A question of Wireless ?

I know I brought this up before, but has Breakers, Breakers East, Tower section, Sandcastle Suites etc. gone with wireless internet for their guests?

I mean cmon already the Motel6 off of Route 250 for 29.99/ night has it :(.

Anyone know?

bholcomb's avatar

I think it's been determined that as of right now there is still only wireless available in the lobby of the hotel.

e x i t english's avatar

That's cool with me anyway, the more time some people from PB spend away from their computers/the internet, the better. :)

Gomez's avatar

^hint, hint^ ;)

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

e x i t english's avatar

Too bad I'm chained to my computer 9 hours a day and when there's nothing to fix (which isn't very common lately, everything is blowin' up...) I'm pretty much on my own as far as finding something to do.

bholcomb's avatar

I haven't had a slow day at work in 2-3 months. Otherwise I used to have a lot of time to screw around on here.

It's not really to surf PB though. Email is pretty important to people while they are away. As is getting a quick weather forecast (lets be honest, the weather channel blows) and seeing how their favorite sports team did.

I would like to see Wireless innurnets available more places, but sadly I can understand why they aren't doing it.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Being able to check a weather report without sitting through 25 minutes of national crap, and then hoping I don't miss the local stuff would be nice.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

^Get a Wii.


e x i t english's avatar

Believe me, I've been trying. It's not been an easy journey.

djDaemon's avatar

Your best bet would be a Target early on a Sunday morning. Really any store on a Sunday morning, as that's when new units arrive on store shelves.


GAM man 68's avatar

haha, its funny tho, cause everything you just said you wished you could do is exactly what wii does. i love the wii. To bad six flags actually made a smart decision for once, now i'll have to go there at least once to see their wii kiosks.

2009 TL Gemini
2008 ATL Gemini
2007 ATL Witches' Wheel/Monster

JuggaLotus's avatar

Of course, having a Wii at Cedar Point doesn't mean I can automatically check the weather....I'd still need that internet hook-up.

Goodbye MrScott


GAM man 68's avatar


2009 TL Gemini
2008 ATL Gemini
2007 ATL Witches' Wheel/Monster

JuggaLotus said:
Being able to check a weather report without sitting through 25 minutes of national crap, and then hoping I don't miss the local stuff would be nice.

That's the point (no pun intended). Checking the weather, which at CP changes very quickly would be helpful.

Plus at the end of the day a little online Texas Holdem would be nice :).

djDaemon's avatar

No, the Wii comes with its own internet, built in.


Hesitantly EDITED to include sarcasm-indicating winky.
*** Edited 3/5/2007 8:23:58 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Seems to me that the resorts are the only way the park will create any significant increases in annual park attendance. Wireless is certainly a good first step (and a prerequisite) in creating a world class destination.

Even if they had wired internet I'd be fine. I can just bring my Airport Express and make it wireless. I just got back from a week staying at Disney in their cabins (a much nicer version of Lighthouse Point). They have modems inside each unit plugged right into the cable. Makes sense to me and worked great. I didn't even mind paying the $10 a day to use it. Like everyone else said, its nice to have a connection to work (just to keep up, not actually WORK) and check on news, etc....

Vince982's avatar

And what news may that be Tim, the Island Paradise Gazette?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

MrInkspot@aol.com's avatar

iPhone :)

Check weather whenever you want practically anywhere in the world.


Loopy's avatar

It's not even legally for sale yet. FCC is weighing on it heavily.

Even if it was, why would you want to spend that much money in order to get something as simple as a free cell phone can receive?

If you have that kind of money laying around I'll send you my address. ;)

*** Edited 3/7/2007 11:48:57 AM UTC by Loopy***

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

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