Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status


jimmyburke's avatar

e x i t english:

Once, I rode with a group of friends and the boat felt like it was going to stall, so much that we actually reached out and pushed off from the side to keep moving.

Sounds like Sir-Rub-a-Dub Tubs had more speed than STR!



Is that better or worse than talking about restaurants in the Christmas video thread?



GL2CP's avatar

STR was beautiful and I’m still sad they didn’t build a new long flume in that are. Maybe when they fling professor Delbert away for the last time

First ride; Magnum 1994




Zamperla employs people all across the political spectrum, not just republicans.

We can all be thankful for that. Republicans aren't known for being very smooth. All over the place, really.

Typo lol. reputation


Master D

^^New log flume and worthy dark ride would round out this park nicely, especially if CP is in fact trying to become more well-rounded and family friendly.



JohnMosesBrowning's avatar

I think they should retheme the ride around Pro Stock Motorcycle drag racing. Single rider motorcycles that fire out of the station every 10 seconds! 😈

1974: Catering Slave for Interstate United
1975-77: Catering Manager for Cedar Point



jimmyburke's avatar

^Mr. John Moses Browning, perhaps the tease for your idea is the placement nearby every Halloweekends of that motorcycle skeleton guy that does a wheelie.




fire out of the station every 10 seconds!

That post and your username got me imagining a machine gun themed coaster with some kind of belt fed loading platform, and.. the analogy kinda falls apart there.


Mitchell Williams


That appears to be track for Playland's Zamperla-converted coaster coming in 2024.

I posted about this weeks ago.



Kevinj's avatar


Typo lol. reputation


Promoter of fog.



TTD 120mph:
If CP was smart, they would just enclose the whole thing. Slap a big "420 E" on the side of it. Could be the newest way to get to Alaska.

I think I suggested that a few months ago. Personally, I'm still holding out for that "Dispatch Master Express" overlay: We get you there in under 30 seconds or we don't get you there at all!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____



djDaemon's avatar

Mitchell Williams:

I posted about this weeks ago.

Yes, but I recall folks suggesting there wasn't any box track on Playland's ride, which meant this track had to be for TTD. But Playland's coaster does have box track for the launch, just like Dragster.




Dvo's avatar

As a disclaimer, I'm fully in the camp that's not expecting significant layout changes. But I'm very curious why they widened the arc in the concrete for the former unload turnaround.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot



djDaemon's avatar

In the aerial images, it doesn't appear that they widened the turnaround. It looks wider where the track approached the load station, but I think that may be because of the landscaping that was there around the unload ramp.




I disagree. There is definitely more area cleared out in the turnaround area than was originally used by the ride. I assumed that the new trains were wider hence the station work (in addition to new electrical components, etc).



djDaemon's avatar

Based on what pictures? All I can see in the aerial images of the turnaround is that the load and unload platforms, and the exit stairs and ramp have been removed, in addition the landscaped area around the ramp.




DRE420's avatar

Also missing from that picture is the checkered ride attendant area at the back of the load station. Note the front one where the main control booth was is still there for what it's worth. The arc at the former unload area looks wider im guessing because the unload exit ramp and stairs where previously there.

Last edited by DRE420,


djDaemon's avatar

Yes, that's all I'm seeing as well - the arc looks larger because they've also removed the unload platform and ramp, etc.. Maybe there are other angles showing that the arc is indeed larger, but I haven't seen them.




imadj's avatar

New Launch - Old Science

Ahhhhh C.P. My Happy Place!


I think this has been mentioned/thrown out already (because everything has multiple times), but I wonder if the old load area will be the start of the launch - basically starting the launch underneath the old station area. Would give them more track to get up to speed if that’s necessary. There’s more than enough room for both the load and unload area to be together on what used to be the waiting and unload. Could be an explanation for the massive deconstruction of the load and unload area.

Last edited by CPVet,

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