Three of us left Windsor around 7:30. There was supposed to be 4 of us but I got a text message around 5am from my buddy telling me he had some bad food poisoning and would have to miss out. We were hoping to take advantage of Joe Cool ERT but traffic at the bridge and on I75 prevented that. We got to the park around 11 with the sun shining bright in the sky. We parked in the Soak City lot as per usual and went in the resort entrance.
We went to Magnum first. It should have been a walk on but since they were only running 2 trains there was a like down the stairs. I rode 1-3 and had a heavily trimmed, but good ride. Next we went to Gemini which had a line down the stairs and into the queue because they were only running one side so we skipped it. After that we walked onto CCMR and had a usual fun ride. Skyhawk was next. We only waited one ride cycle and had a good ride. Next we went and got in line for Maverick, which had a full queue. We waited about an hour and 20 minutes and rode in the back seat and had a great ride. The back seat is my favourite seat on Maverick.
After Maverick I rode solo on Mean Streak while my friends grabbed a bite to eat. It should have been a near walk on but since they were only running 2 trains the line was down the stairs. It was a decent ride, but nothing to get too excited over. I met up with my friends after that and we walked down the Frontier Trail to visit Earl the goat at the early petting farm. When we got there we were dissappointed to see that it wasn't open. We continued on our way and got in like for Millennium and waited only about 20 minutes and had a good ride.
We rode Wildcat next and had an excellent ride as usual. We were going to ride Iron Dragon next but it had a line down the stairs and into the queue because they were only running 2 trains so we skipped it and went to Cadillac Cars instead. I drove and my 2 friends rode in the back. After a calm ride we went to Raptor. We waited about 20 minutes and rode in the second last row and had an excellent ride. I hope to be able to get to the park for Joe Cool weekend on the Sunday for some lovely Raptor ERT, I'll be working Friday and Saturday so Sunday is my only hope.
After Raptor we walked onto Blue Streak twice, once in front row and once in the back. Back rode was better, but both rides were excellent. Next up came maXair. We waited one ride cycle and had a fun ride. After that I played that game on the Main Midway with the twisty rotating wire that you have to bring the ring from the top to bottom without making contact. I play that game at least once per visit but haven't won yet. Yesterday was the closest I've ever come. I love that Joe Cool get's you 2 games for the price of one. Amusement park games are always fun.
After the games we took Skyride and headed back to Paddlewheel Excursion. We waited about 20 minutes because they were only running one boat. It was a nice ride, I heard some new jokes which were equally as corny as the usual ones, but fun nonetheless. After PWE we went to Gemini but the line was just as long as it was in the morning so we skipped it again and went to Dragster. The sign said 45 minutes and that's exactly what we waited for the back row in the red train. It was a great ride and there were no breakdowns while we waited. We planned on making Magnum our last ride but the line extended down the stairs and in a straight line past the vending machines and to the entrance so we decided against it. They were still only running two trains.
We left the park and went to Famous Daves for dinner. I had BBQ chicken wings. None of us were overly impressed with our meal. They were okay but nothing special. Maybe next year I'll try it out again. After dinner we headed home. The drive on the Turnpike was very smooth, but once we got on 280 we had troubles. Police had flares down which were supposed signal the drivers that the freeway was closed, but they had them in a way that looked like you were supposed to just go around them. After some debating in my head I exited, which was the right thing to do. I turned right not knowing where the heck I was, so I turned around and asked the cop directing traffic how to get to I75. He told me to follow the traffic so I did. Half an hour later we were back on 280. The rest of the drive was easy until we got to the bridge which was backed up all the way across with trucks blocking up both lanes. It took almost half an hour to get across. Finally around 11 we were home.
To clarify the title of the TR, the let downs were all of the rides running 2 trains and foodstands and attractions that were closed. I really wish that they could keep their staff numbers up during the last week of August. The crowds are still pretty big so if they could fully staff all of the coasters the lines would be a lot shorter. I would at least expect to see Magnum running at full capacity.
*** Edited 8/29/2007 10:48:44 PM UTC by Vince982***
We'll miss you MrScott and Pete
Well, I guess that's late august for ya. I was about to go on the 27th with my friend who works there, but her housekeeping friend told her that it would be crowded on that day based on estimating from last years crowds that day. But at least you had fun and got to ride maverick.
I completely agree. I went that day too, and although I haven't written my TR yet, I had the same issue...
Thrills Around the Corner!
Vince982 said:
To clarify the title of the TR, the let downs were all of the rides running 2 trains and foodstands and attractions that were closed. I really wish that they could keep their staff numbers up during the last week of August. The crowds are still pretty big so if they could fully staff all of the coasters the lines would be a lot shorter. I would at least expect to see Magnum running at full capacity.
*** Edited 8/29/2007 10:48:44 PM UTC by Vince982***
The problem is CP isn't going to compete against College's. All that is left at this point of the season are internationals and those who either aren't in school or they haven't had their school start yet.
I think it's a tad rediculous for some to think most of CP's workers should skip school in order for the rides to be running at full capacity, not implying you by any means, but there are some out there. We're lucky we even have enough workers to keep the park open let alone 3/4 of the rides and some of the food stands at this point in the year.
