Worst CP trip Ever..... 8/3/2006

9/3/2006 (My bad)

Long and short of things:

Ride lines/intervals: Horrible

Example: I've never been on Gemni with anything longer than a 5 min wait. i've been 15 times this summer, on everyday of the week except thursday. When I went sunday, they couldnt even dispach both trains at the same time. We had 12 people with us all evenly lined up, (6 on red train and 6 on blue train) AND WE STILL ENDED UP GETTING OFF AT DIFFRENT TIMES!

CP Employes

I guess that doesnt bother me as much as the CP employes that were rude. Part of the fun at CP is playing the Games . I was playing the Basket ball game by MF and there was a Girl Employe that was so rude, she actually threw (tossed hard) the mini basket ball that I won. I got three, so she did that with all of them. Also the ride Ops at Raptor And Gemni were Pretty rude too. I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Just a word of advice to those who work at CP (this does not apply to everyone) You are in a public service position. If your not happy with your job, then Quit, because its not right to take out your frustration on The people that pay for your paycheck.

Sorry about the rant, but I had to say this. Thanks for listening
*** Edited 9/5/2006 3:54:06 PM UTC by Gmoney***

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

Gmoney said:
9/3/2006 (My bad)

Long and short of things:

I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Well I guess the same could be said for your spelling.

LuvRaptor's avatar

Gmoney said:

The ride Ops at Raptor And Gemni were Pretty rude too. I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Although I highly disagree with the comment about the Raptor crew, I would have to agree with the Gemini crew remark. Any time I rode that ride during the season the crew was horrid (I can even name names) Far fetched from when DJ ran the crew, or any crew from seasons passed I can recall! :(

But.....Gmoney you have to understand that MANY of the employees you are dealing with right now are NOT full time employees. Most of the regular season crew is back in school now. So many of the employees are new (either to the ride itself or the park itself) foreigners, or ride prides.
Do not misunderstand, I am not defending them, any ill behavior towards any guest should not be tolerated regardless of reason.

Sorry you had a bad time and I certainly hope it won't keep you from going back to the park again!!

Jo '00 '02 '03 Raptor Crew
Lifetime Raptor flights: 1158 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

Also, please understand that while you are there having fun, the employees you encounter (especially at this time of year) are probably working their 11th open-close shift without a day off. ANY job that you work where you make $6.25/hr and work 60-70 hours per week without a day off, will get really old, really fast. Especially, when you have to listen to guests ask you the same stupid questions every single day (it's like an endless case of Deja Vu). How many times will it take you telling someone to put their belongings in the yellow bins PRIOR to boarding the train, and have them completely ignore you, before you get frustrated?

I agree with you that if you hate the job that much to quit, but if every CP employee (who, trust me, is frustrated at this time of the season) followed your advice, there would probably be less than 100 workers left to run every ride and attraction in the park (and if you're upset with lines and intervals now, just imagine if there were LESS workers!). In short, I know it must be upsetting to have a bad experience in a place you enjoy, however the employees aren't just "rude" because they feel like it; there are MANY factors that contribute to a CP employee's attitude (whether "good" or "bad").

I hope your next trip to CP is more enjoyable than your previous. Best of luck.

Sunday the 3rd was a very over crowded day and i am glad i was able to be there saturday coping with the weather, but still having short line rides on the ones operating. I am sure many of the employees could be suffering burnout from the long days and repetitive questions and amount of park goers , but i am sure their employer made it clear of the work environment. I have always enjoyed my visits to the point and feel like they make a pretty good effort. I will admit some of the workers arent as friendly as i have seen at other parks. When you work with the public it is a given you will deal with frustration and many moments of thoughts wondering if you like your job. This type of business should be service oriented and everybody has a bad day at work and of course so does the customer so there has to be consideration from both ends.

