I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?
Cedar Point here I come
~!~Augest 3~!~
Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?
(sorry, just havin a hard time believin it. show us pics please)
*** This post was edited by cpkungfu 7/31/2003 9:24:51 PM ***
If I win the lottery, I promise not to quit my job. Although, it may not take very long for me to be fired.
In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?!"
Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?
AKA...Somewhatchewy, Joseph the White.
Support PUTI! People for the Unethical Treatment of Idiots.
Djk210, you just turn the track and train upside down, no modifications. For the twisted track you just have to design the supports with the ability to hook up track to various places as you go up the tower and twist as you go. The way I did it was more for stability than looks but it works, its almost like a box/tower going up and the track is inside of it. The front spike however, being straight, just ataches to a skinny tower, it didn't need much support.
AKA...Somewhatchewy, Joseph the White.
Support PUTI! People for the Unethical Treatment of Idiots.
AKA...Somewhatchewy, Joseph the White.
Support PUTI! People for the Unethical Treatment of Idiots.
Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Sillynonsense.com
DELETED! What time does the water show start?
AKA...Somewhatchewy, Joseph the White.
Support PUTI! People for the Unethical Treatment of Idiots.
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