Yellow Train Running

CP Master, Gooober and I waited almost 4 hours in line on Tuesday since the queue didn't open untill almost 1:00 o'clock. We were near the front of the line and rode the yellow train 1st time out of the station. We took the Intamin car 5-1 and man was that a rush! Sorry we missed you. *** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/18/2000. ***
The cheap rattling noise was indeed caused by the decorative cover panels on the front of each car (except the lead car). Those panels have been, for the moment, removed until they can be stiffened so that they won't rattle.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I got in line for MF around 4:30 pm. Soon after, they put the blue train on the transfer track and there was a long pause during which they weren't running any trains. Then they started running the red train only. Around a half hour later, they started running the blue train and the red train together. Around an hour later, they took the red train onto the transfer track, and there was a longer pause during which they didn't run any trains, it seemed like almost a half hour. Then they started test runnign the yellow train empty. I dont' know about the third hill, but it BARELY made it around the last hill coming into the station. Then they ran it with a crew member, then they loaded it and ran both the yellow and the blue trains. I rode the yellow train, and it was the first time i rode Mf so I can't compare it to the other trains, but boy that is one sweet piece of machinery.
EriK, it would not be cool to ride on a train rolling back. The ride would have to be shut down the whole day dissapointing tons of paying customers. A crane would have to come and indvidually remove each car. Plus a rollback puts a blemish on a coaster's record..

[BTW, does anyone know how this problem with the "School bus" will be solved?]

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
Thanks Dave, I couldn't figure oue where those panels went, but did see them laying off to the side yesterday.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
For those of you who were wondering, all three trains WILL be running this weekend. As you may know MF does not open until noon all this week. They are doing his so they have time to work on the "school bus" and getting the timing of all three trains down. The people from Intamin have to be done by this Saturday. So, all three will be running this weekend.

MF Count: 4
Will it open at 12 Saturday, or normal times?

Whats life if you never get to the point?
i wonder if they will have all 3 going before coastermania?when i was there opening weekend i got to ride twice,once in the blue,once in the red and i couldent find any differances between the two.

That's GREAT to know! When they're running two trains, from the moment you get in line, you can tell that the rides not operating at full capacity. Looking across the midway at Mantis makes you think that they're dispatching really fast!
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Hurricane_6 I do not know if MF will open at noon but I know that all three trains will be running from a friend that is head of park operations.

MF Count: 4
Alright, thanks CPMaster!

Whats life if you never get to the point?
How do you know for sure all 3 will be running this weekend? While i would love to see it happen, i still have my doubts :(
Steve Sergent
Okay, first off, I don't know too many "school busses" that go 92 MPH! Second, I would really like to see the yellow train running because that seems like the most attractive one to me, except for MAYBE red.
Cayl's Cedar Point and Coaster Page
ORIGINAl High Quality Millennium Force and Cedar Point Pictures

I used to like the yellow one but I don't like the way the front of all of them is blue. I think the only one that looks right is the blue one now.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
It's funny, because everyone seemed to like the yellow train best, and it's the one that's not running, well until this weekend anyway! :-)

America's Roller Coast

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