I think they should call it Vermin. Cause when you go to the queue entrance and see it's closed down, you can say, "Aw, rats!"
Going with a little Harry Potter influence...FIREBOLT!
Or ooo "VOLDEMORT"..."A roller coaster so devious, even the name gives you chills" lol
As if you didn't know...i'm completely kidding...I would rather know what the ride does than its name, but it's fun to mess around like this...not gonna lie lol
Ensign Smith said:
I think they should call it Vermin. Cause when you go to the queue entrance and see it's closed down, you can say, "Aw, rats!"
A moment of silence.....
Good one.
Hmmm... I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I have the perfect name:
Agreed. Anyone know of a reference back to the "frontier days" in which the word Maverick was used? Just curious, to see how it fits into Frontier Town
Owner, Gould Photography.
djDaemon said:
Hmmm... I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think I have the perfect name:Maverick.
But.....But.... It's RED!!!
mk522 said:
Agreed. Anyone know of a reference back to the "frontier days" in which the word Maverick was used? Just curious, to see how it fits into Frontier Town
Awesome movie. One of my favorites.
Goodbye MrScott
Yeah, it is a great movie.
Remember the stagecoach chase? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking when it comes to '07 ;)
Yeah, they might make you sign a waiver for that...
But, I would still be in line for it!
I think that in staying with the southwest theme, something Taco related would be good. And since Red will eventually fade to a pinkish color, this could be interesting. ;)
Goodbye MrScott
So... what you're saying is... They're going to turn Los Gatos Cafe into the station???!!!!
That's just wrong, Jugga. lol
I think its either too close to lunchtime, or too long since... well, you know.
Well, for me, it's too close to lunch time..
I mean, jus' sayin'.
e x i t english said:
What the hell does red track have to do with it not being named "Maverick?".Raptors aren't green - well, the dinosaurs could have been - but the bird of prey that the ride is named after isn't green. Mantii certainly aren't purple, red and yellow. I've never seen an orange and silver .357 Magnum, or a red and yellow dragon made of iron, either.
Mean Streaks aren't brown, unless they're in your underwear.
And what color exactly is a Gemini?
Sorry i have just never seen a red cow!
Let's Get Weird.
Mmmmm. Tacos.:) They could sell tacos and burritos in line and see if anyone could keep them down after their ride.
New Season of 'The Office'. TONIGHT!!!
Actually, only one of the definitions even relates to a farm animal. Dictionary definition:
mav·er·ick (mk)
Arguing with a coaster enthusiast is like wrestling with a pig in mud. After a while, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Man, Pointbuzz is like a 1 word Dictionary.com.
Goodbye MrScott
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