Your worst CP trip


LuvRaptor's avatar
I thought it would be kind of cool to read about other peoples bad experience/trip to CP maybe just to be assured that I am not the only person that a "less than perfect" trip at least once!
(keeping in mind this thread is NOT to CP bash!!!)
The below is a true story-took place last August
"MY CP trip from Hell"
Almost got into a head on collision with some *&^%
on Rte 4 at 7am-the *&^% decided to pass traffic on a 2 lane highway in DENSE fog, By the time I saw him all I saw was headlights apprx 20' in front of me-slammed on my brakes-swirved to the right-back to the left-did a 180-by the time my car stopped I was on the OTHER side of Rte 4 facing the OTHER way. No-no one stopped-and to this day I thank Goodness my daughter and I were not killed.
Instead of taking this "hint" and going home-turned around - drove on to CP.
Park was PACKED - even getting there at 8:30am it was already packed. Flew Raptor and that would be the shortest wait (20 minutes) for ANY ride the ENTIRE day. The "running" joke between my daughter and I all day was that I thought I left my car lights on. I had already decided we couldnt stay till close cause honestly I was scard to drive home in the dark after what had happened that morning. In a nutshell:
We got to ride everything worth riding
We left park at 6pm
got to car-not only was battery close to dead
but my car alarm was "armed" and faintly going off
I dont have my remote
my car alarm has been disarmed for MONTHS
go back to park-call for a jump
wait by car 45 minutes (now its getting dark)
drink 2 Dews
get a jump from CP (my heros)
Notice my alarm is now armed-meaning if I turn car off-alarm will arm and I am SOL cause remote at home-as well as instructions how to disarm
Hyundai has this anti-theft radio-if removed out of car you must know your "code#" to get radio to work. NO clue where code card is.
For the 2.5-3 hour drive home
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Jeff's avatar
There's such a thing as a bad Cedar Point trip?

The only time I ever didn't want to be there was July 4. I was there to photograph the fireworks (see gallery). It was well over 90 degrees, even at 11 o'clock that night, and the attendance was at one of the highest levels all year. I parked in the Soak City lot that night, which was nearly full.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"


my worst trip had to be our last one...we took two friends with us who were BEGGING to go. ok fine. the whole way there they listened to the "office Space" soundtrack, but only ONE song "aint it good to be a gangsta" or some such thing. i was nearly insane by the time we reached CP. we check in and they nearly get us kicked out by trying to break into the pool area after hours. THEN the next morning, we get up and it is POURING rain. i say we wait it out for a couple hours, then go over to the park and find things to do, maybe cram in a ride here and there during any let ups. (i didn't drive 400 miles with two screaming 24 year olds,yes, 24 year olds for nothing). so we go over to the park. we ride Magnum. they say "oh, it's just OK. we liked Ripcord better." the rain starts again around 3 or 4 pm. we leave. they spend 20 minutes and $5.00 trying to call the local theatre for "Phantom Meanace" times. ok fine. go to movie. stop at Super K on the way back from movie so Josh can buy action figures. get back to room. josh rips open packages, strews them around room, finds porno on TV and settles in. RRRGGGHHH. forget there's a WOMAN there, did we? go back to park next day(sunny, 70's, nice weather), last day there. (two day trip only) leave park around 6 pm Ohio time. torrential downpours all the way home. looks like sun has turned black and moon to blood. i mean BIBLICAL proportions. josh screams whole way home over GameBoy game, Bo listens to "Gangsta" song for 5 hours (again) and when we get home, they all run to the computer for a little "Half-life" action. then they spend the next YEAR complaining about the "B-grade" staff at CP. SO, john and i have decided, NO MORE FRIENDS ON OUR CP TRIPS. the park was not crowded, the staff was fine, the weather stunk, but you can't control the weather(someday, not now)they got a FREE ride out there and they were mad because they "did not get laid" as they put it. i will go later this year with my friends(they are SO ??? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ??? ????????? ???? ??? ? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????? ? ????????? ?? ??????????????????????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ? ????????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ? ???


There has only been one time that I had a bad time at the POINT. First we went on a week end. It turns out it was a record of the amount of people there that year. I got to ride 6 rides.

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast


I kinda have to agree with Jeff, I haven't really had a a bad day at the park. Then there was one time where I was falsly accused of doing something once that I didn't do, but in the long run had a positive effect on me.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801


i've never had a bad day at the park, either, just a bad trip surrounding it....

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"


Jeff's avatar
You were framed, Dan! People just don't like people who look different (i.e., your riding partner that day).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"


Jeff, You were there on the 4th of july last year so was I. Hottest day of the year basically. Anymore people and I would have fallen into the lake. I was there with my niece and nephew, and family. We rode all the kiddie rides. And I didn't even get to ride Raptor. That was my worst CP trip. That ain't all that bad. I do have to agree with jeff that there really are not bad trips to CP (with the exception of LuvRaptor and servo---that's bad) That is why I generally go at nights after work to avoid crowds mostly and just ride coasters. It's so fun watching the parking lot just empty out all for me. :)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!


Every trip I've ever made to the point has been bad for one reason. I had to leave. :( Other than that, each trip is just plain incredible. I don't feel that CP or it's staff could ever ruin a trip to the park.


