Line Jumping...Did I go too far?

Josh M.

Josh M.'s avatar

I put a 20 in one of the Maverick Pepsi machines (the side facing the midway), and I only got 13 dollars back. I did get my soda, but it cost me 7 dollars....

Never again will I trust those machines to give me change.

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004



CPboy77 said:
And where is the machine number?

On a big white sticker in blue text above or below or to the left of, depending on the machine, the bill and coin readers.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |


Cedar Pat

Staying on topic: I think its annoying what that guy did, but I wouldnt have pushed past him. its not like your gonna get your ride and sooner.

R.I.P. MrScott... You're greatly missed!!



Yeah anyways on topic, I mean I guess it is alright what you did, but remember you are going to get there sooner or later, just at a slower pace, I mean you would have gotten to the station and gotten on the same train as you would have if he was not taking any pictures. You know what I mean?
*** Edited 9/5/2007 9:21:52 PM UTC by CPboy77***



I get your points, I'll be more patient in the future.

The only thing is, when I buy stuff at the vending machines, I don't fight my way back to my original spot, I make my whole group - (up to 4 people) wait while I get my drink, or candy, then continue from there.

Also, I try to slow the line for people getting their food at the vending machine, but I do have a limit and then I walk past them, yes they may go past me and re-unite with their group, some people give them funny looks, sometimes even me.

Also, I kind of trained my son to take photos as FAST as POSSIBLE, because even he will annoy me when I get a gap of 5-10 people in front of us. If he can't take it at that moment, a picture wasn't worth taking.

(I must be very impatient) Thanks for responding

GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on's a nice ride list.


Coaster Krazy

Coaster Krazy's avatar

Honestly, I have no problem with people who get something from the vending machine. They're still waiting in line, just not in the same spot with the rest of their party, un-like a line jumper.

Line jumpers have not been in the line at all before joining their party. That adds to the wait of all of us other people in line. Where-as someone simply stopping to grab a drink from the vending machine in line does not.

2012 - Magnum XL 200 Crew



PB-Reader said:
If he can't take it at that moment, a picture wasn't worth taking.

Ahh, some people might argue with you on that... ;)

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |


Ensign Smith

My only problem with the photographer is that his behavior can impact not the length of the wait in line, but rather the quality of the wait. It's pretty well proven that standing is much harder on human feet than walking. We were made to stroll, while standing in one spot is hard on our feet, our knees, our hips, and our backs.

When a coaster with a high throughput is hitting its intervals, waiting in the queue can be quite comfortable: amble stop, amble stop, amble stop. You're never in one spot for so long that it starts to bother you that much. Now, suddenly, the rhythm is shot: stop stop stop stop stop trot trot trot stop stop stop stop stop, and so forth. That can get not only emotionally annoying, but physically as well.

That's the same reason I have very little patience for rides that break down. As soon as the motion stops for more than ten or fifteen minutes, it seems like it gets much harder just to stand there. This is more true toward the end of a long day hitting a park, but the principle still applies.

It's only a minor quibble, but it's the only distinction I could conceive of that would make a difference.

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I agree Mike. I can do a 16 hour shift at work on my feet without problems, because I'm constantly moving. But standing still in one place is torture for me.

Interesting discussion guys. I used to get irritated with the vending machine people, but now I see the difference between them and people that come from outside the line.

It's not that often someone can make me change my mind. I'd better note the date. :-)



I got into an argument before about this with fellow PointBuzzers, but park employees have specifically stated on numerous occasions that YES, you may rejoin your group ONLY if you purchase something from an IN LINE vending machine, regardless of where the line has moved. (The DJs say this pretty often)

I do agree that this is not clearly stated, and why people here continue to argue that it supposedly is set in stone that no matter what you forfeit your position is beyond me, as it does not say that anywhere in park policy.

Honestly, I don't see the harm in him stopping to take a few pictures. I'm willing to bet you got on the ride in about the same time it would have taken if he wasn't there.

Owner, Gould Photography.



Ensign Smith said:
When a coaster with a high throughput is hitting its intervals...

This is Mantis we're talking about... ;)

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



My general rule when people buy things at the vending machines/in-queue carts is that if their friends are within the next turnstile, they may rejoin their group. I know this is a general rule with the Maverick crew, I don't know how other rides do it.

As far as photos go, you're going to wait the exact same amount of time if the person in front of you stops to take pictures or not, there are still the same number of people in front of you getting on the ride before you. Just let them take their picture.

2008 - Roving Team Leader (Michigan's Adventure)
2007 - Maverick (Cedar Point)


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Josh M. said:
I put a 20 in one of the Maverick Pepsi machines (the side facing the midway), and I only got 13 dollars back. I did get my soda, but it cost me 7 dollars....

Never again will I trust those machines to give me change.

Yeah, sorry that happened. I remembered the look on you face too....funny yet I know how you felt.:)

And this whole thing reminds me of the "stopping at the turnstiles to let a chaotic station clear out a bit so that it's easier to see lines for rows" topic........but let's just avoid that discussion. Though I will say that I have seen people (besides me) doing it this year.

*** Edited 9/6/2007 4:31:11 AM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



JuggaLotus's avatar

Heather75 said:
It's not that often someone can make me change my mind. I'd better note the date. :-)

Don't let your boyfriend/husband hear that.

mk522 said:
I do agree that this is not clearly stated, and why people here continue to argue that it supposedly is set in stone that no matter what you forfeit your position is beyond me, as it does not say that anywhere in park policy.

