single rider line ?


JuggaLotus's avatar

^^ - how many times have you flashy-thinged me?

Goodbye MrScott



Old Coaster Guy


The big issue in my mind is that the ride hosts have gone to the point of pulling single riders from the walkway leading to the in-the-building queue. It is not just a matter of pulling someone from the bottom of the stairs. I don't think anyone has any problems with that situation. This is someone jumping up 30 - 40 minutes in line as a "single rider."

I still remain miffed that simply keeping track of the odd-numbered groups is that difficult. I guess that explains why so many kids stand no chance of being able to make change without a calculator.



I hate programs like Flash Pass, but I'm totally fine with a single rider line if implemented properly. If people want to ride alone, in a seat they have no choice over, and they can potentially save some time waiting, I'm all for it. Besides, it doesn't make me wait any longer. If anything, I wait less because a SRL effectively increases capacity of the ride.

It seems as though Cedar Point isn't implementing a true SRL. If they're pairing up people in the SRL because they've had to "wait too long" for a single seat to come up, that's not right. They should let people enter the SRL right from the beginning of the queue and make them wait until a single seat truly comes up.



Jeff's avatar

So a single rider gets pulled and gets on sooner. So what? Bring in a group of five to fill an odd-numbered load and suddenly they've commandeered half of a train, not to mention created a much more complicated means of organizing groups on the platform.

I waited in line an hour last night. In the time I was in the old WWL load area, about 25 minutes, they never came down looking for single riders. I think your assessment of the problem is far worse than it actually is.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



I'll tell you that I don't like seeing Empty Seat go by when I could have been sitting there as a Single Rider. Plus its not like there are a whole lot of single riders to begin with. I like the SRL and wish it was implemented a little better with easier access, which will never happen.

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor



When I was there, I rode Maverick twice. The first time through the queue, the single rider stairs were closed. They had a chain going across them.

The 2nd time the single rider stairs were open. However, I only saw the staff come get a single rider once. A couple of others used it by themselves.



I go in the single rider line as soon as i get in the queue house,
whether theres a employee there to assist you, chain across the stairs or what..saves so much time..and they dont care.


Total Maverick rides for the 2007 season = 27

Top 5--- 1. Maverick- 2. Millennium 3. Magnum 4. TTD 5. Gemini

Cavs- 2007 Eastern Conference Champions!.-



Loopy's avatar

And that right there explains why you're a single rider.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



bholcomb's avatar




Jeff's avatar

...and totally uncalled for.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Loopy's avatar

You're right Jeff, just the fact that people think they can do whatever they want, is totally uncalled for.

If the stairs are chained off and there isn't a ride op calling for single riders why would you....

Jerreus said
go in the single rider line as soon as i get in the queue house,
whether theres a employee there to assist you, chain across the stairs or what.

Yep, that's totally uncalled for. Good eye Jeff.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



Jeff's avatar

You are so full of crap. If I would've made some kind of personal comment about the guy like that, you would've been all up in my grill. Don't even say you wouldn't, because you've called me out on it several times.

Dish it out/take it. Move along.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


CP Tay Tay

I think you should keep doing that for now on, so maybe if you get caught line jumping you won't do it anymore. :)

...regardless of your actual intentions, a person cutting through the line is going to look like just that. *** Edited 7/12/2007 2:33:35 AM UTC by CP Tay Tay***

Summer was made for a Cedar Point day~



speaking of doing the cut around thing and just going up is that against the rules ?



JuggaLotus's avatar

Is what against the rules?

Using the Single Rider Line when there is an op there and it is not chained off? No

Using the SRL when the chain is across it and it is effectively closed? Yes, that is against the rules.

Goodbye MrScott




Dvo's avatar

Well in that case... next time I see an "employees only" area I'll just walk into it because clearly they don't care. Oh and I think I'll play that fantastic sporting event "line jumping" while I'm at it too.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot



I like the idea, there are always single riders and its more fun to ride next to somebody and talk. It sounds stupid, but I feel awkward when I'm sitting there by myself. But I like the idea of having a ride running at full capacity, with a single rider line, you can just pump them into any empty seats.

Life has it's ups and downs, might as well make it on a coaster!



I need a little clarification on this issue if there's someone out there who wouldn't mind helping :) I took my 10 year old son and husband to CP this past weekend for their birthdays. They rode Maverick a bunch of times, and loved it. Unfortunately, I can't ride b/c I'm 7 months pregnant. On Sunday (8/26), my husband was worn out, but my son wanted to ride Maverick one last time. All weekend long we had experienced people breezing past us in the queu house to head for the single rider staircase - from one person to families of four who were willing to ride separately. I never noticed any pushbacks from any of the other guests in line who got bypassed, nor was there any CP staff who ever said anything or called for single riders. At this point, I assumed this was standard operation. So, on Sunday when my husband didn't want to ride, I decided to take advantage of this for my son. We waited about 45 minutes through all the outer queus and got a ways into the queu house, and decided we would slip through to the single rider line, which was open, but completely empty as we watched multiple trains pass with empty single seats. I got accosted by several guests, one who went so far as to grip me strongly by the arm and call me a 'shi**y person'. I was very polite and explained what we were doing and that I thought this was how the SRL worked after seeing 15 or so other guests do this throughout the weekend. Another guest then interjected that I was an idiot and deserved to be kicked out of the park. As you can probably imagine, I was mortified, demoralized and confused, my son is in tears, and we jumped out of line with our tails between our legs.

Long story short, can someone please tell me what the specific policy is with this single rider line?? I have looked through park literature, and this site, and I can't seem to find the consenus - if anyone is in touch with any of the powers that be at Cedar Point, would you please suggest that they post signs more clearly with the procedure they expect to be followed to utilize the single rider line? I was just so flustered and embarrased by this, and I would have NEVER intentionally tried to cut in front of people - I was just trying to do what logistically made sense, and what I thought was the point of having this single rider line. Please help spare me some serious embarrassment and downright harrassment in the future! We are KI season passholders, and come to CP at least 2-3 times a year.



JuggaLotus's avatar

Personal opinion - any time you are skipping past others, even if it is to get to the SRL is line-jumping.

There is no need to be rude to the line-jumpers though, especially a pregnant one. And there was no reason for him to put his hand on you. Next time, I would suggest waiting until you get up to that point and then take the SRL. That is my understanding of how it is supposed to work. When you get to it, then you can veer off and use it.

Goodbye MrScott



Mark Small

Mark Small's avatar

And that is the problem. I don't think they do have a clear policy for the single rider line. I have noticed they have posted an additional sign down in the queue house on the side of the staircase facing the queue. I also noticed yesterday that the gap in the railing half way up the stairs was filled in, so the only way to get into the single rider line is from the bottom of the stairs.

The only times I have gone up the line when further back in the queue house was when an employee actually came down and called for single riders. Otherwise, I wait til I get to the stairs and just head up then.


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