Ive only had 2 bad experience at cedar point/soak city. I went with my aunt and cousin, and of course, my cousin is afraid of coasters, and my aunt gets tired fast. I got my ticket free (my aunt got them from her work) for cedar point and soak city. so i prob...ill trip....WOOHOO!....ok...we get to the park...we go to soak city first...(not that i had much say so in it...i was out numbered 2-1) SC had to delay opening cuase of lightning about...25 miles north of the point... so we wait (i was my aunt wouldnt let me go into the park by myself) so finaly SC opened....we rode erie falls...and other rides....then i asked if i could go to the gemini....she said yes much to my suprize...i rode it about 10 times...then went back to check was about...2 in the afternoon....i had to stay at SC for 2 more hours.....finaly she let me go to the raptor (with my cousin)....the sign said 1 hour wait.....and brad said...ok...ill wait over there by the photo booth........and i got in line...... i got on the coaster about 1 hour and 15 min (i had to wait for the front)....a rode it....but when i got cousin is naggin at me (brad is 2 years younger than i) we finaly get back to SC.... ok...rode the rides a few more times.....we had to leave at 6 pm... arg! i only got to ride 2 coasters that day....they wouldnt wait for me to ride magum either...or any other ride...which realy upset me..... but oh well.... there was 1 other incident... last day the park was open (including all the rides) .... me, my mom, my aunt and cousin went... i got to ride 3 coasters that day..... blue streak...gemini...and magunm....thats all!! not going with my cousin or aunt again....unless i can go off and ride on my own......

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?" *** This post was edited by somewhatchewy on 3/6/00. ***


LuvRaptor's avatar

hey--I hope no one misunderstood my beginning thread!! CP was GREAT-as always the ride ops were great (love ya Aaron, Jason and Smokey!) the park was just WAY overcrowded-it was hot and steamy..but just chalked it up to one of the days I will NEVER EVER return to the park on that date again!! (the entire ordeal obviousely didnt scare me away for good!)
oh-and BTW-no more Hyundai either-got me something big and bad
(and unfortunitely a COW on gas!)

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??


My worst park trip would have to be when I was like 7. It rained for the first 2 hours, and trust me, when you're 7 it's seems like an eternity. We walked around all day in wet shoes. boy did our feet stink!

My family never tells me when we are going to go, but I knew when we were going because of my deductive skills. I kept checking the Sandusky weather page every day leading up to the day we went. The week before it was sunny, then 2 days from it - cloudy, that day at 4:00 am - thunderstorms. My heart went in my throat. But the day was perfect. Only at one time did it look like lightning. Right before we got on the Power Tower. I think that I willed it to go away. LOL!


Have not really had one, other than going one day around 3pm and the parking lot was full all the way to the fence and cars were lined up to get in, so needless to say we did not go that day. If you want to call that a bad day, but we never made it in so i guess not! :)
The more you ride it, the more you want it!



I cant say I was ever disappointed or had a bad day at CP. To me CP is like a utopia and I think it is the best place on earth. I have been on days that were really hot and humid but you cant control the weather. I have also been there when its been really packed with long lines but I guess thats to be expected. Maybe Im just a really tolerant and patient guy but I goto a park to have fun not to whine and cry about things. But thats just me.


Even on the worst day, weather-wise, i had a good time. Last year in Sept right before the holloween thing, i traveled from Cincinnati (where i go to school) even though the weatherman said it would rain all day up north. It was cold and grey and pretty ominous. But it was my one and only chance to make it all season, and i couldn't miss a year now could i? So a buddy and i trecked up and it stopped raining just long enough to get everything important in. Then around five, the sky opened up on my last trip on the Magnum. What a way to send off the season.


Only bad time I had at The Point was the drive over on my 16th birthday.
I had just bought a 1989thunderbird SC, and I decided I was going to test the limits of my new Detroit-made sports car. WELL no more than 10minutes after I get into Ohio, those good ol boys in blue pulled me over and gave me a 135$ ticket. Well, after the ticketing was finished, I stopped off at a friendly Oasis, got some gas, and headed out again, trying to break the sound barrier. Well, I made it to CP 2 hours ahead of time, and the rest of the trip was awesome.

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses!!"


hey, Luvraptor!! i love my Hyundai!!!! 26 mpg and takes a licking and keeps on ticking!!!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"


LuvRaptor's avatar
Just when you thought worst trip couldnt get much worse I did recall a trip 3 years ago
had a boyfriend who lived in Marion County-like 45 minutes from CP-
has to be a match made in heaven after all he lives so close to my FAV place in the world!
So we made this plan on going to CP with my daughters and his son. We get there FAR later than I wanted to-I like to arrive as soon as parking lot opens-got this thing about parking in row 1-we were in row 23. I was pissed! Right away he was "backing out" on riding any rides-saying "I like to watch the kids have fun-I dont have to ride" (translation: CHICKEN)
So my oldest and I rode and met back up with him for lunch 3 hours later
THREE hours guys
and he wants to LEAVE!
He decided to go on Snake River Falls with the kids and was pissed because he was DRENCHED. What a jerk-hello? Its a water ride-did you not see this before you rode it?
I told him I was not leaving yet-so we split off again and met 2 hours later
then we did leave
yes I got to spend a "whopping" 5 hours at CP
it was then I knew this guy was NOT for me.
I went back the next week with my kids and we had a ball....that guy is history

My "CP Prince Charming" will marry me on Raptor and let me throw the bouquet from Power Tower.
I will accept nothing less!

and servo: I am missing my Hyundai DEARLY every time I have to put gas in my truck! My Scoupe got 32mpg to CP and back!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??


Seems like everytime I go on a school sponsored trip it kinda sucks. We always get there at like 1 o'clock and leave at like 5. The schoolfriends always makes up for it tho. (Until you realize you shelled out nearly 50 bucks for 4 hours at CP) Last year was the worst. We were starting our 3 hr drive back home (3 hrs in a charter bus, 2 in a car? Go figure) when the weather starting turning ugly. We thought it was just a thuderstorm until we saw semi-trucks flipped over on the side of the road. Turns out, we were driving within miles of a tornado! :)


I was 10; my mom took her girl scout troop, and I thought I would go along. She made me stay with them the entire time. Ouch.

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