TTD launch is the ultimate rush
Millennium Force is the greatest coaster in the world

I just have to ask were any of the employees not in there normal complete uniform such as wearing kaki pants? or did you notice there ids said Ride Pride? Ride Prides usually work games, food, and easy positions on rides such as at the entrance. When I worked at CP we often got a LOT of complaints some major about the Ride Prides. A lot of them are from fraternities and sororities and really dislike working there and are not even making money for themselfs but instead for the club they are a part of. My guess is that at least the games person you saw was a Ride Pride. Cedar Point always has staffing problems this time of year. Sorry you had a bad experience.

For the amount of people they hire I think they do a good job.

101 on Magnum and counting...

Why do you need so much interaction with the ride ops anyways that would cause so much anger?

For the 20+ years I've been going my interaction with them is minimal. I'm there to ride coasters and spend time with my friends.

A ride op could be having the worst day of their life and it would unlikely affect me.

Stand in line, gates open, sit in coaster, ride op checks restraint, we enjoy the ride.

As to the basketballs, I'd whip it at you do, especially after winning 1 already. I hate seeing those things around the park all day. :-P

Ryan L said:

Gmoney said:
9/3/2006 (My bad)

Long and short of things:

I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Well I guess the same could be said for your spelling.

Should'nt you be back in school? I'm sorry my spelling is off, but I'm at work and dont have the time that you do to use spell check and all that jazz. Why dont you go sip on a Capri Sun or some Sunny D, and leave the ranting to the grown ups, k?

Head Rush, its the principal. Weather you have min. or max interaction with the emp. doesnt change the fact that they should treat ALL the Guests with respect. I spend alot of money when I go, And I expect to be treated as such. I'm not saying roll out the red carpet, but be respectful, and if CP is hiring Frat Boi's and Girls, then they should rethink there hiring process. And thats exactly what I told someone in guest services last nigh

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

When I worked at Cedar Point, I used to get pretty frustrated myself. After awhile you feel a bit like a puppet. Every ten minutes someone asks a question with an obvious answer or they'll break the rules in front of you to be silly. Some people are just plain out of control and it's extremely irritating when this kind of behavior comes from adults. After awhile, all you want is for people to obey the rules. I could understand how many employees grow impatient.

At the same time, I never got to the point where I was rude to guests. If some employees are not particularly friendly, I think it's somewhat excusable. If they took every customer seriously, they'd soon go crazy. If they are rude, there is really no excuse. Frustrations at such a job come on a daily basis and if you ruin a someone's visit to the park, there is no reason to continue working at there. There are definitely less demanding positions as far as hours are concerned.

Gmoney, you missed my point.

Other than the basketball girl, you never really said how the ride ops were rude. (Raptor & Gemini)

What interaction did you have with them?

*** Edited 9/5/2006 10:03:51 PM UTC by Headrush*** *** Edited 9/5/2006 10:04:11 PM UTC by Headrush*** *** Edited 9/5/2006 10:04:47 PM UTC by Headrush***

Gmoney said:

Ryan L said:

Gmoney said:
9/3/2006 (My bad)

Long and short of things:

I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Well I guess the same could be said for your spelling.

Should'nt you be back in school? I'm sorry my spelling is off, but I'm at work and dont have the time that you do to use spell check and all that jazz. Why dont you go sip on a Capri Sun or some Sunny D, and leave the ranting to the grown ups, k?

Head Rush, its the principal. Weather you have min. or max interaction with the emp. doesnt change the fact that they should treat ALL the Guests with respect. I spend alot of money when I go, And I expect to be treated as such. I'm not saying roll out the red carpet, but be respectful, and if CP is hiring Frat Boi's and Girls, then they should rethink there hiring process. And thats exactly what I told someone in guest services last nigh

I would be ya see im 22. So yea, I'd rather sip on beer or whatever drink is in front of me.

Holla back youngin

Ryan L said:

Gmoney said:

Ryan L said:

Gmoney said:
9/3/2006 (My bad)

Long and short of things:

I've noticed that as the season draws to a close the Employes get worst and worst; its almost as if they dont care.

Well I guess the same could be said for your spelling.

