Wow... everything looks great. Thanks for the hard work... Pointbuzz looks a hell of a lot better.
The new setup looks really nice. It'll take some getting used to, but it's nice. The only thing I'm noticing that I miss is the drop down menu on every page that gave quick links to the individual topics (General, Employee Lounge, etc). Also, it seems the premium ad-free subscription is not working, but I assume that will be taken care of sometime.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
No, the Premium plumbing isn't quite right. Hopefully will have it all sorted out some time Sunday. Right now, I'm mostly thinking I need to go to bed!
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Ok, so it's 3:00am and I just got home from a pantomime and the casino. I've also had probably way too much to drink. But, I wasn't really expecting this. I hate to be the naysayer and risk getting banned, but I happened to like the old layout better. While I fully appreciate the new graphics (especially the border graphics and footer), the forum itself is way too big for my taste. I have to do a ton of scrolling now and it's not nearly as easy to scan the forums for "updates" anymore.
Sorry for the "negative" feedback, but it is feedback none the less. As I'm sure everyone is aware, I'm not a "yes man" by any means. In my book, any feedback is good for improvement.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Ya know, it's not like he came on here and started acting like an idiot flaming you and your new forums. He even included reasons why he felt the old design was nicer.
Why would you have to reply in such a manner to someone that has said nothing derogatory in any way other than what you asked for.
Just wow, but alas I suppose I'm not that surprised.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
I'll add my $.25 since I'm here I suppose.
Are there plans to add the "Recent Topics" shortcut back?
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Small Gripe I have is with the multiple-page topics - There's no way from the forum section pages to jump right to the last page of the topic. (before it used to have a link to each page of it)
I love the graphics. I don't like how large the font is in the forums. I liked being able to scan the note card, not scroll across the bible.
That's why I was inquiring about the "Recent" link that isn't at the top anymore, Ben.
I usually just kept the site read and clicked on that recent link so it would just list the most recent topics and the ones with new replies were obviously at the beginning of the list.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Not bad, although the smaller fonts in each of the topics makes things a little harder to read, but something I can get used to.
Owner, Gould Photography.
I guess it's to soon to give any real feedback, because this is a huge change. But my first impression was that my browser was messed up, in regards to the font.
So I guess my only complaint would be the font, with it being quite abit bigger this new site just doesn't look "Right". But other then that great job.
To Jeff: If you feel that this feedback is inappropriate let me know, otherwise please just take my somewhat constructive criticism.
101 on Magnum and counting...
bholcomb said:
Small Gripe I have is with the multiple-page topics - There's no way from the forum section pages to jump right to the last page of the topic. (before it used to have a link to each page of it)
Not sure I follow. Multi-page topics have a link at the bottom and top, the one that looks like ">|", that goes to the last page.
Also, if you click the "new" icon list from the topic list, that automagically pushes you to the newest post since you last marked the forum read (I keep forgetting that's there myself).
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
I believe what bholcomb meant was this: Let's say you're in the CP Forum under the 'General' forum. While you're looking at all of the topics, some of them have 2+ pages of discussion. From the 'General' forum, you can't select a specific page of a given topic.
Or it said "Last Page" if I remember correctly.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Wow, this search function is Amazing! Great job on the new site. Thank you so much for maintaining a pristine quality website for us to enjoy.
I think some people need to realize that this website is not a given, it's a privilege. It is not Jeff and Walt's responsibility to cater to your needs. It is our duty to learn how to navigate and appreciate.
Again, thanks. Everything looks great!
I'm too sexy for my harness!
Hang in there on the search though... as of right now there are about 6,000 more topics that need to be indexed. Should be done in another two hours or so.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
I'm serious when I say this looks that much better. Sorry Jeff, but the last site blew in terms of design and layout. This is much more traditional and fitting and may even, IMHO, give this site even more credibility. No matter where you go there are still people who base a site and its merit on design.
Will you be placing an info bar at the top that contained hours etc for CP again?
Were private messages not moved over? I still had some messages in my inbox that I hadn't deleted, and now I have nothing. Nothing in the sent messages either. Not a huge deal, just curious.
Site looks great, it will take some getting used to though. Thanks to Jeff and Walt for all your hard work.
Closed topic.