6/5/05, Hot day, No Lines!

Mandi said:
yea yea yea

Not to bust nuts here, but I believe what you mean is "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Yea" is the sound one might make while going down the largest hill of a coaster, often extended (see: "Yeeeeeaaaaaaaa!"). On the Internet, it usually goes with the term "Woo," as in "Woo-Yea!" Also accepted with "Woo" is "Yay."

One more thing: "Alot" is not one word. It is "A lot."

Also, learn to use the dadgum apostrophe and comma keys. They are the keys just left of the "Enter" or "Return" key and three-left of the Right-Shift key, respectively, on your keyboard.

Again, not to bust nuts, just sayin'.

*** Edited 6/9/2005 4:09:29 AM UTC by scooter1979***

That post was pretty good there, scooter. Anyways, think that this gets my vote for CP Place highlight of the week...not that it matters, though. However, I think that spelling is important, so I think people have a right to get mad when others do not follow clearly posted "guidelines." Also, Walt, are you still using a "warning points system" on people who are "constantly flagrant" (I think those were the terms used...)? I would think that would all get old in a hurry.

Last public train of 2005 on MF!

Walt's avatar

Yes, we still use warning points.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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