Project 2007 "Quality"


Monday, September 4, 2006 5:11 PM

This coaster is going to be great. You wanna know why? It's because it's CP!! You think they would put in a bad coaster? Uh uh no way. This coaster will rock your socks.

Favorite Coasters 1.MF 2. TTD 3. Raptor 4. Gemini 5. Magnum
Maverick perhaps? I wanna RIDE ON.



Monday, September 4, 2006 5:23 PM
Gomez's avatar

This ride is very different from the current selection of coasters at the park. Which is a very good thing, everything being the same is boring.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick



Monday, September 4, 2006 6:17 PM

The height is perfect for the ride, yes. Aonther example why Cedar Point´s new ride is so incredible: HeidePark, Germany (the only bigger park within driving distance from where I live) recently announced "Desert Race" for next year, which is basically a clone of Rita - Queen of Speed at Alton Towers, UK - The layout is not much more than a figure eight. I´ve known the fact that they would be adding an Intamin Rocket for some time, and I was somewhat disappointed that there was nothing more in store than this. Not very original, but the GP will, of course, not care/know. I loved the uniqeness of Speed Monster, Norway, however, and this new ride at Cedar Point is going to be SO much more than these two rides. Remember that this coaster is MEANT to be a lowflying devil /\/\';..;'/\/\ - and that´s exactly what it´s going to feel like, I´m sure. Long duration, speed, incredible bended turns, sudden pops of airtime, a vast number of arm- and headchoppers, thrilling inversions, a midcourse launch and probably some great theming, like nothing Cedar Point has ever done before. I can´t even BEGIN to imagine how exciting it will be, to walk down the Frontier Trail next year, seeing and hearing this monster tear through the air above the buildings in front of me.

How can one NOT be excited?

"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
-Ken :::Denmark's No. 1 Cedar Point Fan:::
R.I.P. MrScott ~~<@



Monday, September 4, 2006 6:28 PM

Im not disapointed but, why put all the hype on this ride. i mean amazing and unpresidented (i know thats mispelled) is going a bit far is it not?

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force



Monday, September 4, 2006 6:30 PM

For the last time, Tony and Tyler did NOT call the coaster amazing and unprecedented. They called the fact that they were shown the plans amazing and unprecedented.



Monday, September 4, 2006 6:49 PM

DragonFire said:
Im not disapointed but, why put all the hype on this ride. i mean amazing and unpresidented (i know thats mispelled) is going a bit far is it not?

Do we have to go over the same stuff again and again? Actually, djDaemon said some great things about the so-called "hype":

"There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
-Ken :::Denmark's No. 1 Cedar Point Fan:::
R.I.P. MrScott ~~<@



Monday, September 4, 2006 6:59 PM

I think this ride will be really good and continue to get better.

I love the idea that it's going to be close to the ground and that it's shaping up to have quick transitions. I think that IF it has a launch underneath its first hill, the visuals will be spectacular, especially at night.

I also think this ride will continue to get better once all the plants involved in the landscaping have a chance to grow and fill out.
*** Edited 9/4/2006 7:00:29 PM UTC by Danimal***

2000: Gemini
2001: Gemini ATL


Mesabi Miner

Monday, September 4, 2006 8:05 PM

I think the ride is a great, fun looking mix between Rita and Colossus.

Next Trip: Sep. 16
Maverick: 107 ft. first drop, enclosed mid-ride launch, 95 degree first drop, 70 mph, great theme, 3 inversions, and some serious sidewinding!!



Monday, September 4, 2006 11:15 PM

Top Thrill Dragster said:

It looks like the real title it can hold is "First coaster with a midcourse launch."

I don't think this ride won't be the first to have a midcourse launch. According to RCDB Revenge of the Mummy at Universal Flordia has 3 LIM launches on it.



Monday, September 4, 2006 11:39 PM

Heres the list-

0-40 posts or less than 3 months on PB=Newbie

41-200 posts or less than 6 months on site= sub-native

201-999 posts or less than on year on site=Settler

1000+ posts or more than 1 year on site = Native

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force



Monday, September 4, 2006 11:41 PM

Do we get to vote on this or something?

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



Monday, September 4, 2006 11:50 PM

Or can we vote people off? :)



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12:57 AM

Are me an Native?



