I kept waiting for somebody to post it. I waited and waited and waited. But everybody forgot. So I'll take it upon myself to celebrate: Geauga Lake opens in exactly one month! Woo hoo! Yee haw! Yowza! Whoopee! I can't wait to go see all the amazing new additions and . . the, um . . .capital improvements they've made to the . . . um . . . what's that? . . . to King's Island? Come again? Naw, that can't be right . . . to where? Dorney? Now I know you're pulling my . . . um . . .
Oh, just never mind.
Snarkiness included for your convenience. ;)
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
I dont know about you but the idea of Villian being back to its first season form certainly excites me. Also I havent been there since its last year as SFWOA so Im looking forward to making a trip this summer at some point (although it will be difficult driving by Sandusky to get there, but I need variety from time to time :).)
I too am curious of the seemingly small improvements they've made there in the off season.
I still have a place in my heart for GL and always will.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
I still love GL, despite my snarky thread. And even though I'm ticked about the way it's being treated, I'm sure I'll make the jaunt to Aurora before Memorial Day.
I just can't help complaining. You know me. ;)
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
Oh no Mike, I wasn't discounting your love for GL, just merely saying that I am curious of the improvements they've made.
I actually got a kick out of your original post. :)
It sort of gets under my skin a bit too I guess that they pull two coasters and no major renovations are made. I trust that there will soon be something coming that will help our home park out a little more.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
I'm thinking that after Maverick and CP open, GL opening will be more exciting to me and quite a few others.
Just a little over 2 weeks now!!
2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick
Mutedarkness said:
i will be their saturday :)
Can I be their Tuesday? I've always wanted to be Tuesday ever since I was little. Please, please, please, please ;)
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Hey, I can't wait to go. Even though X-Flight and Steel Venom aren't there, I still love the place.
Trip Count 2003: 13 2004: 24 2005: 22 2006: 25 2007: 25
^^ T.G.I.F. Thank God I'm Friday!
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
We've been laughing about this all evening Mike, even made mention of it at the grocery store earlier.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Pleasure's all mine, sir.
It was either that or a "Manic Monday" reference, but I'm not that wild about the Bangles. ;)
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
I wish I were Sunday....
'cause that's my funday.....
Jeff Young
well i was there today and i was theirrr team lead for dipper.
Don't take it to heart Mute. Just a mistake that we had some fun with.
*** Edited 4/28/2007 10:33:48 PM UTC by coasterking39***
When I went there two weeks ago there is yet to be any work on Villain done. Other the the trick-track, the rest of the ride is untouched and no sign of wood or anything in the area.
Im not sure where to post this, but has anyone watched the news clip from cleveland.com with dick kinzel. He pretty much hinted towards geauga lake not recieving a new coaster anytime soon, and slowly dwindling down the amuesment park side and building on more on the water park side. I wouldn't be suprised if geauga lake loses even more rides before the start of the '08 season.
3rd year TL at Geauga Lake (home of....... a big pond?)
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