Your worst CP trip

i never really had a bad day at cp all together, but i remeber one time.........when i was 8. raptor had just opened that year. my dad and i rode just about everything(exept magnum,too scared). i wanted to ride raptor. my dad was a chicken and was saying stuff like dragon is more fun(how gay now that i think about all these years later). he wouldnt say he was afraid to go on it. i was balling, yelling at my dad and mom for not taking me on the raptor, when.......boom! a flash of lightning hit my brain.....i ran away and hopped in the hour and a half wait raptor line. the guy came over with that stick. whew just as tall as it.then my family found me and drug me out of line. later in the closing hours, all made up now, my older bro took me on the raptor, and i enjoyed my first ride on raptor when i was 8. what a special story huh?
"m'kay.....," mr. mackey, south park guidance councelor
My worst CP trip had to be the first time I went last year. We arrived at noon and were ready for a day of fun. The park was crowded but not too bad. We were in line for Demon Drop and after a 15 minute wait we were about to get on the ride. Right before we were about to get on it started raining. We waited 2 hours at that ride, waiting for it to reopen. We then learned that after there was another storm heading our way. It rained a total of seven hours. When it finally stopped, we were out of the park eating dinner in the Boathouse. Then we went back into the park and the lines were the same length as they were when we got there! I did learn a few things while I was there though...walking up and down the midway can be entertaining, the tables with the big umbrellas are comfortable, and from the Demon Drop ride op, that CP was building a 300 foot tall roller coaster built by B&M and that the train tracks had already been moved for the construction (almost completely true...I must say that at first I didn't believe him!)
I can remember my first Coastermania. The day was beautiful, weather was great all day, temperature averaged at about 65-70 degrees. The nightmare was driving home back to Perrysburg where i lived at the time. Well, there was dense fog the minute i got off route two onto 163 heading west. I ended up having to drive 25 miles an hour all the way home from rt. 2. Talk about a long and tiring drive home.

Another trip i remember was when our family went with some friends of ours who live here in Columbus. We went in there car. We get all the way up to Sandusky and it rains, someone got sick, so we ended up having to go back to our house. Fortunately, our family alone made another trip up and it was successful. This was back, oh, maybe early to mid 70's that this disasterous trip took place.

Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
My worst experience was on October 3, 1998. A Halloweekends Saturday. The chance of rain was 90% all day (it rained at least 90% of the day), the temperatures were in the low to mid 50's, and it was very windy. Unfortunately, the place was packed. It was then that I learned that weather conditions, no matter how inclement, is not a deterrent to the people that came to CP that day.

Major rides such as the Magnum, Mean Streak (big loss LOL), and Gemini would never open that day. And Raptor, Mantis, and Power Tower would operate on a on-again off-again basis due to the rain. And of course lines for these rides were very long because of all the other rides that were closed. Oddly enough, the only ride unaffected by weather conditions, Disaster Transport, never opened that day either.

I was only able to ride the Mantis, Mine Ride, Blue Streak, and the Raptor. Nothing like riding the Raptor in the front seat and have rain pelt you in the face. The only positive thing about this trip is the free ticket I received after buying my first ever season pass earlier that day.

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