Oh, by the way. Dane Cook is the funniest man in the world. Larry the cable guy ain't got nothin'
Hey guys in this forum we are suppose to talk about project 2007 not to talk about stupid larry the cable guy hope walt is listening
Take your own advice, jackass. I don't think 2 posts about how you think some comedian is the "stupids", at the same time telling people to stay on topic, is the best way to start off around here.
edit: arrrrrrrrrgh bennnn
*** Edited 6/14/2006 4:35:36 PM UTC by e x i t english***
Josh. :) Check your PM.
haha. Always go for the one liner.
*** Edited 6/14/2006 4:36:04 PM UTC by bholcomb***
Guys, guys! I'm sorry my innocent question spurred a flame war. Can't we all just get along?
Larry the Cable guy is funny but Jeff Foxworthy and Ron White are way better. Dane Cook is the best, followed by Carlos Mencia then Dave Chappelle
menlineum phorz si teh wni!!111one
Top Steel
1. MF 2. Nitro 3. TTD 4. KK 5. Raptor 6. WT 7. Storm Runner 8. Medusa 9. Maggie 10. Great Bear.
Top wood
1. El Toro 2. Lightning Racer 3. Blue Streak 4. Comet @ HP 5. Great White @ Morey's Pier
Ehhhhhh... I'm still not sure about Carlos Mencia. I mean, he's funny, but it gets old kind of quick.
I'll take Mitch Hedberg and Lewis Black over him any day.
Im sorry that i made people made what i said about larry the cable guy ....guess i dont what a fuuny guy is lol..Agin im sorry if i affended any one sorry cant speel either.....im no red neck ...I hope u guys can forgive me for being a dumb butt
Sentences end with one period, not 3. And apostrophe's (') are used in contractions. Spell checkers don't hurt too much either.
Goodbye MrScott
i think i'm the one that started this whole comedian thing with my "git-r-dun" post. i'm gonna get back to the original thread topic for this tho.
since the track and supports are the same as Magnum, i think its likely we'll see Magnum II. geez... cant they come up with some better color schemes???
These supports are brown/tan/khaki/beige. Magnum's supports are silver.
This track is distinctly red, Magnum is Moly Orange.
Not sure how you see a similarity in color schemes.
Goodbye MrScott
well... when i look at the pictures, the colors seem similar to magnums. i guess it fits the southern theme pretty well. IMO the supports would probably fit the theme better if they were a darker tan/brown. when i first looked at the pics of the supports, i thought they were gray. i had to look closely to notice the tan tint.
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