I was wondering, what would you rather see Cedar Point get? I'm not saying anything is going to happen but just wanted to know what you think would be cool.
Would you rather see a 3-5 small coasters or 1 large high-tech coaster?
When you say Quantity or Quality whose to say that the "large high-tech coaster" will not be a quality one? So, your question should be something like "Couple Small, or One Large".
Am I wrong...?
Actually I think PointFan meant the opposite. One large high tech coaster (quality) or several small coasters (quantity). The only problem I see with this is who is to say a small coaster wont be a quality ride?? A coaster does not have to be high tech or break records to be a great ride. Unless by small you mean kiddie coasters. In which case I would vote for the large ride. Otherwise I would vote for several smaller quality coasters (Like a re built CP Cyclone!)
The question is just so vague that it is hard to answer..... care to re-state PO!NT Fan?
Would Cedar Point really get more than one non-kiddie coasters? I could see it happening if the Boardwalk idea went through, but I doubt more than 2 coasters is a possibility.
But what do I know.
One thing I would NOT want to see at CP that I've seen happening at other parks: so-called "family" coasters. What they seriously look like to me are kiddie coasters that can support adults, so anyone can ride them. They go all of 20 feet high and so forth, and look like the Junior Gemini. It irritates me, as a coaster lover, because they call these things coasters and advertise their park as having 5 or 6 coasters, when 2 or 3 of them are acutally these family types.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
But CrystalKat, some of us have families. I have a daughter who's just shy of her 3rd birth day and rides like Jr. Gemini and Woodstock Express are welcomed additions to us. I'd imagine a vast majority of Cp's guests are families who look for these type of rides that they can all enjoy together. Just because it's a small coaster doesn't mean it doesn't count. Where exactly would you draw the line? Is the Blue Streak no longer a "real" coaster beacuse it only goes up 85 feet and now there are coasters that break the 300 foot mark? What about the future when 400 feet is achieved? Will Gemini no longer be a "real" coaster because it's only 125 feet tall.
It's all about perspective. To my daughter, Woodstock Express is an exhilerating ride.
A coaster is a coaster, simple as that and any addition is welcome. Besides, the parks wouldn't build them if there wasn't a demand.
I didn't mean to sound as if they weren't real coasters or just as valid as attractions as anything else - certainly not! You are right about perspective, and from working on the 42" coasters I know very well how many younger guests are both terrified and thrilled by what many other riders consider tame rides. The parks I have a problem with have ONLY those sorts of family coasters, with maybe only 1 larger ride. I've seen parks put forth tons of advertising about all their new coasters to bring in thrill riders, and that isn't what the rides are about. I'd love to see Cedar Point bring in more rides -- including smaller coasters -- to augment the tremendous selection of bigger rides.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
As an idea, I think CP should skip a 400 foot tall coaster and go straight for a 500 footer in the next 10 years or so, at least then they could have a coaster that is the first to top 400 and 500 feet. Just an idea. You don't need a coaster for every hundred feet in the same park.
I could see CP building two coasters in the same year. For example, let's say a Wild Mouse and a Wooden Cyclone are a part of the boardwalk project. Those (2) coasters would be a minimal cost compared to most coasters. Wooden coasters are fairly cheap. I know "the Legend" only cost $3 million, and Wild Mouse coasters I'm sure are real cheap by comparison. Throw in some flat rides, food stands, gift shops, and you have a project cheaper than most B&M coasters now.
*** This post was edited by net on 7/21/2000. ***
Sorry CrystalKat, I took your original comments to be a little more harsh then they were intended. Taken in the correct perspective, I have to say I agree. Magic Kingdom at WDW immediately comes to mind. Ugh!
Net, I agree here too. 2 smaller coasters, especially a woodie and a mouse would be great inexpensive additions that would boost the coaster count and round out the selection at CP quite nicely. After that lets get to work on a world class sitdown multi-looper. No gimmicks, no records needed. Just a great "standard" coaster with a some serious inversions. Then no one could complain about CP's coasters. The multi-looper and the woodie are the two I hear the most now.
*** This post was edited by lordgonchar on 7/21/2000. ***
I can see two coasters (small woodies, really), but I don't see MORE than two.
I think what Po!ntFan is trying to say is do you think that adding many coasters in one year (SFO, MIA) is better than adding one considerably larger coaster (CP, PKI). Correct me if I'm wrong.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I always thought that SFO's situation was unique, and that they only got four new coasters in one year because they just became a Six Flags park. Though I could be wrong.
Ah, yes. Six Flags has been gobbling up little parks and then adding some big rides in one or two years while keeping the park small. However, they often seem to neglect the park after a year or two by not adding anything new.
Michigan's Adventure also built more than one roller coaster in the same season. This resulted in the park not getting any new rides for 2000.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Actually, MIAdventure is putting in BeBop Blvd [think Cadillac Cars], Go-Karts, and might actually finish assembling the Frog Hopper they bought last year.
They also did some landscape work and finish moving and re-opening their Scrambler.
One thing I have noticed is that Cedar Point has a pretty large selection of kiddie rides, but when I talk to people they all choose other parks over CP to take kids because they don't think CP has much for kids. Perhaps they should advertise CP as a place for families to go more often. Like WDW where the whole family is standing with Mickey smiling.
I suspect that's why they're pushing the dog so hard this year. Snoopy is everywhere, on the logos, on the Skyride, employee name tags, etc.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Bill, The park already had Go Carts. They simply updated the old tracks.
"Bebop Boulevard" was simply put in as a replacement for "Muttley's Putt Putts."
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
If you want to make a smaller woodie, why not make a dueling woodie, that would give you 2 different coasters, not huge, 85 feet or so tall. Something like The Twisted Sisters or Lightning Racer, but an original. Add the Wild Maus, I can't get enough of those. That would be 3 new coasters in an "off" year. Sounds like a good plan to me.