For $850 is it worth it???


As a once a year guest from Long Island NY, who stays at a Breakers Suite to the tune of $1,500 for 2 and 1/2 days in May (including EVERYTHING).

Is it worth paying close to $850 for 2 adults and 3 kids for Friday night and all day Saturday (including gas and tolls), during Halloweekends.

Keep in mind, the kids are used to everything (with the exception of Maverick this year), running. But what I've read in other threads, alot of things at the Point are not up to snuff, i.e. MaxAir, breakdowns, ride closings for the season...park help etc.

So, is it worth 550 miles and $850 for BOTH kids birthdays or should I wait untill next year?

An honest answer would be appreciated, keep in mind both kids are 8 and 13 respectively, and have already been there this year...I just wanted to know will their there expectations be met at the end of the CP season, or should I not bother...



Scott Cameron

Scott Cameron's avatar

I'd say do it, if you've never been for Halloweekends before. The only rides not operating are the ones you wouldn't want to ride that time of year anyway (Thunder Canyon, Snake River Falls).

The atmosphere at the park duing Halloweekends is the best, its my favorite time of year to go. The amount of added attractions for Halloween more than makes up for water rides not running. (Maxair would normally run but there's no guartantee with its major breakdown.)

As far as staffing goes, Friday will be lightly staffed but so will the crowds (unless it happens to be unusually warm/nice weather) so you won't notice it. Saturdays are generally more crowded so the park should be staffed to handle it.

Its really up to you as I don't know what your backup plan is but I'm sure any trip to CP would make an 8 and 13 old happy. I hope this helps.

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point


Ralph Wiggum

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Like Scott said, the park becomes a totally different place during Halloweekends, and if you've never been there before, it's really worth checking out. Friday night has limited ride availability (the rides open are listed on the CP website) but all the major rides are running, and all the Halloween attractions are open. Saturdays can sometimes be crowded depending on the weather, but given a typical Friday night, you should be able to ride all the major rides about as many times as you want that night, meaning you don't need to wait for the big stuff on Saturday.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun



Pete's avatar

MaXair is currently down (don't know about this weekend), but I have not noticed any difference in ride up times from previous years. Dragster actually seems more reliable than it ever has been.

I think the biggest complaint here is food prices, with fans of the park debating if that will cause a fall in attendance in the future. Outside of some slowdowns in efficiency because of slow crews (Raptor) or stupid restrains and a slow crew (Corkscrew) , not much has really changed at the Point as far as I'm concerned.

My family stayed at the Breakers this year, as we do every year, and had a typically good time.

It's still a great park with great rides, and the halloween atmosphere is a lot of fun. If you go, I highly recommend the Edgar Allen Poe "A Trio of Terror" held in the glass blowing theater, with the Tell-Tale Heart being my favorite.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



cedarpointdude021170 said:

keep in mind both kids are 8 and 13 respectively

Do they ride "adult" rides? Please note that most children rides are closed on Friday night.



I'd say go for it. I even think that trip is worth it just to ride Maverick!


9 hour ride to RIDE!!

I drive 430 miles every year for Halloweekends. Friday night is good the park is usually empty. The only litle kid zone open is The Jr Gemini area,(I believe) which is usually enough for my 6 year old. Saturdays are crazy crowded, but that is mostly for the kids. They enter the costume contest and dance with the monsters on the midway.This year Cedar Point has added the Parade.
But I have a question, why are you not staying for Sunday? It is usually less crowded and everything is open. I have to say it is my most favorite time of yar at CP. We go for a weekend in May, then a week in June. But Halloweekends are awesome.



Do they ride "adult" rides? Please note that most children rides are closed on Friday night.

Yes they both do, and my son, the 8 year old, just past the 52" mark and he has been dying to ride TTD.



Halloweekends is definately worth going to. My kids and I go every year. Halloween is my favorite holiday and Cedar Point knows how to show you a great time!



Is he past the 52" mark with regular shoes on or with the Healeys because if the child is close with the healeys on he/she will have to put on a regular pair of shoes to ride and if not tall enough it will be a no go. I dont want you to come all the way out here and not be able to ride TTD because the shoes are not in our standards.

2005-2007 Cedar Point
2007-2008 Dueling Dragons TL
2008- present Sea World Orlando Shamu Lead Area 2



JuggaLotus's avatar

I'm surprised CP hasn't out-right banned Healey's yet. I saw signs up at MiAdv at the ticket booths and gate saying that those shoes are not allowed.

As to the question: Yes, Halloweekends are DEFINITELY worth going to. Thunder Canyon, Snake River and Dodgem's are closed. SRF just sits empty, but TC is turned into WereWolf Canyon, and Dodgem's is turned into a Peanuts themed kids "haunted" house (I don't remember the name).

There is limited availability on Fridays, but all the biggies are open.

Rides available (weather permitting) on Fridays: Maverick, Chaos®, Witches’ Wheel , Troika, Blue Streak, Midway Carousel, Raptor®, Cedar Downs, Kiddy Kingdom (6 rides only), Cadillac Cars, Matterhorn, Scrambler, Skyhawk, Wave Swinger. WildCat, Iron Dragon, Top Thrill Dragster, Wicked Twister, Magnum, Power Tower and Millennium Force®. All other rides, Camp Spooky and the Town Hall Museum will be closed on Friday Fright Nights.

Saturday is a crapshoot as to what the crowds will be like. If its nice, it can get quite busy. If it was crappy the weekend before, and is nice that weekend, it will be busier.

I say give it a shot. Who knows, you may find that you are doing 2 trips a year from now on. And don't discount hitting the park again on Sunday, that's a good way to catch some more rides (although it sounds like you have a long ride home).

Goodbye MrScott



Funny Man

Lsat year at Halloweekends I seen a kid wipe out going pretty fast in line for Magnum in a pair of Healy's.

Just another coaster junkie at Point Buzz



djDaemon's avatar

^Good. :)



JuggaLotus's avatar

Its only funny till someone gets hurt.


Goodbye MrScott




He's 52 in regular sneakers.



Halloweekends are my favorite time of the year to be at the park. It is a compleatly different atmosphere. One thing to be cautious of is buying food in the park. When the park is busy and the food stands are not fully staffed the line to just get a quick snack can be 20 minutes or longer. If this is the case head out of the park just before it gets dark for a good dinner (I usually go to fazolies). You'll get more and better food for your money with less stress and get a chance to rest up and be ready to tackle the fright zones when they open.

Fight the Shapers . . . Join the Resistance . . .
Save Humanity!



It's definatly worth it, because Halloweekends is something totally different then anything else you'll experience, and it will make you want to come back every year because there's much more for you and the family to do.

11 years.


Ensign Smith

What's a Healey?

My author website:



djDaemon's avatar

Those stupid shoes with wheels built-in to the heel.



JuggaLotus's avatar

Its those kids shoes with a wheel in the heel. So the kid can roll around uncontrolled and then have his parent yell at me because he ran into me and got knocked to the ground.

Kids want to run around the neighborhood with them, no problem. But they should be banned from all amusement parks, malls and stores.

Goodbye MrScott



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