Deodorant & Ride Cycles

Detroit Basketball

Detroit Basketball's avatar

I was privlidged enough to be able to go to CP on Saturday Sept 22nd. I realize it was a busy day to go and all but what was with the ride cycles on some of the flat rides?

Ocean Motion had NO wait. Nothing. It was a walk on. BUT, the ride cycle on it was shorter than imaginable. The ride literally went up all the way once on each end and then hit the brakes.

Scrambler had a short line. Once again just as Ocean Motion, the ride cycle was disgustingly short.

I realize they were probably preparing for a busy Saturday, but it wasn't busy yet at Noon-1pm. At least not on the flat rides we were taking our kids on.

One more note, Deodorant. If you plan on being in the park all day, slap a little on in the morning, then around dinner time stop by the car and slap a little more on. Just a friendly suggestion. :)

"I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks." - Pete Babic (RIP)

"The joint on the site of the old antique cars is the tits." - Jeff Putz



Dvo's avatar

Or just keep your nose away from other people's armpits :P

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot



I believe deoderant is OverRated! -- LOL

When life gets hecktic think Cedar Point!



Loopy's avatar

Ocean Motion has been like that for a while. It's ridiculous.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



Ahhh I was there the 22nd and man are you right! WEAR DEODORANT INTO THE PARK! My group and I were gagging every ten feet, due to the rancid and horrid smells waffting off of people. Right guard should be cedar point's next sponsor.

"Milk was a bad choice..."



I'll agree with the deodorant. Or maybe a water ride. Something.

I'm a nurse, but some of the nastiest scents I've caught wind of have been at CP.


Detroit Basketball

Detroit Basketball's avatar

It alters your ride on some of the swinging rides or any ride that goes one way and comes back the other. For instance: Ocean Motion.

The boat swings in one direction, pew someone has B.O. The boat swings in the other direction, ahhh fresh air. The boat swings back in the other direction, PEW!! You get the idea. I don't know what was worse, smelling the stentch or the ridiculous ride cycle times. I guess in this case they went hand in hand.

"I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks." - Pete Babic (RIP)

"The joint on the site of the old antique cars is the tits." - Jeff Putz



Loopy's avatar

NO offense to any Amish out there but we rode behind a whole row of Amish people on Dominator one time, talk about needing a shower.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

^ I was just about to post about that. Besides, how can you offend a group who doesn't use electricity, let alone the internet. :)

Don't forget, they smelled of cheap tobacco on top of it.

My hospital is in the edge of Amish country, and they get shuttled over for dialysis and the like. I'm telling you what, man, I hate to be rude, but the smell gets pretty bad.



Loopy's avatar

Oh yeah, that was OD at GL huh?

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



I didn't notice any funky smells this time around. Try CP when its 90 degrees with 70% humidity.



Detroit Basketball said:
It alters your ride on some of the swinging rides or any ride that goes one way and comes back the other. For instance: Ocean Motion.

The boat swings in one direction, pew someone has B.O. The boat swings in the other direction, ahhh fresh air. The boat swings back in the other direction, PEW!! You get the idea. I don't know what was worse, smelling the stentch or the ridiculous ride cycle times. I guess in this case they went hand in hand.

HAHAHA!!! After reading this I got the best visual of it happening to someone. That has got to be a pretty horrible experience.

"Milk was a bad choice..."


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

I once was stuck sitting behind a guy on Magnum who was wearing his sweater under his tank top, if you know what I mean.

It was disgusting, because not only was he hairy, he was a large man, with sweat glands that would put a horse to shame. He was constantly wiping his face and arms down with paper towels while he was waiting in the station.

Wind + sweat + hair to trap it all in = droplets. eeeeeeeeew.





Thanks for the visual!


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

Oh, come on. You know you've seen a lot worse at work. I know I have. :)



Gomez's avatar

Ride cycles on all the flats have to be short. For example Super Himalaya's cycle is one minute. On Saturdays there will be at least 2 cycle wait. This is the reason why CP has a very limited selection as to what it can add. There's a certain capacity everything has to hit.

Ocean Motion doesn't ever have a line, due to its crappy location.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick


Detroit Basketball

Detroit Basketball's avatar

Gomez said:
Ride cycles on all the flats have to be short. For example Super Himalaya's cycle is one minute. On Saturdays there will be at least 2 cycle wait. This is the reason why CP has a very limited selection as to what it can add. There's a certain capacity everything has to hit.

Ocean Motion doesn't ever have a line, due to its crappy location.

ocean motion never has a line = 5 minute ride cycle to give those who give a damn about it time to enjoy it with their kids....oh wait...nope,,.........nevermind..........

"I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks." - Pete Babic (RIP)

"The joint on the site of the old antique cars is the tits." - Jeff Putz



Gomez's avatar

^Umm, get in line again. Really, 5 minute ride cycle.

Thanks for quoting my entire post as well.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



exit english,

I constantly found myself walking around with my shirt hanging around my neck, and wiping my face with a sweat rag in the 90 degree days we had this summer. But I am not large, hairy, or smelly.

So hopefully nobody disliked seeing my man boobies.



Gomez's avatar

^Shirts and shoes are required unless you're in the small area between Snake River Falls and Thunder Canyon.

And yes, the point is, nobody wants to see man boobies, etc.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick


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