Well, no time like the present. After 17 years from the removal of this element and sitting in a field weathering away, CP has decided to give this element the Wicked Twister treatment and sell sections of the track.
You can also get a piece signed by ole Sandor Kernacs if you’re willing to drop $349.00!
I'm honestly kind of surprised the park involved Sandor with something like this.
Cue the conspiracies that Sandor was on-site to work on TT2 in 3... 2... 1
they should chop a little section off TT2's spike as well.
Screw Sandor. I'm really surprised the park would have anything more to do with that piece of stool.
It's a shame it's only available in-park. I live in FL. Otherwise I'd add it to my collection alongside my WT track piece. Very strange that they've had this track section on-hand after all these years.
Sandor is a tool. Also, if anyone should have been asked to sign pieces, it'd be John Hildebrandt, who was GM when it opened. That I'd pay a little extra for.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Yeah that would be sweet. I don't like the price with even just Carrie for $300, but with Hildebrandt I'd get it for sure. If it was $200 like the WT one I bought I'd consider it as is.
Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point
The Wicked Twister piece was more valuable to me because I actually could say I rode it - this one I can't.
And it's odd they have a guy from the manufacturer signing it. Like, wasn't that a failure on your end?
I am waiting for Cedar Point to issue a Fast Lane option to bypass the regular line to purchase this remarkable piece of track.
If someone were to buy all 390 pieces, it could theoretically be reassembled. It’s not too late to hold out hope for the roll to be reinstalled. Somebody with some serious $$$ please step up.
Sit tight fellas ;)
if anyone should have been asked to sign pieces, it'd be John Hildebrandt
According to Fox8 Cleveland, Sandor signed the pieces because he was the only person to ever ride it with the heartline roll installed.
Very strange that they've had this track section on-hand after all these years.
Stranger yet they didn't. It's been in the storage yard at Adena Corporation in Mansfield for years! They've moved it around the yard over the years per satellite views online.
I love how a piece of useless track that sat in a field for 17 years with overgrown vegetation is considered “storage”.
Well, they could have utilized the great indoor storage facility they have on site, Town Hall Museum.
I love how a piece of useless track that sat in a field for 17 years with overgrown vegetation is considered “storage”.
I'm surprised they never sold wood from Geauga Lake's Big Dipper with the same disclaimer. "The ride was in storage from 2007-2016."
Agreed! I know a lot of people who wouldn’t think twice to buy pieces of Big Dipper. Could you imagine the backlash Cedar Fair would have received for making a profit off of a park they closed, though?
One of the coolest things I ever acquired was an old “dispatch” button from Wicked Twister’s control panel after maintenance had to switch it out with a new one in 2011. They said they had no use for it, so they asked if I wanted it.
The funniest park “memorabilia” for sale I ever saw was WDW Splash Mountain water online. Nothing but a small sealed container with water. Could've just been tap water from the kitchen sink.
- Uncle Jay
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