Perhaps they should master their primary business first.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
factory81 said:
I think that is a horrible, horrible idea. If I were you, I would lock that away in my head and never speak of it again, ever.
I think 99er has a good point. Just because it's a big tank doesn't mean the stadium has to be used for a dive show. They could pretty easily remodel it into just about anything else they could want.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
I never understood those people that say the Aquatic
Stadium is an eyesore. It's not like the old
Cleveland Municipal Stadium, and it's actually newer
than the Good Time Theater. The facility has a lot of
potential to be renovated for some other form of
- Uncle Jay
884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
CPboy77 said:
What I think is, CP will probably bring back the divers next season since we will be getting a new childrens area. I'm sure if they were to tear the building down, it would of been torn down this off season,
Because obviously the off-season is over already, and you're in charge of park construction.
The building could still be demolished. Any building demolition can be done in a day, with the right equipment..not saying that the stadium is coming down, but people, lets be realistic...what were attendance figures like when the dive show was there? Minimal at best, towards the end.
Owner, Gould Photography.
It wasn't originally built for a dive show, which means thestadium can be used for other forms of entertainment. Whydemolish it?
- Uncle Jay
884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
An idea that I had would be to tear it down and then build an S&S Swat thing. That would be really cool near the shore and I think they look fun to ride.
Michigan's Adventure Season Pass/ Maxx Pass/ Platinum Pass Holder Since 2002
John McCain for President
Maverick Rides: 16
Ok I used to think they were going to get rid of it but now that the new childrens area is here why would they get rid of it? It would be kind of stupid to build a new shiny kids area but then beside it have big bulldozers taking down a old building. It would make the area look like crap.
Let's Get Weird.
The stadium is not that old. The Coliseum, which is adjacent to the new children's
area, is one of the oldest buildings at the park.
- Uncle Jay
True, But Oceana/Aquatic Stadium is 27 years old. And, it is no longer being used for what it was originaly intended. There are not many options for an open air stadium.
884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
^Are you sure?
Just because you can't think of a reason the aquatic stadium can't be used dosen't mean Cedar Point can think of a show that they can showcase there.
It all comes back to what I said before, did anyone think the IMAX theater would be used for an ice rink?
You have a place for guest to watch a show, you have a stage.....why remove that?
^True, but you said before it could be used for any show. That's not true either. Unless you make major modifications, you have limited backdrop capability, and what ever is done there would be subject to weather conditions.
In all honesty, I think they could benifit from bringing back the dolphin/sea lion shows. But, I seriously doubt they'll do that.
You obviously think it can still be used 99er. What do you think it should be used for.
884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
I think there are some out of work lumberjacks from the Cleveland area. O.K. maybe that was bad.
With the updated Children's Area for 2008 nearby, I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped a stage over the pool, updated some of the technical equipment, built a little set and had some kind of family-friendly show there. Something bigger than what's seen in Camp Snoopy that would warrant the bigger seating area, yet not quite as adult-oriented as say, what you might find at the Red Garter.
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |
^^^Well yeah, obviously it has some limitations. You are not going to have something like IllumiNations over there. But I will again refer back to the old IMAX. What they did there was a major modification. Why couldn’t they make a major change like that at the stadium? A different backdrop could be easily changed by building a wall, weather could be taken care of with a canvas type roof stretched over it (similar to Coral Courtyard tents).
What I am just trying to get across is that it DOES still have good potential. I don’t understand why people jump on the “Demolish it” bandwagon. Its not an eyesore, it is a good venue, has a great view. The fact that it was closed for a season does not immediately mean death.
Jason Hammond said:
True, But Oceana/Aquatic Stadium is 27 years old. And, it is no longer being used for what it was originaly intended. There are not many options for an open air stadium.
So it's 27 years old. The place isn't falling apart. The stadium appears to have the potential to be enclosed.
DBCP said:
...I wouldn't be surprised if they slapped a stage over the pool...
My thoughts exactly.
- Uncle Jay
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