Because it states in the parks definition of line jumping:


that leaving the line to purchase food or drinks and trying to re-enter is line-jumping. The ambiguity comes in with "Does stopping at the vending machines while the line continues to move past you constitute leaving the line." The park is not clear on this.

Goodbye MrScott




Froshy said:
My general rule when people buy things at the vending machines/in-queue carts is that if their friends are within the next turnstile, they may rejoin their group. I know this is a general rule with the Maverick crew, I don't know how other rides do it.

As far as photos go, you're going to wait the exact same amount of time if the person in front of you stops to take pictures or not, there are still the same number of people in front of you getting on the ride before you. Just let them take their picture.

The same is exactly true if you were to wait for people using the vending machines. There's no difference.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |


Ensign Smith

DBCP said:

This is Mantis we're talking about... ;)

Well, that's true. ;)

Okay, pretend Mantis wasn't slower than molasses on a cold day . . .

My author website:



PB-Reader said he'd waited the first 3-4 times. It was only after the gap between him and the people ahead reached a full row length and the people behind were screaming to move ahead did he pass the photographer. That is quite a distance. Those people probably figured PB-Reader was holding up the line. He was just being patient. Let's face it, I think most of us would feel uncomfortable in that situation. Not that he said so. I doubt if many of us would tell those in line behind us to shut up and wait. I probably would have moved ahead of the photographer too. I understand that nobody is going to get on the ride any sooner. Tell that to those behind you and they could care less. They just want to keep moving. Tell the wrong person to wait and you may even get into and argument.

The man taking pictures has to realize he is in a queue and there are certain written and unwritten rules. The reason you are in the queue is to get to the ride. Anything else is secondary. I don't mind him taking a photo he just should have considereation for the others in line.

Would there be patience for some kids repeatedly holding up the line because they are goofing around and not paying attention. How about some couple kissing and groping constanty holding up the line?



PB-Reader said:
O.K., this is 3 years of inner torture on my part, I just want to know what you think of "My way of thinking". Was I wrong. Remember, this was 3 years ago.

It was 3 years ago! GET OVER IT!



I believe that people in line can be very crowding. My girlfriend and I became especially aware of this when I could of laid my head back and rested on another person we were so close.

In the middle of summer time...those queues get hot...and nasty. I generally feel there is "too many people breathing in one area". I always give myself 3-4ft at least of space between the group in front of us.

Also to note...even if you move one whole queue length at a time your not actually getting on the ride any quicker. It is like racing in traffic to just get stuck behind the same car.

He wasn't making your ride start any later, and the ride operators definitely aren't doing nothing because someone 200 people away from entering the coaster is taking his time.

I say you were trumping a tourists good time because of impatience.

Unless your cutting in should get on at the same time if you wait till 20 feet of space is in front of you, or 5ft.

Now to the exceptions...on the stairs I don't crowd, but I also leave a step of space, but not a gracious amount like 3-4-5ft (at least).

I too have had problems with overly anxious people who just cannot wait to move through the queues. As if taking 2 steps every 8 seconds, or 12 steps every 48 seconds makes a difference.

Say it takes 3 minutes to walk the queue to the Millennium Force loading dock. If you spend 1 hour waiting, whats the difference between strolling 2 steps every 8 seconds vs. 12 steps every 48 seconds really?

You can argue that your made for strolling, but your sitting in a cedar point line. If your in that much pain over the wait then try VIP or maybe your a person with special disabilities.

Here is what annoys me...I have seen countless families just barge through the line yelling a name, or just saying excuse me. When we never seen them in the line at all, and I have seen people bringing beers back, children going to the rest room, and etc.

If your in line, your in line. If you leave the line and your with someone your spot is "saved by chance of being with another". But if your not with another person then you are then removing your party from the line completely giving you no reason to reclaim your old spot.

I say give people space in queues especially in the temperatures of mid 80's or above. You can feel the stale nasty air in the MF queues, and when you get towards the sides you can feel the fresh breeze.

The girl makes the notion of "your not even walking, your just shuffling your feet". Which I agree with, your never really just strolling through the line as if its a "real walk" like you speak of.
No matter how you slice this your standing in one spot for 97.39% or the line wait or something.

This is someones vacation...they know for instance kid with blue shirt and khaki shorts with sunglasses / girlfriend with red hair is in front...and so on for the couple behind you. Give them a break...
*** Edited 9/7/2007 4:56:43 AM UTC by factory81***



Also if your on the go through the park constantly, the line being your most stationary position makes it your best place to take pictures of the coaster in that case for a steady shot.

You should of asked him could you not let the gap in front get so large, especially if you had the balls to cut right in front of his own face.

It is just common sense....

A guy leaves the line and doesn't go to the vending machines....duh and when your on the stairs for the maverick you don't go back to the frozen smoothie guy for the thing. But if you hop say 2 rows over to get it.....I give the person a break. Who am I to say I wouldn't like the same treatment given I was...desperate for water?

You can even be nice once in a while and let a little kid leave the line to urinate as young ones don't plan bladder trips out to 1.5 hour lines and such.

How about people just "be cool". In reality when I think about it...say a group does cut in front of you...a group of 4...what does that hold the line up? Another 18 seconds? Do they even hold the line up if they grab the less desirable middle seats when I plan on waiting another 20 minutes for front row seats?

Sorry for being a nazi here but Cedar Point is vacation. Relax, show some patience, show some courtesy, be friendly, and have a good time.

Try and make the trip have the chance for as little possibility of problems. What if he decided to get uppity, and contact ride operators who then contacted the CP Police to ask you about cutting in line, and now your defending yourself against possible removal from the park. *** Edited 9/7/2007 5:06:45 AM UTC by factory81***


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