Free Fall


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:44 PM
liebevision's avatar
Gomez... where was I at??? If I wasen't at controls you shoulda said something! Yeah... the part where it tilts upwards again is the slope lift. The back car goes into the tower once the car in the tower is in the horizontal transfer.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05



Wednesday, June 2, 2004 5:13 PM
Anyone know where at SFGAm this particular freefall was located?

And Chris, come on. Until last year with the reliability of TTD, there really wasn't any controversy, was there?


Guy with a name

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:22 PM
Chris, dude have you seen how much publicity CP has gotten from Intamin's rides. Look at Mf it was the tallest for a while, a very big deal due to its hight and speed, and still is the greatest coaster of all time and look at TTD yeah it did have problems its first season and still may have some minor problems here and there but look at how much publicity it got. Then we move onto Wicked Twister another awesome coaster. The way i look at it is that no other company can build as good of coasters as well as Intamin has built (regardless of some minor flaws).

I've been hearing some stuff from the Lemon Chill guy lately, you wanna hear what he told me?



Wednesday, June 2, 2004 8:33 PM
Jeff's avatar
I don't see how rides that kill people have a "minor flaw."

How many people have been tossed out of B&M rides? How many have had significant mechanical problems other than Air at Alton Towers?

I would never buy another Intamin ride if I were running the joint. Three coasters from them and every single one of them has had problems ranging from mechanical to structural to outright poor design. No thanks.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Wednesday, June 2, 2004 11:08 PM
Well, as long as they are willing to try to go bigger, I think that they will get the more bids.

B&M plays it conservative. They either weren't willing to build a 300 footer when bids on MF went out or it would have been in the ball park of how much Steel Dragon 2000 cost. Intamin has gone higher and faster than any other coaster company has before, and they do it economically. They have had some problems with the rides, but until resently people were praising their restraint systems for how open they were and how safe they were. They are still safer to ride than walking across the street right?

No matter what coaster you are on, there should be a seatbelt that secures you. This is to be the primary restraint, and the lapbar as the secondary system, not the other way around.

With that said, I have to say that the changes made to MF's restrainst are incredibly aggravating and vexing. If I fit in the seat, and the seat belt latched, I would be hella-pissed off if I was told I couldn't ride because I couldn't pull the belt an inch. As a guest that wouldn't make sense to me. Every day we have people coming over to Magnum complaining about how they couldn't ride because of the new rule.

-B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University



Thursday, June 3, 2004 12:46 AM
Amen Jeff.

I feel the same way you do about Intamin. The rides may be good, but only when they're running and not killing people.

I also share your feelings about TTD. I too, have only had 5 rides since it's opening. It's fun to ride, but not a MUST ride. I'd take a spin on Wicked Twister anyday...much more fun, and that's what it's all about isn't it?

Go right through for MSU!


Guy with a name

Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:08 PM
I didnt know someone got killed on an intamin ride? what ride was it? (im sorry if i made it sound as if i could care less whether someone died or not in the last post i made; because i do care, but stuff happens on all coasters; intamin or not.) Who in your opinion could have built a ride as good as MF that had that smooth of a lift, that smooth of a ride, and one that was just as incredible? Look at steel dragon,its taller than mf and faster but it takes like an hour and a half to get to the top (exagerating) and it doesnt look like that great of a ride. just an opinion but i think Cp should still go with Intamin. (if it seems like im flaming im not intentionally). *** Edited 6/3/2004 2:09:14 PM UTC by Guy with a name***

I've been hearing some stuff from the Lemon Chill guy lately, you wanna hear what he told me?



Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:43 PM
Pete's avatar
I have to say that with super tall coasters, like TTD and MF, Intamin is the way to go. Other manufacturers have their share of problems also.

Steel Dragon is still not running due to problems of wheels falling off, at least that is not a problem with Intamin. Vekoma had the Deja Vu and X-Flight issues. X-Flight is still not reclining the seats as designed. Arrow is not an option anymore. S&S has had more problems with its coaster system at PKD than Intamin ever had with Dragster. I doubt that the manufacturers of some of the smaller mouse type rides have the technology to build something like MF or TTD.

That leaves B&M, which does build reliable, well engineered rides. But, from what I have heard, the cost for B&M to build MF would have been astronomical. And, with the four across seating, the ride would not have been as much fun. B&M excels at inverted and stand-up coasters, but their non-looping hyper coasters aren't that good.

