Record Measuring?


Heh, that's no problem. I hope I didn't come off with an "attitude", which has been a sore spot 'round these parts lately. ;)



Don't get me started about the attitude issues.


It's been a little upsetting lately. But I'm like Stevie Winwood... I just roll with it, baby!



Just to kinda' "clear it up" the second hyper coaster was the Steel Phantom. :)


Actually, that's semi-arguable. According to Arrow Dynamics, Steel Phantom is a "Steel Looper", not a Hyper Coaster. I don't think Hypers have loops and/or inversions.



A hyper, essentially, is anything over 200ft. Some people nitpick that is has to be woodie like and be an air machine, etc, but that's largely nitpicking. SP is a hyper. The fact that it loops is irrevelant.

SoB loops and is 200ft, too, so it qualifies despire the loop, as it *is* a woodie.


And a "hyper" woodie! :)

Raptor '00 Count: 45

Millennium Man

Well what I meant was that shouldn't they have something like steepest drop that is not a vertical drop coaster since it is 80 degrees and not really a vertical drop.

CP Twister

I just don't understand why some people keep cutting down Steel Dragon?? (Lynch, maybe you were just kidding??) Yes, it is going to beat M Force. So What! SD isn't even complete yet and some people are saying the MF is better?? How on earth can someone make this comparison on a ride they have not even been on?? Steel Dragon looks awesome if you ask me. CP fans that have some type of rivalry thing going on need to get over it. Get ready for next year because a fairly close neighbor is going to beat MF and SD. Personally I can't wait. MF is awesome! SD WILL be awesome! Kennywood's new ride will ALSO be awesome! Lets just be happy that they continue to build these monsters and continue to break records!

Magnum is sinking!

I don't think that Kennywood will get a 300 ft. coaster made by Intamin Morgan, or Arrow. I do think that SD will be a great ride. It just will not be remembered as is Magnum ten years from now.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


Well, Magnum is sinking, you are just about the only one who does not believe the big Kennywood coaster rumor.


OKay, I would have to agree with Jeff on this one. After all this time I would have to agree. When I saw Millennium Force I thought it was going to suck, it was soooooo short. But look we rode it, its number 1. I think the main reason people are DOWNING this roller coaster is because it is built like a Hyper coaster. Like I said, for most of the ride you will be going up the lift hill. And the drop is not that steep. But you have got to judge a roller coaster by the whole expirience. You cannot look at the Diagram and say," Oh the roller coaster is going to suck." You don't know. This roller coaster could have more problems than the White house. It could be rough. You never really know. We all like Millennium Force because it is fast. This Coaster could speed over these hills or it could slump along. Now end that subject unless you ride it.

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3


I, personally, have always called the Steel Phantom a "hyper coaster". I just thought I'd tell you that Arrow Dynamics classifies it as a "Steel Looper".

And you don't believe the rumours of Kennywood 2001? Well, I don't believe a lot of them. In fact, most. But I do think that Kennywood will have a 300+ (probably 318+ [Steel Dragon 2000]). They could probably do it cheaper than MF by utilizing the terrain in the park.

I love Cedar Point, and Kennywood is my home park. If the SP replacement doesn't beat MF, I won't really care... as long as it's as GOOD as Millenium Force ;)



I'm still taking that one with a grain of salt. It just doesn't seem Kennywood. That, and I wonder how they are going to afford it.

CP Twister

I think alot of people are underestimating Kennywood. I don't think they will beat SD or M Force for the tallest coaster next year. I think they will beat both for the longest drop! Kennywood can utilize their terrain to build a coaster that is much more cost effective than SD or M Force. Well everyone should know Aug 6th, thats when they are suppose to announce their new coaster. I wish we knew when CP was going to announce their plans. I doubdt CP will get a new coaster in 2001 unless it is a Wild Mouse type of ride.


Exactly! I guess I should have said here (as I've said in other threads) that Kennywood's coaster will have longest DROP, not tallest coaster. I think the 2nd drop on the Phantom now is 105 feet down the ravine. The remaining 120 is above ground, I *think*. So they only need to go like, 200 feet or so up to grab the longest drop record. This is all round-about info, so don't etch it in stone or quote me or anything ;)

As for the money situation, Kennywood Corp. probably doesn't have the money Cedar Fair does, but I think they still have some nice funds to spend.

Does anybody have the financial figures for the Steel Phantom? And how do they compare to the Magnum's? That could be a little help in figuring out if Kennywood can do this.



As I recall, without looking it up, Steel Phamtom was $4 million. That is half of Magnum's cost.


Not having been there, do they have the pullout room for a 300' drop?

I mean SP was largely shunned for it's... enthusiastic twitching at the bottom of the drop.


I am not sur how people can say MF is short (as Magnum2G3 did in a previous post). Looking at, MF is the 2nd longest steel coaster in the world. I know this information is a little out of date, but I think MF is still in the top 5 or higher. 6500+ feet is not a short coaster.


Nope, that's accurate. It's the second longest next to the Ultimate. It will be the third longest after August 1st. It's a long coaster, but it just goes through the course so fast. See my other post about MF's avg. speed.


Millennium Force laps: 2

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