Your favorite hotels....

In and around Sandusky I have stayed in a few places and multiple times in some places. Here is where I hope we can offer our favorite places to stay...

I have stayed at the 5909 Milan Comfort Inn..this place was my favorite off-point hotel because it was a "party hotel". Pool side full bar with t.v.'s and tiki theme. We've stayed here twice. The rooms we're clean despite some negative tripadvisor reviews. It is unfortunately up there in the costs and will be priced neck and neck with less expensive rooms at CP resorts. Peak summer times had hotel costs of $100 a day to $150+ on the weekends. Do not stay here if you are a family. The pool area is filled with people openly drinking. The place has a night club that attracts people of all kinds and has a pretty nice restaurant inside. Once there was a Jaguar meet-up there or something because about 20 Jaguars of all ages were sitting outside.

We stayed in Hotel Breakers in two rooms before. Bon-Air and Single King right off the rotunda.
Here is the view from the single king right off the Rotunda on I believe the 3rd floor.¤t=MOV02458.flv
Pretty breath-taking. I can still find the room number if people want this room. It was nice and we stayed in the room for 4 nights so we got pretty comfortable with it. The bathrooms are not as nice as our room in the Bon-Air section..odd since the bon-air is cheaper.
The rooms were both non-smoking, but in the room with an awesome view we found a yellow prescription pill on the floor, and a cigar with marijuana inside of it. Which made me promptly ask my girlfriend...did I get really drunk last night and invite a bunch of people to the hotel room or something? This hotel rules if you can find rooms for close to $100 a night. For families and people who enjoy being able to walk back to your hotel this is the place to go.
Bon-Air lacks the view but had a more modern bathroom than the single king room. I think the one big selling point for this hotel is you have the theme park right there, you have the beach right there, and inside the pool you can look down to Wicked Twister and go "My God is that awesome".

Castaway Bay...holy moly this place is themed. Kids must love this place...
We stayed for one night during halloweekends for $119 and it was an awesome buy I think. The room included a patio with chairs and all to sit out on. By far the most modern / clean / unblemished hotel we have stayed in around the Sandusky area. Upon checking in you will find there is a plethora of activities and things to do right around the hotel. I think this is the best hotel outside of CP for a family. You have tons of choices for food and since you are not on point the food is cheaper.

When I go to Cedar Point its a terrible toss-up between Castaway Bay and Hotel Breakers for me.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I'm always a fan of Lighthouse Point, but with the included parking next year, I think I'm going to be spending my trips at Bayshore. The cabins are a bit smaller, but its not bad.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

factory81 said:
...we found a yellow prescription pill on the floor...

Did it look anything like this?


When we identified the pill we learned it was an anti-psychotic pill for people with bipolar disorder. Kind of alarming if you have children, but if we hadn't stayed for almost a week in the room we probably wouldn't have found it.

Breakers Express is my favorite hotel in the area. Granted we only go once per year if we even go on that year, so I haven't been to many other hotels in Sandusky. Breakers Express is very low priced, and the rooms are pretty nice and they have been clean every time we have been there. Lately we have been to some other hotels for other events and have had an overflowing toilet and a bug in the bed, but we have never had anything like that happen at Breakers Express. I just wish they would start allowing online reservations for this year soon.

Four discount funday tickets to Cedar Point: $130.96
Overnight stay at Breakers Express: $70
Riding rides the size of skyscrapers while "legally" breaking the local speed limit: Priceless

Outside Cedar Point I like Comfort Inn Huron! But I love Light House Point


Anyone going to try Sandcastle next year with the new renovation?

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