Contacting Magnum Workers


Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:18 PM

So here is a long shot guys, hoping you can help me out.

I was at CP 5-17-15, with my wife and a few buddies. Very long story short, my wife lost her cell phone on or around the Magnum. That was on Sunday, on...Wednesday perhaps, her phone was positively IDed, and we payed $11.50 to have it shipped back to us.

We received the phone the following Saturday, in pretty good condition actually. It turns on, but the display is dead. We opened it up, but the memory card and SIM card are missing... We protested and complained to Lost and Found and CP police for a while, but to no avail. They said that the memory cards probably fell out of the phone when it hit the ground, yea right.

So to the heart of the matter, is there a mailing list where I can get a hold of employees for a certain ride? Something like "" or something along those lines. With such a large employee base, surely there is a way to send batch notifications to workers. I just want to ask everyone who works at that station if they remember finding the phone. Yes I know, a long shot, especially since its a month later (2 weeks after the incident I finally quit calling CP police to pester them about it cause it was like talking to a wall, and 2 weeks more have passed because we have just been super busy).

But if someone DOES remember finding that phone and sending it to lost and found, then they might also remember what state it was found in. If it was found in one piece (which it looks that way to me), then there is no way the memory cards "fell out". My wife and I believe they were taken out either in Lost and Found or in the police station where it was sent afterwords. We suspect this because in our lost item report we told them that the photos could be checked on the memory card to get a postive ID on the phone (we didn't have the serial number at the time, we later got that and gave it to them which is how they IDed it). But if we prove it was found in one piece, then obviously they lost the cards...

If there isn't a mailing list, perhaps I can at least get ahold of some magnum workers on this forum, and if they don't know they can ask their co-workers? Like I said, this is a long shot after an entire month has passed. I realize that you guys probably see a ton of lost items, and most likely can't recall a specific situation. We just really want our memory card back quite badly (1000s of photos that the wife never backed up onto her PC...). Yes, we know CP isn't responsible for lost or stolen items. Well, the phone was found, and they SHOULD be responsible for returning items once they are IDed.

Thanks for any help that you could offer,


Last edited by Scheer, Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:21 PM


Tuesday, June 16, 2015 5:10 PM

Hi Cody,

I am a part of the Magnum crew. Your phone was found just before my start date so I cannot speak to your phone directly but I can give you some general information. The odds of one of my crew members remembering your exact phone is very slim. We find anywhere from 5-20 phones when we check our low zones each day in addition to hats, keys, glasses, wallets, water bottles, etc.

I am sincerely sorry to hear about your lost memory cards. It sounds like your phone is one of the luckier ones though. Many of the phones we find can hardly be called a phone in the condition we find them in. They often are completely missing their screens, back plates, batteries, etc. Sometimes we find parts of a phone that obviously go together and we will attempt to put the phone back together before we send it to Lost and Found because it helps with the identification. Your phone may have been one that was found with the battery and backplate off that we were able to put back together real quick in which case it is possible that the cards fell out.

What I would do if you have not already done so is submit a lost and found ticket for the memory card itself. There is a chance it was found and turned in as a separate article from the phone.

Cedar Fair, Cedar Point, and their associates are not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen articles.

I wish you the best of luck in finding your memory card

3 Years of Fun!
Professional button presser.
Wearer of lime green and blue.



Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:32 PM

Cargo shorts with a good zipper.



Tuesday, June 16, 2015 8:56 PM

^ Sadly those are becoming harder and harder to find! Fortunately Lee still makes them though (compound zipper cargo shorts) and you can find them at Sears or Amazon.



Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:13 PM

Goodwill/large thrift stores are always a gold mine. I have 3 or 4 pairs of high quality Columbia shorts with zipper pockets i got at thrift stores. I don't think i paid more than 4 bucks a pair.



Wednesday, June 17, 2015 2:43 PM

Unfortunately cargo shorts wouldn't have really fixed the problem. My wife NORMALLY hands her phone to me for safe keeping on the rides. That one time she forgot to hand it to me, and her giant phone fell out of her tiny undersized girl shorts pockets. So my cargo shorts, zippers or not, wouldn't have prevented the problem.

To GDubs, thanks for the reply. I hadn't though of submitting a lost item report for the memory card itself. I was hoping that my phone would be memorable for employees, because as you said, most phones are pretty well completely destroyed or in pieces. There is absolutely no damage to the back of the phone, so I'm pretty sure that the case didn't even come off.

I'll leave some pictures here just in case you are feeling generous. If you get a chance, I would love if you share these with some of the people you work with... And yes I know, CF,CP isn't responsible for lost or stolen items yada yada, I understand that. It is just frustrating because the phone is no longer lost or stolen, it was found, and the memory cards should have been in there because from what I can tell I am 95% certain that the back of the phone didn't even come off.

So as you can see, pretty little damage to the phone, cracked inner screen and a gouge in the corner. No real damage to the back, but I guess MAYBE the case could have come off, the back popped off, the battery fell out, and both cards slid out of their sockets despite friction. Sounds pretty unlikely to me.

I'll take your advice and submit a lost item report (hadn't even thought about reporting an item lost IN lost and found), and see what comes of it, but they told me they hadn't found anything (although I wouldn't be surprised if they never actually looked as I always had to call them, they never called or emailed me back as they seemed to not care about the matter).

Thanks in advance.



Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3:02 PM

Scheer said:

No real damage to the back, but I guess MAYBE the case could have come off, the back popped off, the battery fell out, and both cards slid out of their sockets despite friction. Sounds pretty unlikely to me.

I know that seems unlikely, but it also is very unlikely a CP employee would take the memory card.

Mentor, Ohio



Wednesday, June 17, 2015 4:57 PM
Gatekeeper2013's avatar

They might take a selfie, as what happened to some one whose phone was confiscated on Magnum for videotaping it, but I doubt they would take the card.



Wednesday, June 17, 2015 5:42 PM
Pete's avatar

And back up those photos. A memory card can go bad or the controller on the phone can corrupt the memory card. The Google Photos app now even offers unlimited storage (using the 16MP High Quality setting) with continuous auto backup.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Thursday, June 18, 2015 12:00 AM
99er's avatar

krzperfo said:
I know that seems unlikely, but it also is very unlikely a CP employee would take the memory card.

Happened all the time when I worked at the park. I would catch people on almost a weekly basis trying to take stuff. I've even caught guests reaching under Magnum fences for items.



Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:58 AM
Thabto's avatar

Thanks for the tip about Google Photos. I'm backing up my photos there right now.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1



Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:06 PM

I wasn't implying that an employee stole the memory card, I just think that it got lost IN lost and found.

And you don't have to tell me twice to back up photos, the problem is that my wife is not as cautious.

Thanks for the help anyways guys.


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