Intamin is suffering through a lot of bad publicity with the restraint issues, but the reliability of the rides is not bad after the initial bugs are killed and modifications are made. MF especially seems to be just as reliable as any of the B&M and Arrow rides at CP.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.


Chuck Wagon

Thursday, June 3, 2004 4:24 PM
Chuck Wagon's avatar
Ummm....this was a thread about Free Falls.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop



Thursday, June 3, 2004 6:19 PM
Chuck, good pulling towards the main topic. Four gold stars to you.

So, I pose my previous question: Does anyone know where at SFGAm this particular freefall was located?


Chris Paruch

Thursday, June 3, 2004 7:52 PM
Read this and tell me if you think Intamin has had "minor problems". This is proof the Intamin is NOT a reliable company.

Guy with a name said:
Chris, dude have you seen how much publicity CP has gotten from Intamin's rides... The way i look at it is that no other company can build as good of coasters as well as Intamin has built (regardless of some minor flaws).

So i guess death is minor to you. Yes, Cedar Point has gotten alot of Publicity from Intamin rides, but all they're getting this year is negative PR. Is that what you want from your favorite Amusement Park.

And one other thing, while intamin is redisgning their restraint system, maybe they should think of making them a little bit more accomodating while being safer for larger people. *** Edited 6/3/2004 7:53:24 PM UTC by Chris Paruch***



Thursday, June 3, 2004 9:25 PM

Pete said:

That leaves B&M, which does build reliable, well engineered rides. But, from what I have heard, the cost for B&M to build MF would have been astronomical. And, with the four across seating, the ride would not have been as much fun. B&M excels at inverted and stand-up coasters, but their non-looping hyper coasters aren't that good.

Dude, you are kidding, right? It is odvious, you have never rode Nitro, Raging Bull or Appolo's Chariot.




Thursday, June 3, 2004 10:34 PM
Anyone here want to talk about Intamin Freefall rides? Who can give examples of each of the three (3) generations of Intamin Freefalls? You win my stamp of approval if you can.... :)


Friday, June 4, 2004 12:13 AM
The Edge was located in SFGAm in the area that Power Dive [once] was located. It is now Power Alley, IIRC. It was only installed for one year, and it operated for only weeks.

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Friday, June 4, 2004 12:57 AM
Jeff's avatar
Apollo's Chariot is easily my favorite 200+ non-looping coaster. Anyone that thinks the 9-row, 4-across seating on the B&M speed coasters is weak hasn't had many laps on them. If someone could build Silver Star here in the U.S. that would be great.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Eric H

Friday, June 4, 2004 4:36 AM
As awesome as B&M inverted coasters are, my favorite B'mer just may be Raging Bull. Those twists and turns, the cars and that drop are an experience that make a trip to Great America worthwhile (of course other good coasters are there but the Bull is the Best).

If Kings Island actually decided to build a B and M coaster, I would hope it would be an out and back one.



Friday, June 4, 2004 2:37 PM
Pete's avatar
Well, I'm glad you guys like the B&M hypers, but I wasn't that impressed. Granted, the only one I've been on is Apollo's Chariot, so I don't have a large sample to judge. It seems too controlled to me. Probably because of the large vehicles, and I really do hate the four across seating. Makes me feel like I'm riding in an SUV, I like the small sports car feel of the Intamins.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.


Guy with a name

Friday, June 4, 2004 3:03 PM
i Appologize for my little blurb at the top...i had no clue someone died on an intamin coaster. Im sorry please forgive me :)

I've been hearing some stuff from the Lemon Chill guy lately, you wanna hear what he told me?


Michael Darling

Friday, June 4, 2004 5:43 PM

joe said:
Who can give examples of each of the three (3) generations of Intamin Freefalls?

1st gen: Demon Drop, Mr. Hyde

2nd gen: Pitt Fall, Hellivator

3rd gen: Drop Zone PKI, Drop Zone PKD

Do I win? ;)


Guy with a name

Saturday, June 5, 2004 2:30 AM
does the one free fall that you go up then tilt foward (canth think of the name..its something-phobia) count as a 4th generation or is it still concidered a 3rd. ?

I've been hearing some stuff from the Lemon Chill guy lately, you wanna hear what he told me?


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