RMC for Cedar Creek Mine Ride

Jason Hammond

Friday, July 8, 2016 5:10 PM
Jason Hammond's avatar

Gemini trains would have been nice. It's rare when I'm not the biggest one in a car on CCMR.

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Friday, July 8, 2016 5:36 PM
Pete's avatar

I do like the mine train theming of the trains on CCMR. Unless they also change the bodies on the Gemini trains to something mine like, they would look horribly out of place on CCMR.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.


e x i t english

Friday, July 8, 2016 6:24 PM
e x i t english's avatar

That'd only take a vinyl skin with a wood grain pattern on it, and it would be just fine, really. Easy enough modification to make. Or, paint them during the off season. Maybe flat black with an engine or mine car looking sticker on the front car.



Friday, July 8, 2016 8:23 PM
Pete's avatar

That wouldn't look that good. The shape of the body of the Gemini trains is a typical roller coaster shape. Some wood grain vinyl wouldn't change that. They have to put a mine train shaped body on the chassis to make it look good.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Friday, July 8, 2016 11:18 PM

TEAR IT DOWN!! Lol. In reality this is probably the next ride to exit the park because of its age and location. Obviously Cedar Point hasn't run out of room to build. Just look at Valrayvn and what little was lost in it's site. Not to mention the 2 ready to develop parcels of land. This thread puts a lot of perspective on the ideas of what Cedar Point needs to do to attract people to it's park. Chain wide revenues are up %4 through July 4th. A good portion of that is out of park revenue. Since Cedar Point is the only park with hotels I would say that's pretty much all at Cedar Point. If they're already having banner years. Year after year. What significance do these idea have on anyone who makes decisions on what's next.

Hey at least it's not the next RMC Mean Streak thread.



Friday, July 8, 2016 11:44 PM

What if RMC re-tracked CCMR.. Same general layout. Smooth steel track, awesome mine rain cars that accommodate guests much better with a potentially lower ride height? Yep. I'm in.



Saturday, July 9, 2016 12:29 PM

If CCMR was going to get a little TLC, I would expect it to be done by Dynamic Attractions. Wasn't it them whom worked with Disneyland to bring a couple of old Arrow classics into the 21st century, and now they're better than ever?



Saturday, July 9, 2016 1:01 PM

Augustmueller said:
What if RMC re-tracked CCMR.. Same general layout. Smooth steel track, awesome mine rain cars that accommodate guests much better with a potentially lower ride height? Yep. I'm in.

I'm not sure why you would retrack a ride that doesn't need retracked. The only issue I have with Mine Ride is because I am 6 feet tall with long legs. With the endless possibilities Cedar Point has for the future, retracking Mine Ride just seems more than a little silly. Yeah, new or modified trains would be nice to have a more modern lapbar system and more leg room for adults. Other than that, nothing needs to be done to the ride.



Saturday, July 9, 2016 6:13 PM

I always LOL when I hear people screaming for the removal of CCMR. It's not going anywhere. A quick search on RCDB shows that Arrow made 16 mine ride coasters - 12 of them are still operating in the same park in which they were originally built. Only one of them is defunct, and that's because AstroWorld closed. The others have been relocated (one because Opryland closed and one because SFSL had a twin tracked version) Why? Because they're still good rides that fill a need in the parks they're at.

Last edited by CPVet, Saturday, July 9, 2016 9:18 PM


Sunday, July 10, 2016 1:10 AM
DjTimmay's avatar

They could just tear it all down and put Just about anything there and I'd be happy. Great real estate under that ride. Classic or not the ride blows.

Currently on our 1yr journey to visit every major park in the US and Canada.


Sunday, July 10, 2016 1:25 AM

Tearing down CCMR would hurt CP even more than it currently is in the family ride department.

As someone who visits both KI and CP very often, I can say that KI is easily the better park to take a family to. Eliminating or changing CCMR, other than to lower the height requirement would only further the gap that CP isn't the best family friendly park in Ohio...

Now, rides that really do "blow" and are a complete waste of space can be found to the North of CCMR, and it's called Mean Streak...


Go Intamin

Sunday, July 10, 2016 2:07 AM

Isn't Mean Streak technically to the west?

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium



Sunday, July 10, 2016 3:23 AM

I'm not sure why you would retrack a ride that doesn't need retracked.

The undulating, half century old steel tubes might look like they did when new.. CCMR isn't rough perse' but there's much room for improvement. track, trains, lifts, and brakes, to name a few.



Sunday, July 10, 2016 4:15 AM

Cedar Point is missing something in the "family ride" department not just because of a lack of family coasters (there are a few, I'd say), but height restrictions.

If you are 46" tall at CP, these are the coasters you can ride:

  • Jr. Gemini
  • Woodstock Express (with an adult)
  • Pipe Scream (with an adult.)

At Six Flags Great America, this person could ride these coasters:

  • Demon (Arrow looper like Corkscrew with an extra loop, 42")
  • Dark Knight Coaster (wild mouse, with adult)
  • Whizzer (36" with adult, 42" alone)
  • Little Dipper (kiddie/family wooden coaster)
  • Sprocket Rockets (Woodstock Express type coaster)

Until about 2000, American Eagle (a large racing woodie) had a 42" restriction, only changed to 48" because people thought it was dumb that the smaller woodie Viper had a 48" restriction.

This is not unlike the (idiotic) decision to make Iron Dragon 48" because Cedar Fair's other, more intense suspended coasters are 48".

At CP, there are already changes that could be made:

  • CCMR could easily be 42" (as are some mine trains in the Six Flags chain), though I'd like to see new, more secure trains.
    • CCMR had no minimum restriction in old maps, just "48" or with adult". There was a little-known ejection accident that injured a child, so that may or may not be why it was changed.
  • Blue Streak may or may not be able to be 46" or 42"
    • (I'm not sure if PTC newer trains allow that, but Judge Roy Scream at SFOT is 42" and seems to have trains like Blue Streak, though I seem to recall the lap bars being set up kind of awkwardly in their position relative to the seat)
    • American Eagle has custom in-house PTC-like restraints so SFGAm was able to keep AmEagle "42"" until 2000-ish)
    • While Blue Streak is more intense than Judge Roy Scream, I'd say if AmEagle can be 42" (and only stop being 42" because of complaints), Blue Streak could be 42", or maybe 44" or 46".
  • Iron Dragon could be 42"
    • Ninja, a suspended coaster at SF Magic Mountain that resembles a combination of Iron Dragon and Flight Deck (and is definitely more intense than ID) is 42"
  • Maybe I'm pushing it here, but if Demon can be 42", it isn't a massive stretch to say Corkscrew can be too.
    • The CGA Demon, owned by Cedar Fair, is 48", and it is identical to the SFGAm Demon except for a LESS INTENSE first drop.)

  • A few others:
    • Gemini is literally a gigantic mine train, though I'm not sure I'd be comfortable lowering it from 48". 46" could probably work, but it still is much more forceful than your average 42" mine train
    • One could make the argument that Magnum is also a giant mine train (it uses the same restraints as Gemini and some mine trains outside CP) but due to Magnum's extreme ride compared to CCMR and even Gemini, I'd say it is good where it is at 48".

Just saying, Cedar Fair has several family coasters. It's just that by the time kids are tall enough to ride, they might be riding Magnum and MF instead (and I'm not in any way advocating those restrictions be raised, they're fine as-is.)


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