IFrame for pictures


CoasterLine's avatar

Here's a suggestion that would be an easy code, and would help you also.

The problem isnt with the reloading of the page, more than it is the reloading of every thumbnail.

If you made it so that the thumbnails cached, more bandwidth would be saved, and yet, you would still retain the page reload for ads and faster load times for everyone.

Although, it will still never be changed, so my comment is useless.



Walt's avatar

Who said it will never be changed? The next version of the gallery will be nothing like the current version, so it doesn't matter anyway.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Just wondering. Do you guys have any idea when the new version will come out?

101 on Magnum and counting...



bholcomb's avatar

Sometime between now and forever.



Don't be too specific.

101 on Magnum and counting...



JuggaLotus's avatar

Jeff has said he wants to update CoasterBuzz (which hasn't been updated in at least a couple years) before worrying about updating PointBuzz.

And since these sites are more hobby than full-time job for these guys, it could be a while. They'll update it when they update it.

Goodbye MrScott




Walt's avatar

No one wants a new design more than me, but it's just going to take some time. The best I can do at this point is to promise you that it'll be worth the wait.

*** Edited 7/11/2006 3:03:40 PM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park


Bill Horvath

I like the suggestions. but this site is great and Jeff, i'm sure, works really hard at it... constructive critisismm is a good thing but sometimes you guys get way to ROUGH with it.. Imean site bashing should lead to temporary banishment in my book....no one is forced to come to this site.. remember that those of you who flame, bitch, moan, and complain..

and on that note thanks Jeff and Walt for all that you do...

and every guy on here should read man law #85.. men dont use smiley faces after a sentence... lol
*** Edited 7/11/2006 3:18:53 PM UTC by Bill Horvath***
*** Edited 7/11/2006 3:19:35 PM UTC by Bill Horvath***



Please remember that I was just asking, nothing else.

To be honest I like the site the way it is now. I could care less if it's ever updated.

I was just wondering thats all.

101 on Magnum and counting...



djDaemon's avatar

You mean you couldn't care less...

To say that you could care less implies that you care. If you are trying to say that you don't care, then you must have a zero quantity of care toward the situation. And, you cannot have less than zero.

Sorry, but this phrase has been misused all too often, and its a pet peeve of mine. :)




I like this site I,ve been visiting here for 2 years now.I used to link on from screamscape thats were I found this site.I think Walt and Jeff are doing a great job.keep up the good work guys. I love the new project photos.I cant wait to see the next photos.


Mark Small

Mark Small's avatar

If you don't like the page refreshing for each picture, seriously consider the upgrade to PointBuzz premium. Show your support for all the great pictures and content that Walt, Jeff and others provide for us. It's a measly $1 a month.

Friendly suggestions are great, but you have no reason to complain if you're not helping to keep the site going. And please remember that Jeff and Walt both have real jobs and lives outside of PointBuzz and Coasterbuzz. Give them a break!

Just had to add my two cents! (well, $12 actually :) )



This is in the Feedback section in the forums. I think we are allowed to give our feedback.

djDaemon, I could care less what you think. ;)

101 on Magnum and counting...



So you do care what he thinks... ;)

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Jeff's avatar

Hey, I'd love more than anything to just hack in something new, but because of the way this site was built, with a lack of source control, no test or QA environment, and not even local builds at this point, it's a bit fragile. CoasterBuzz is even worse. That's all my fault, but when these sites were originally built, I didn't really know any better, and really didn't know the sites would get so big.

The entire photo album code base is completely not practical right now, and we outgrew it practically the day we started using it. But like I said, now I know better.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


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