A question of Wireless ?

Pete's avatar

The iPhone seems kind of impractical to me. I have a Motorola Q that I'm real happy with. Email and Web Browsing just about everywhere I go.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Walt's avatar

I have a Q as well. No real complaints and the high speed Verizon network is available in Sandusky.

There are a few features on the iPhone that intrigue me. The high cost outweighs that, though, at least at this point.

If you haven't seen it, here's a great bit from SNL where "Steve Jobs" appeared on Weekend Update to talk about the iPhone.

*** Edited 3/7/2007 3:47:59 PM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Loopy's avatar

150 kabillion contacts and a Starbucks built right in, that definitely outweighs the 20 minute battery life.

I can't wait to waste my money on one of these! ;)

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

JuggaLotus's avatar

I can say I am interested in the IPhone. It could get me to switch to Cingular. I am going to wait until they've got v2 or 3 out though. I want that battery life up in the days, not hours, of standby time.

Gotta give Jobs credit for expanding Apple though. I just wish their prices would come down (I'm looking to get a MacBook Pro).

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

It seems that, rather than lowering prices, they tend to increase features/horsepower. That's merely my very casual observation, though.


JuggaLotus's avatar

Yeah, well that's better than Mr. Gates, who, rather than lowering prices, issues a new version with at least as many problems as the last version he spent 5 years patching.

Hence my reason for wanting to get OUT of the windows market and into a MacBook Pro. I have 3 criteria, I want a laptop, it can't be Windows (and I don't have the motivation to learn Linux) and it must be able to play WOW efficiently.

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

Macs run WOW very well, I can assure of this.

Speaking of, I just finished my lunch time game play.

Yes, I know I got hooked on a game that I swore I never would, but it's fun...


djDaemon's avatar

JuggaLotus said:
Yeah, well that's better than Mr. Gates, who, rather than lowering prices, issues a new version with at least as many problems as the last version he spent 5 years patching.

I'm not going to defend MS, but that's quite an unfair, and mostly inaccurate, statement.

That said, I've been contemplating getting an Apple in addition to my PC's, as I could never give up the raw utility (and compatibility) of them.


JuggaLotus's avatar

That's the same with me.

The great irony I've always found are the guys who can't stop playing WOW, but spent high school beating up kids for playing DnD. How does that work?

And the game is worse than crack.

^ - I know its not entirely accurate. Its more frustration at the fact that now, as a new version is coming out, I still can't get a copy of XP for less than what it cost when it was first released. Which is the real driving force behind wanting to try something new.

*** Edited 3/7/2007 6:36:02 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

Actually, as much as I like WOW, I still can't stand DnD.

WOW doesn't seem to cross that line for me.

djDaemon's avatar

^^Apple OSX isn't much (if at all) cheaper than Windows. They simply release newer versions more often, at a smaller price.

And you guys are both nerds. I still beat up kids who play DnD, and Warcrack.



JuggaLotus's avatar

Well, Windows XP home = 199. Windows XP Pro = 299. OSX - Tiger single user 129. I get a 5 user license (family pack) for 199.

The only drawback is that OSX works on only a limited set of hardware.

Goodbye MrScott


CoasterChris's avatar

All I can say is I have a ibookG4 and would rather be without a computer then be with a macintrash. Windows all the way

2010: Magnum XL-200 Ride Host

djDaemon's avatar

You can save money by purchasing OEM versions of Windows, for the record. My copy of XP Pro cost ~$100.

Since OSX debuted, there have been over $700 worth of OS "upgrades", which sort of negates the cost rationale.

*** Edited 3/7/2007 7:00:07 PM UTC by djDaemon***


e x i t english's avatar

I actually started playing WOW because of the guys at work, at both my current networking job, and at Abercrombie.

Go figure, not so much of a "nerd's" game as I thought...

PS: my guy's name is "Henry Rollins" :-D

*** Edited 3/7/2007 6:58:55 PM UTC by e x i t english***

e x i t english's avatar


Or you can work for a consulting company and get MSDN/SPLA licenses for everything. :-P

djDaemon's avatar

Or you can get involved in beta testing and get Windows Vista for free. :)


e x i t english's avatar

^ That's what I just said, kind of. :)

I received Vista Ultimate, Ultimate Beta, Home Premium Beta, Home Premium and Basic just last week, but my DVD drive is shot and I can't load the .iso just yet - I'm too lazy to do it anyway. :P

djDaemon's avatar

Whoa - that's a lot of licenses. Here's what you do - keep Ultimate, and sell the rest.


e x i t english's avatar

Actually, we have 10 licenses of each install and then there's some other ones too. :)

Can't sell them though - wish I could.

*** Edited 3/7/2007 7:06:03 PM UTC by e x i t english***

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