^^ or (and I think this is a better solution) provide a link to the discussion thread inside the news post that's on the front page.
Walt snuck a post in and screwed up my caret alignment. *** Edited 4/11/2007 4:45:52 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***
Goodbye MrScott
Wow, talk about service!
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
I hope the new version isn't too radically different from the current form. I like Pointbuzz exactly the way it is. :)
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
Walt/Jeff, can you make the new version pink and orange, but only for people with the user name "Ensign Smith"? Might want to make all the text blink, too. TIA. :)
Ooooh can you add Loopy to that list too?
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
Ensign Smith said:
I hope the new version isn't too radically different from the current form. I like Pointbuzz exactly the way it is. :)
A site wide search feature and a revamped version of the way to view pictures is all I ask for, everything else is pretty good. RSS feeds would also be nice.
2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick
I like the GUI of PointBuzz WAY better than CoasterBuzz too. So, please don't make this one like CB.
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