MF Can Go Upside-Down


It's true cuz I heard it from my sister's roommate's cousin's uncle! He saw it one time!

Folks, it has been proven that MF can only go 96 at the very fastest. There is no news other than breakdowns that we haven't heard already, so if you think you heard something about MF that is too good to be true, it probably is.

Jeff, don't feel obligated to leave this topic open.

Millennium Force: As fast as a male horsefly!


Millennium Force *does* go upside-down, Cedar Point just doesn't want to admit it. Just watch from the railroad station, the barn, or Camp Snoopy as it goes through each of the overbanks.

--Dave Althoff, Jr., who *does* understand what Evan is getting at....


Our friends and I thought of this one time while taking a rest on the Frontier Trail. We were sitting there looking at the first overbanked turn, and of course we all knew it was upside down. We wondered, though, what exactly is "upside-down"? I think we ended up with the general idea that anything past 90 degrees from upright is upside down.

MF's first turn, of course, is 122.



Jeff's avatar
I remember the first time I got to tour the construction site with track hangin on the turn (I think it was the second on the island). I turned to Dan and said, "Nice loop."

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35


I always thought upside-down was 180 degrees from the ground, not 90. 90 is only half way there, perpendicular. I don't care what you say, but in my opinion MF does not go upside-down.


Well, I don't think 90 is either. But I do think, however, that 91 and beyond are upside down. Of course, you wouldn't be able to tell 90 from 91.



Ok, here is my point that only 180 degrees and beyond is upside down.

Hold a board or book anything flat out in front of you on a table. This is your piece of track.Now put a protractor beside standing up. Now take your peice of track and turn it so that it is 90 degrees on the protactor. It should now be perpendicular to the table. It is sideways. Now your track and turn it so that the angle is 180 degrees. You can now see that was once the bottom is now on top, thus the track is upside-down.

I hope you understand what I mean. I think I have proved my point that only 180 degrees is upside-down.


If you turn it past 91, it's upside down. That's my definition.

Also, you just said "Only 180 degrees and beyond is upside down."

Well, you've just basically disproved yourself.

If you go past 180 degrees, you'll end up getting around to 269... which would be 91 degrees the opposite direction.

And 359 degrees is "beyond" 180... and that's pretty much upright.

I believe that 180 degrees is upside-down. Perfectly upside-down. But if you're 91 degrees away from upright (I'd say you're sideways, but), you're upside down.

(Sorry for rambling here. I just do that sometimes.)

And I think we can all agree that 122 degrees is upside-down anyhow.



I object! 91 degrees is not upside down... it is just another "degree" ,if you will, of sideways. Here is how I look Ifat it. you need to support your shoulders, because that is where the force is going, then the element is upside down. If the force, more directly applies to your legs, than you are not.

Sure... on some rides, you are forced into your seatwhile going through an inversion, but if the ride stopped would you be supported by your shoulders on your restraint? In MF'a case (even with OTSR), your body would probably be supported by your side/shoulders.... Oh I don't know what I am talking about, I just know, that 122 degree's does NOT classify as an inversion! Thank you, I will now go back inside my cage. :)

(What does it matter anyways, will MF change if somebody decided to say that it had inversions? I think that it would still be #1)


yoo-hooo, RideMan!! care to settle this once and for all?? in my opinion, you are upside least, that's how it looks in Shivering Tim's great new pics!!

ride early, ride often!!!


I would say that anything over 135 could be considered upside-down. Here is my explaination...

we all agree that 90 = sideways, right?
we all agree that 180 = upside down, right?
well, exactly half way between 90 and 180 is 135.
therefore over half way is at least *closer* to upside down than it is to sideways, and could be considered an inversion.

CP marketing (and my system) call 122 degrees an overbanked turn, not an inversion.

If you disagree, thats, OK. At least I defend my view in a logical way.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt


Like I say, regardless of what is or isn't upside down, I think we all can agree that 122 is upside down.

Doesn't feel like it while on the ride, though.

And who really cares! I'll ride anything, upside down, sideways, right side up, standing, sitting, on my back, on my stomach, from a cord, etc.



Lynch: "regardless of what is or isn't upside down, I think we all can agree that 122 is upside down"

Although you say that regarless of what is upside down or not, you still are implying that 122 is upside down. I for one do not agree.

I do agree with the last paragraph of your post though. :)


Well, I'm stepping out of this thread.

It just all depends on your points of view, beliefs, etc. And apparently that varies.

And basically...

I don't feel like arguing about something this vague. ;)



Perhaps I'm wrong, but doesn't CP consider the inclined loop on Mantis an inversion? If so what is the angle on it?

I happen to agree that the overbanked turns could be considered "upside-down". Using almost the same logic as Soggy uses. 90 degrees is halfway to upside down (180 degrees). Therefore anything over 90 is closer to an inversion than it is to being upright.

However I do know that they are technically "overbanked turns".

But it does make me wonder why Mantis' inclined loop is an inversion, but MF only has "overbanked turns".

Then again, I have alot of time on my hands...
*** This post was edited by lordgonchar on 7/28/2000. ***


Months ago I was wondering how long it would take for this thread to show up! I've got to agree with Lynch, at 90 degrees you are sideways, at 91 degrees, you start to go upside down, at 180 degrees you are upside down, at angles greater than 180, the process reverses's just simple geometry.


(With head held in hands and shaking head)

I can not believe that we are debating this!!!

Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.


we're bored, i guess...i know I am. no money, sick dog, no park trips in near future..i'm bored and ANY debate, no matter how silly or unbelievable is welcome...

ride early, ride often!!!


What about the Inclined iversion on mantis

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3


Millenium Force does go upside down because 122 degrees is upside down. Anyway they aren't not wanting to admit they are upside down they just call them non-loop overbanked turns. this is hard to understand, but in my own mind i get it.

Millenium Force count: 8 in 1 and 1/2 days

Closed topic.

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