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1:02 AM


101 on Magnum and counting...



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1:10 AM

I'm just happy to see a coaster going up.

We know CP, it's going to be quality ride like all CP and Intamin coasters!

3 DAYS !!!!!!!:)

1:MF 2:TTD 3:Raptor 4:WT 5:Mantis



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5:37 AM

I really think Intamins best works (like B&M) are under 200ft tall.

Lets look at that list:

Goliath WW 150ft
Expedition GeForce 173ft
El Toro 180ft
Storm Runner 150ft
Balder 118ft
Colossos Heide 196

Then, if you want to get really picky, you can remember that Werner Stengel is behind the ride. And if you look at HIS track record, hes had a hand in or completely designed every ride for B&M and Intamin since nearly the dawn of time. So in reality, you can credit him for making someone elses crazy idea (like Nemesis) a reality. And if you let Stengel do what he wants, its always an extreme experience.

So, you decide. I think itll be great. Stengel seems to excell working with rides that have small footprints, quick transitions and small lifts.



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8:31 PM

I'm also in the "quality over quantity" group when it comes to this new coaster. I think it looks awesome, and is a brilliant addition by CP. This certainly will re-invigorate Frontier Town, and be a fresh and exciting new addition to CP's coaster collection.

As for the water debate, I too think there may be some usage of water other than just going over it. I'm not sure, but from the picture that was seen, it almost looks like there are some places where water may fall from, such as the water tower looking thing near the train tracks. There are also a couple of trenches between walls, that may have something to do with water. I guess we'll all know in a couple of days at any rate.

But yes, definitely, this is a great addition to CP, and one that will prove you don't have to be the highest, fastest, or anything else-ist, to be fun, and a fabulous ride! :)

Take care and God bless!



Tuesday, September 5, 2006 9:44 PM

Some of the greatest coasters ever made were giants in their time, but not now. Cedar Point is definitely going in a new direction by installing a coaster thats not a big ride but what looks like a great ride
*** Edited 9/5/2006 9:48:39 PM UTC by archereagle***
*** Edited 9/5/2006 9:49:14 PM UTC by archereagle***

Cedar Point...Road Trip 07



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1:05 AM
liebevision's avatar

AphelionAxeMan said:
. They've been following the whole "let's make the biggest and fastest (insert type of coaster here)" formula since Magnum, with the exception of Woodstock's Express, which you can't really count since it was installed with an entirely new themed area.

Actually correct me if I'm wrong but isn't WE one of the tallest/fastest childrens coasters out there?

Wait?! CP HAS A WELL THEMED ANYTHING??? oh yeah people forget that camp snoopy has good, if modest, themeing.
*** Edited 9/6/2006 8:37:41 AM UTC by liebevision***

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05



Wednesday, September 6, 2006 7:35 AM

liebevision said:

AphelionAxeMan said:
Actually correct me if I'm wrong but isn't WE one of the tallest/fastest childrens coasters out there?

I think it's too hard to define exactly what is a children's coaster and what is an adult's coaster. If you base is purely on the size of the cars, there needs to be a standard for how small they need to be, which is pretty difficult to set. The Beastie at Kings Island is a kid-sized coaster in my opinion and it's larger than Woodstock Express. They changed the name of the ride this year, but I'll still call it The Beastie.

I think Cedar Point is in a situation where they realize the easily breakable records are for concept coasters which they're just not interested in building. I think at this point they're better off going with something unique, such as "The only beyond vertical, dual launch roller coaster."

Being that it's easier to create the largest of a specific type of roller coaster, Cedar Point has a bit of a pattern in creating special coaster types. Corkscrew broke the record for the most inversions on a looping coaster right around the time corkscrew coasters became a new trend. Raptor became the largest inverted coaster shortly after Batman: The Ride was built. Wicked Twister became the largest impulse coaster shortly after the trend started. The only concept coaster they built after the trend was Mantis and I personally think they were looking for an easy record that time around. It appears to me that as soon as the public starts catching onto a trend, that's the time Cedar Point wants to break the record. After the concept has become the norm, it's not quite as exciting to break. This time around I think Cedar Point is starting a trend for launch coasters similarly to how Magnum started a trend for steel coasters. It was more than a record-breaker. It was a unique ride. Imagine a new trend of coasters with mid-course launches. It opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.


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