have hazy recollections of the Frontier Lift, Avalanche Run, and the Sky Slide. I remember the opening of Iron Dragon and Demon Drop quite well.

From my first visit I clearly remember the Moon Buggies, getting "stuck" on the Cargo net in Kid Arthur's Court (Dad had to come rescue me), and riding the Jr. Gemini over and over while my Dad ate vinegar french fries from the Happy Friar. I also remember the Dodgems quite well, as I broke rule number #1 and ran towards the exit and fell, covering my self in some black grime that never did come out of my clothes.

A week or two ago my parents took their boat out off the coast of CP, and my Dad remarked to my Mom "Our son really likes this place, you think that has do do with us?"

Gee ya think?

3snoH un=l's avatar

I'm 44, been going to CP and KI yearly since around 3-4 years old and I did NOT get to ride the Jumbo Jet so I'm jealous of Captain Bob. I had been on a hiatus with only a couple scattered visits to both parks over the course of 10 years due to having small children. Back this season with passes for the first time and have found myself becoming obsessed reading about CP on this board.

Rcoaster10, I've enjoyed seeing your park ideas and I'll say I'm even more impressed at what you've come up with at 14.

Upside-down Fun House

66,be 67 in December.

number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.

I'm 21, my first coaster was Blue Streak when I was around 8 or 9 but I didn't really start to ride coasters until 2009. And wow, I've been on this forum for almost 5 years now I think.

Just turned 18, first trip to the point in 2006, though I went to KI and Hershey before then.

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