Cheese-on-a-stick alert


Monday, July 21, 2008 4:14 PM
Jesz's avatar

I am telling you right now that cheese on a stick is not anything less than 500 calories. This is just my guess, but as a calorie counter myself... It's basically a heart attack on a stick. lol.

Besides, if you are going to CP, let your diet go for one day. Everything in moderation. Eathier that or stick to something like Subway.

I have asked Jets pizza before if they knew their nutritional information, and they did not. So I doubt that CP would have that info for all of their food stands.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"


Jason Hammond

Monday, July 21, 2008 4:23 PM
Jason Hammond's avatar

^"let your diet go for one day"

That would be fine if I was only at parks once in a while. But I'm at parks about 20+ weekends out of the year. If I don't make it fit my lifestyle, I'll balloon back up to near 300 pounds like I used to be.

Last edited by Jason Hammond, Monday, July 21, 2008 4:23 PM

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube


Ensign Smith

Monday, July 21, 2008 5:32 PM

Cheese on a Stick: brought to you by the same imaginative folks who named Back Lot Stunt Coaster.

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Monday, July 21, 2008 5:46 PM
Jesz's avatar

Lucky you! :) I wish I could be at amusment parks that much. In that case I would see how you wouldn't want to let your diet go.

Personally, I would just avoid park foods all together then. With my diet, I go by 1500 calories a day. So if I eat things with less calories, I can eat more throughout the day. If I ate cheese on a stick, it would probably take up half of my calories.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"


Jason Hammond

Monday, July 21, 2008 6:28 PM
Jason Hammond's avatar

For me, not allowing myself to enjoy the occasional treat in the short term leads to cheating in the long term and eventualy falling back into my old eating habits. So I'm better off figuring a way to make certain things work once in a while. The COAS was the only "bad" thing I had all week. So, I'm not too concerned about the calories and such in this perticular case, but wouldn't mind knowing for future refrence.

Last edited by Jason Hammond, Monday, July 21, 2008 6:30 PM

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube



Monday, July 21, 2008 6:50 PM
Jesz's avatar

That's true. For me it's different though. If I slip up once, I keep on slipping. lol. Before I had my son, I could eat whatever I wanted. My friends made fun of me because I CONSTANTLY ate, but was very very skinny.

Since Iv'e had him, I'm not over wieght, but I just want to get back to my pre baby body. It's very hard when I am used to eating whatever I want. So if I let myself have one piece of cake today, I'm going to want some more tommorow. But if I just avoid it all together, then I can keep on my diet pretty good.

I think that all restaurants should have knowledge of their nutritional information. I think that I heard that some restaurants in New York are going to be required to do this in the near future.

It would be a lot easier to stick to my diet, if I could know the calories of everything out there. Not just things that come in a box...

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"



Monday, July 21, 2008 7:20 PM
JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - the problem is your mindset. You see yourself as "on a diet". You are better off making permanent changes to your diet (as opposed to temporarily being on one). That allows for variances without you feeling like you've done something wrong.

This is just based on my observations, so don't take it personally.

Goodbye MrScott




Monday, July 21, 2008 9:19 PM

They do sell cheese on a stick just have to ask. And a little fyi it's not called the Frontier Eatery or whatever you guys are calling's called SageBrush Sues 



Monday, July 21, 2008 11:10 PM
Morté615's avatar

Alright I think I have asked this question before but not really sure, so I will ask it again since we are talking about cheese on a stick :).

Does anyone know what type of cheese they use in the regular type. I know where to get the batter (Pronto Pups), and I know they cook it at 325, but I want to know what type of cheese they use so I can make this at home. Also if anyone knows what type of oil they use, I don't think they use the peanut oil so I am assuming either vegetable oil or canola oil.


Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design:



Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:29 AM

I can find out what the Pronto Pups use for cooking oil.....

Peanut Oil is really common at Cedar Point. In fact they note I believe if the stand does NOT use peanut oil.

For people allergic to peanuts.


Jason Hammond

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:33 AM
Jason Hammond's avatar

It's a White American Cheese. The other one is Pepper Jack.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube


Top Thrill Dragster

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:05 AM

That's funny- I saw this thread and freaked out at the title... and then I realized that I started it over a year ago. So, they're selling them individually now? lol

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008 3:21 AM
Jesz's avatar

Jugga, it is not a mind set problem for me. It is just that I like cake. lol. I guess my metabolism used to be faster before I had a baby. So I used to beable to eat whatever I wanted, whenever, and the quanity did not matter. Now my metabolism slowed down, so if I do that I will gain weight.

If I eat one piece of cake, I remember how yummy it is and want more. But if I avoid it all together, I kind of forget about how much I want it.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"



Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:39 AM
Aaronosmer's avatar

So I finally had my first Cheese-on-a-stick. Unfortunately it wasn't Cedar Points Cheese-on-a-stick, but it was still awesome. It was so good I just had to have two. Anyways just wanted to join the Cheese-on-a-stick fan club.


Top Thrill Dragster

Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:54 PM

Where did you get it at?

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator



Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:43 PM
Tip's avatar

I've made homemade deep-fried mozzarella sticks; it is critical that you FREEZE the cheese before frying or it disintegrates. What is the best procedure - do you insert the stick, then freeze, then dip just before frying?

Just say no to trims


Josh M.

Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:55 PM
Josh M.'s avatar

If this link is a "no-no" feel free to delete it, but another CP fan site (which doesn't much compete with this one, since they don't even have a forum) has a recipe for Hot Dog/Cheese On A Stick... I've never tried it so I can't say if it's good or not...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004



Monday, August 4, 2008 3:06 PM
Aaronosmer's avatar

I actually got it from the Ionia Free Fair in Ionia, Mi. I was just walking along and saw a sign for cheese on a stick, and that was when I fell in love with it. My girlfriend tried it and liked it, and her sister liked it. I couldn't get their friends to try it, because they thought it was sick looking. Oh well it was just more for me.



Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:48 PM

When I last had one -- years ago it was definitely SWISS cheese. In fact I worked there (80's) and literally LIVED on cheese on a stick! That and the onion rings.



Thursday, September 30, 2010 6:50 PM

OH this is what I was looking for - I have a ton of swiss cheese that needs eaten soon so of course thought of making - cheese on a stick! I guess just corn bread batter would work.


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