Six Flags Ohio


If you go to you can see what some of the rides are going to look like. I think it is worth going to, but not NEARLY as much as going to Cedar Point.


bodyin thelagoon

looks good but it's just a bunch of "small" coasters. No record breakers.

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120


I wouldn't say Batman is that 'small.' And besides, Mean Streak should be proof enough that bigger is not always better.


Pete's avatar
The Villian (CCI wood coaster) looks like it'll be a dynamite ride. I'm betting this ride will be the surprise hit of the 2000 season. (Next to MF of course)


I say this once again, the more parks in the US the better!!
Likes her coasters like her men, fast and furious!


I think Six Flags will do alot for this former park!

Likes her coasters like her men, fast and furious!


I laugh at how their marketing dept. thinks that they are going to draw a crowd from 200-400 miles away. Please, everyone knows CP ownes Ohio as far as coasters and amusement parks.

At the dawn of the new millennium they all bowed down to CP realizing they lost the war.


Jeff's avatar
Who's going to go from Detroit (you can't answer, Scott) to visit a park with a half-day's worth of rides?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point



Definately not Kid Rock. I think that he will spend his days riding the Mother of all Roller Coasters at the best damn park in the land!

Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage

Old Dude

I don't believe that Cedar Point has anything to worry about, even with the massive amounts of money that Six Flags is going to pour into "Six Flags Over Ohio." Cedar Point has a national and international reputation and name-recognition. Six Flags is a corporate entity, kinda like Hanes is to underwear. Seen one pair of skivvies, seen 'em all. It's the same with Six Flags' facilties---they're all kinda ho-hum. "Six Flags Over Here" and "Six Flags Over There"---they don't do much for me and never will. Besides, Six Flags will have a long way to go in rehabilitating Geauga Lake. GL is a real hole, always has been, and until Six Flags cleans up the place and employs some people with talent, pride and courtesy (like all you fine CPers have!), Six Flags Over Ohio will, in my humble opinion, be just another ink blot on the AAA map.

"Nothing says shoddy workmanship like wrinkles in your duct tape."


Jeff's avatar
And God knows it takes awhile for new underwear to really be comfortable. ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point

Old Dude

It takes your natural talent to make such a good point in such a "brief" statement.

"Nothing says shoddy workmanship like wrinkles in your duct tape."

Dave OBrien

I'm looking forward to CP, SF Ohio, PKI and Kennywood on my 10 day trip in August. Saving CP for last of course, but looking forward to the other parks almost as much. By the way, Kid Rock sucks. I can make better music on the bowl.


ShiveringTim's avatar
But a family from Detroit might do a long weekend trip with visits to CP (1.5 - 2 hrs) and SFO/Sea World (another 1 - 1.5 hrs). Remember that SFO indirectly uses SW as another draw and vice versa. The combination of Sea World and Six Flags together will be a major attraction for families. Both names are easily recognized in out of market areas like Detroit and they will definitely bring in the families.

And just to spite you, Jeff, I would travel there from Detroit just for a half day worth of rides. I've done it before, and I'll do it again! :)

Scott W. Short


I just think that its weird having a Busch park and a premiere park right next to each other. makes ya wonder what Premiere has up their sleeve...
Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage


Jeff's avatar
I have to say that while I've made some four hour trips, both were justified for reasons other than the parks themselves. For Darien Lake, I had to go because they had the only other Intamin hyper out there. For PKI, Scott had a free ticket for me (and when not busy, that's really a half-day park).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point


I see how Premiere is literally throwing away over a hundred years of history and can't even begin to imagine how devistating it would be if something like this were to happen to CP. If Premiere were to own CP you know what they would do: Six Flags Cedar Point, yuk!!

At the dawn of the new millennium they all bowed down to CP realizing they lost the war.

Bob Dole

I think that six flags Cedar Point should start a new topic, becasue there is soo much speculation as to what premeir would do to CP. And I think you should start it because I don't want to take credit for your idea

bodyin thelagoon

Well on a good side they might build 4 new coasters!:) I am in Detroit and might just buy a season pass to GL. I already have one for CP though.

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120

bodyin thelagoon

By small I mean none will break records. Nothing is wroung with Mean Streak that can't be fixed. Dosen't bother me. It is one of my faviorite rides. I agree with Cpboy. How the heck are they going to get that many people with a 300+ foot coaster next door and no record breakers. Like SOB it will just be curiosity. I don't think they are going to make as much money as they hope which of course will lead to some other problems.

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120

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