I plan on going to CP pretty soon and I had a quick question I'm sure most of you can answer.
I want to pretty much use my credit card for everything, does CP accept credit cards for most things such as food, tickets, merchandise, etc.?
Thanks for any and all help.
This will be a first time going to CP for me.
Admission, yes. Parking, no. Table service food, yes. Counter service food, sometimes. Merchandise, usually.
If you have National City you're in luck, as its their ATM's all over the park.
Goodbye MrScott
...And if not, your screwed, as you'll be charged atleast $2 everytime you take out money.
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com
Some would say, if you're a National City customer, you're screwed anyway. ;)
Not me. I've never had a problem with it.
Goodbye MrScott
Instead of "some," I should have said "I." :) Only based my own experience, of course.
*** Edited 9/6/2006 8:33:53 PM UTC by Walt***
That sucks. Of course, it sucks anytime you have a problem with a bank that's holding your money.
Goodbye MrScott
I usually wind up going to 3 or 4 machines at the park before I actually find one that will give me cash.
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com
I know you stated you wanted to use your credit card, but just so you know, Park Operations located next to Kiddy Kingdom can cash personal checks (I think up to $200.00). I know I have done that to avoid Nat. City ATM charges!
You can call the CP info line at 1-419-627-2350 and they should be able to tell you who doesn't accept credit cards and what the limit is on personal check cashing at Park Ops.
Cedar Point, Americas rip- rockin', high flyin', sky defyin', record breakin' roller coast
Yeah, I don't think they get loaded in a timely fashion. And I only know of 4:
1)Breakers Lobby
2)Inside Magnum Entrance
3)Red Garter
4)Between Coliseum Arcade and Kiddy Kingdom
I'm guessing there is probably a 5th up by the main entrance, and probably a 6th back at Sand Castle.
Goodbye MrScott
raptorqueen, good thinking... maybe I'll do that next time... :)
John, there's also one outside the Magnum gate, one by the Hat Rack, one outside the Main gate, and one next to Wild Republic. *** Edited 9/6/2006 8:46:01 PM UTC by DBCP***
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com
You could get a bank that allows you to use any ATM in the US and abroad for free too. That's always a good idea. :)
I have Key and not only would I get charged $2 by National City, but Key would charge me a couple bux too.
884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
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You can use a credit card on all tollbooths except for the far right one (go figure) apparently.
See what you miss out on when you don't pay for parking?
*** Edited 9/6/2006 11:45:02 PM UTC by Walt***
halltd said:
You could get a bank that allows you to use any ATM in the US and abroad for free too. That's always a good idea. :)
Except that whichever bank owns the ATM can still charge you a service for withdrawing money. So NC will still charge you the two bucks, even if your bank won't.
Goodbye MrScott
Walt said:
Some would say, if you're a National City customer, you're screwed anyway. ;)
That is why I like my credit union over banks. Banks have a list of fees to nail you even if you use your account in a reasonable manner. My credit union won't charge me a dime unless I screw something up like bounce a check on an account that doesn't have protection. I guess the only bad thing is that the restriction on growth forcing the operation to be local only. I guess that is why I like my credit card, the fees are on the payee and not payer outside of my credit union.
Exactly. It's not my bank charging me $2, it's National City.
2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
www.pointpixels.com | www.parkpixels.com
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