So I got an email from Steve and I have my phone interview setup for Tuesday (so excited) but I was wondering about first years in rides supervision positions. Even ATL or TL would be awesome.! I've worked in rides supervision for the past four seasons and I would love to continue that at CP. Is there any chance i'd be considered? Or should I just not ask about it at all?
13 Mine Ride )
12 Rides management (Six Flags Gadv)
11 Rides management(Six Flags Gadv)
10 TL (Six Flags Gadv)
09 ride op (Six Flags Gadv)
FACEBOOK? =] ADD MEE!/profile.php?id=1503295823
Chances are slim for your first year. There is a lot if stuff that would happen to be able to get it your first year. But it doesn't hurt to ask.
2010: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2011: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
I agree with Erin. Furthermore please don't come to CP thinking it's going to be like working at Six Flags. From my experiences Cedar Point is a lot more strict from an operations standpoint than Six Flags will probably ever be.
I'm coming from Gadv as well and I'm sure operations at CP are different from out here. Based on my multiple visits to the park, I can tell that speed is going to be important working at CP.
2009-2011: Great Adventure Ride Host
2013: Matterhorn Triangle
The world needs more Intamins.
Speed is one thing, but doing it accurately is another. Let's just say that after a summer at CP you will visit other parks and go, "Why are you taking so long?" or "These ride ops are so slow!"
When you have a ride like Iron Dragon which has intervals of 30 seconds to get everyone off and on and checked speed is important but you also have to do it efficiently and accurate. But with rides like that you can learn how to do that. Because if you stack trains on a ride like Iron Dragon someone has to run out to the 2nd lift hill which I imagine is not fun.
2012 Ocean Motion/Midway Carousel
2013 Raptor
2014 Ride Supervisor of Ocean Motion/Midway Carousel
Yea after visiting CP on multiple occasions I've already noticed major differences in operation. Most of these differences are for the better so I am eager to embrace the change. I wouldn't want to come in and seem like the first year trying to step on anyone's toes either. I guess I will ask just to show my interest but I am 100% ok with just being a part of such an amazing team.!
13 Mine Ride )
12 Rides management (Six Flags Gadv)
11 Rides management(Six Flags Gadv)
10 TL (Six Flags Gadv)
09 ride op (Six Flags Gadv)
FACEBOOK? =] ADD MEE!/profile.php?id=1503295823
It wouldnt hurt to ask, but I wouldnt count on him offering you anything like that. But dont let that discourage you since people in leadership sometimes quit or sometimes even get demoted during the summer so there is always a chance you could get promoted mid-season.
As for supervision, I would not count on that at all. I'm sorry, but just being honest with you. Ride operations is not an easy department to get promoted into supervision in with out being there for a couple years.
There is always going to be an opportunity to be in charge of a ride with out being a "blue tag". You can always be trained to be third in charge of your location. My biggest advice to you would to not try to step over anyones toes just because you've had leadership roles in the past. I know plenty of people who were third in charges at their location and got it taken away because they power tripped and it ended up causing crew problems. I'm not saying you'd do that, but always keep it in mind. It happens to all of us.
Anyways, Welcome to Park Operations! :)
'11- Wicked Twister, Cads, Blue Streak and Windseeker
'12- Wicked Twister, Cads and Sweeps
'13- Co TL Blue Streak!
wiggletwigglekat said:
It wouldnt hurt to ask, but I wouldnt count on him offering you anything like that. But dont let that discourage you since people in leadership sometimes quit or sometimes even get demoted during the summer so there is always a chance you could get promoted mid-season.As for supervision, I would not count on that at all. I'm sorry, but just being honest with you. Ride operations is not an easy department to get promoted into supervision in with out being there for a couple years.
There is always going to be an opportunity to be in charge of a ride with out being a "blue tag". You can always be trained to be third in charge of your location. My biggest advice to you would to not try to step over anyones toes just because you've had leadership roles in the past. I know plenty of people who were third in charges at their location and got it taken away because they power tripped and it ended up causing crew problems. I'm not saying you'd do that, but always keep it in mind. It happens to all of us.
Anyways, Welcome to Park Operations! :)
Lol thanks for the welcome! And as far as becoming a part if ride supervision the different park terms are just different. I know that becoming supervision at CP would take years. I'm more interested in TL and ATL but like you and I both said I'm not trying to jump in and make it seem like I'm power crazy. I'm just excited to potentially be a part of an awesome crew!
13 Mine Ride )
12 Rides management (Six Flags Gadv)
11 Rides management(Six Flags Gadv)
10 TL (Six Flags Gadv)
09 ride op (Six Flags Gadv)
FACEBOOK? =] ADD MEE!/profile.php?id=1503295823
What happens if a TL or CoTL decides to reject a offer for a certain ride location just before it's time for him or her to process in, and they already have a full crew, and all the other rides have a TL and CoTL with a full crew. How would the manager go about choosing new leadership for that ride?
In that case, if there was no one management felt suitable to pull from another ride or elsewhere, then another returning employee would most likely get promoted.
That exact thing happened with my crew last year. The Co TL pulled out last minute and decided not to return and one of the returning employees was bumped up to Co TL.
In the same way that if a TL was to decide not return to work at the park after accepting the offer, it's most likely the Co TL is bumped up to TL and someone else suitable is found to then fill the position of Co TL.
Regular crew members can be easily replaced and shuffled around.
2012: Magnum XL-200/Millennium Force Crews
2013: Gatekeeper Inaugural Crew
The only original Magnum crew member for the entire 2012 season!
Placement for Supervision and TL and CoTL positions have been given to employees already, in preparation. However, I am sure once you work your way back up the ladder you could be considered.
2011- Ride Host Mine Ride
2012- TL of Planet Snoopy
2013-TL of Blue Streak
2014-Supervisor of Raptor
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