Worst Ride

Good call, Gemini Hand Smacker, you've found the worst one of all!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Watch for the update, coming soon!
If I am not mistaken, I posed this same question back in October! Use the search key and type in "Worst Coaster" and it should come up. My opinion remains the same as it did then however: Two thumbs down to the "Iron Dragon."
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Oh, i didn't know that, my bad
No problem Cartman--just thought that I would point that out in case you wanted some more opinions on what people think is the worst coaster!

"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
The coasters I enjoy the least at Cedar Point are still more enjoyable than most coasters elsewhere. If I'm at Cedar Point, I'll generally choose to ride Gemini last, or not at all; but if someone told me they were paying my way to go ride, say, the Boss at SFStL, or Gemini at CP, I'd be off to the Point. Which isn't to say the Boss is terrible. Between those two I'd enjoy Gemini more.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
--Fran Lebowitz
The one that is DDM.
Hell, sometimes I go to CP JUST to ride Gemini. It's a great coaster. A little wood, a little steel...you know, something for everybody. And you can smack hands!!!! Smack 'em!!! Can you smack hands on that Millenium Force thingy? Heeeeck no! Not that I'm really thinking about smacking hands at 92 mph, but hey, I really like smacking hands. During offseason, my friends and I drive down the street next to each other smacking hands...you know, simulating the Gemini feel. Kind of like practicing so we don't accidently poke someone in the eye on the ride and stuff, you know? It's dangerous smacking peoples' hands without warming up and having lots of practice...someone could get hurt!!! Anyway, my dog is ready to walk me around the block, so I'm gone!!!

gimme gimme food stamps...
You can smack hands with the one support on Millennium Force. OUCH!!!. Glad to see your practicing too David. Don't want any mishaps when its go time.

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