I agree with yuo about things not running at full capacity. Everything including food lines were long.
We didn't see anything with police and flares though. We got right on US-2 to OH-4 to 80/90 to 475 to i75 it 96.
I agree, Vince - the staffing issues are a pretty significant problem. There were several lines that suggested walk-on's, yet they weren't even close. I will say though, that either I'm growing used to Skyhawk's load times, or that crew was particularly speedy when we rode.
Also, based on the fact that all the people at Sneak Peeks appeared to be foreign workers, it would seem our inability to get either 1 of the 2 pictures we had taken at the beginning of the day also has something to do with staffing.
We planned on making Magnum our last ride but the line extended down the stairs and in a straight line past the vending machines and to the entrance so we decided against it. They were still only running two trains.
The line only looked so long because on Tuesday they actually had someone at the turnstiles only letting so many people through at once. So instead of everyone crowding into the station like they usually do, they let about 3 trains worth of people in the station and made the rest wait until 2 trains went before anyone else was allowed in. The wait was no longer than it usually is.
If staffing is such a problem then why don't you guy go work then?
11 years.
WaterDummy said:
We're lucky we even have enough workers to keep the park open let alone 3/4 of the rides and some of the food stands at this point in the year.
Thanks Mike! Some of us do appreciate what you do!
We should be thankful that rides are even open. Kings Island isn't even open this week, and after labor day, they're not even open weekends until the end of September when they start their Halloween Haunt.
Interesting... my friend and I went yesterday (the 29th), and most everything was a walk-on (well, for real this time). Even Dragster was 20 minutes, Maverick was a constant 45, and MF had only the first switchbacks open. The only coaster we didn't do was Raptor, and that was by personal choice.
Quite the difference in days, though the same attractions that were closed for you were still the next.
I'm not saying by any means that students should skip school to work, I'm just saying CP should find more people to work. I noticed several staff that I saw had a name tag that said Gaugea Lake. It's good that they bring in staff from there. I know it's further, but maybe they could bring in staff from KI since they're not open. I had a great trip and the staff that were there did great. Brandon you should have been near us. We were offered to have out photo takes at least 5 times.
We'll miss you MrScott and Pete
Remember to compare the experience with that of other parks as well. I'm sure MF, Dragster, and Maverick were all still running full capacity. Any other park would be lucky to have just 1 ride of 3+ trains running capacity.
This is where having so many rides and stands starts to get back at you. I wonder who it is that makes the decision to open food stand X instead of putting more workers somewhere else. Or is it that they simply tell certain crews not to run 3 trains even though they could.
-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop
^^ Well, its actually the first time I've ever been unable to retrieve a picture from Sneak Peeks. I figured that two tickets would have been enough, so we didn't seek out any additional photographers.
Next time, I'll be certain to get a few different sets taken.
We figured we picked the worst 5 days to come haha. The 29th having way better line waits is "expected". We were waiting for the day to be like ahh finally families are at rest.
With the crowds larger because of Michigan and other factors I would hope that they will keep the park open till 10PM next year. Unlikely but it would be great if they did so.
101 on Magnum and counting...
I've always thought that too. If the crowds/business justifies it, I'm sure management will look into it.
We'll miss you MrScott and Pete
Vince982 said:
I've always thought that too. If the crowds/business justifies it, I'm sure management will look into it.
I surely hope not, staffing is like I said, at a premium as it is. The employees that are left in rides (I don't know about foods/merch.) are working 7 days a week, 80+ hours a week. Several more days during the week of 10 o' clock closes will be the final nail in the coffin for many. As selfish as it sounds, I wouldn't last this week if it were all 10 o' clock closes and I hope CP doesn't look into it.
We should be thankful that rides are even open. Kings Island isn't even open this week, and after labor day, they're not even open weekends until the end of September when they start their Halloween Haunt.
When I lived in Mason in the 90s, Kings Island was open weekends in September - just not to the General Public. The park was typically sold out to local companies for picnics.
*** Edited 9/1/2007 2:54:20 PM UTC by Bill Abele***
Bill Abele
WaterDummy said:
Vince982 said:
I've always thought that too. If the crowds/business justifies it, I'm sure management will look into it.I surely hope not, staffing is like I said, at a premium as it is. The employees that are left in rides (I don't know about foods/merch.) are working 7 days a week, 80+ hours a week. Several more days during the week of 10 o' clock closes will be the final nail in the coffin for many. As selfish as it sounds, I wouldn't last this week if it were all 10 o' clock closes and I hope CP doesn't look into it.
Exactly. This summer, some of the weeks were bad enough when staffing was low. I highly doubt Cedar Point would look into the 10 o'clock closings because, like you said, it would make even more people quit. Also like you said, even though I left on the 22nd, I wouldn't have been able to make it much longer, I was exhausted.
2012-Server @ Famous Dave's
2011-Server @ Famous Dave's
2009-Corkscrew/Super Himalaya TL
2008-Planet Snoopy TL
2007-WildCat TL
2006-WildCat ATL
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