Should'nt you be back in school? I'm sorry my spelling is off, but I'm at work and dont have the time that you do to use spell check and all that jazz. Why dont you go sip on a Capri Sun or some Sunny D, and leave the ranting to the grown ups, k?

Head Rush, its the principal. Weather you have min. or max interaction with the emp. doesnt change the fact that they should treat ALL the Guests with respect. I spend alot of money when I go, And I expect to be treated as such. I'm not saying roll out the red carpet, but be respectful, and if CP is hiring Frat Boi's and Girls, then they should rethink there hiring process. And thats exactly what I told someone in guest services last nigh

I would be ya see im 22. So yea, I'd rather sip on beer or whatever drink is in front of me.

Holla back youngin

LOL! Youngin?! thats The most funny thing that I've heard all day. Your 22? I suguest that you shut up and enjoy the board. no one appointed you god of spelling, and its quite stupid that you troll arround correcting peoples spelling errors. you show a lot of maturity correcting everyones mistakes. Unless you have your degree in spell checking, you should shut up and enjoy the board. Once again, little guy, check yourself. Is that spelled right for you?

Head Rush- one of the ride opps told me to sit down now and rolled her eyes. that was on raptor.

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

IMO - I think guest who win basketballs tend to get treated a bit differently -- that goes to this topic


None the less, it's no reason to be completely rude to a guest.

This past weekend was really busy! I guess it preps you for Halloweekends :)

Raptor is a pretty high paced ride...fastest in that park. Working on it is a constant frezy to get people in and out, because the interval on that bird is about 45 seconds or something. Management is constantly pushing interval, especially when it hasn't been being hit in a while.

Therefore, when guests don't listen to the 'please be sure to place all loose items into the open yellow box before boarding, giving all articles to one person in your party to reduce congestion on this side of the platform,' it gets really frustrating as a ride op when you have to tell people to get up and go put stuff in the box...or when people take a long time and SHOULD be in their seat. Guests had all the time in the world to socialize...just sit down in your seat so we can get you out and having fun instead of starting a convo with your friend that could wait until the ride is over.

you have no idea how frustrating it is working every day all day and having to deal with slow guests or stupid comments every other train, if not every train. it is a highly stressful job, especially when management is breathing down your neck.

Moral of the story is that if ya listen to the ride ops and you are quick in your boarding the trains, in a safe manner of course, then you will never be treated poorly and you MIGHT even get a smile!


Mantis (and Raptor/Wildcat) - 2006
Mantis ATL - 2007

Jj said:

Moral of the story is that if ya listen to the ride ops and you are quick in your boarding the trains, in a safe manner of course, then you will never be treated poorly and you MIGHT even get a smile!


Nothing was done diffrent than any of the other 15 times that I've been there. I went at the same pace as the other times. I dont see how my actions made things any diffrent than any other.

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!

Gmoney said:Head Rush- one of the ride opps told me to sit down now and rolled her eyes. that was on raptor.

LOL, I think that is only rude, not pretty rude. :-P

Agreed about Raptor and Gemini crews both being HIGHLY mediocre this year - the worst crews I've seen at CP probably ever. I haven't really encountered rudeness, just lack of hustle and effort when it comes to efficiency and capacity. Stacking all three trains on Raptor or stacking two trains on Gemini used to happen a couple times a day. Now it's not uncommon for it to happen multiple times in a row.

It's too bad because there are several other ride crews this year that are vastly better than last year including Mantis, Millennium Force, and even Magnum.


LuvRaptor's avatar

MDOmnis said:
Agreed about Raptor and Gemini crews both being HIGHLY mediocre this year - the worst crews I've seen at CP probably ever. I haven't really encountered rudeness, just lack of hustle and effort when it comes to efficiency and capacity. Stacking all three trains on Raptor or stacking two trains on Gemini used to happen a couple times a day. Now it's not uncommon for it to happen multiple times in a row.

Shut the **** up Matt!! ;)

I don't think the Raptor crew is rude....I just think that instead of intervals the goal is stacking! I've seen them stack with only 2 trains!! Yikes! :(

As for Gemini, not only are they slow as cra* but I would have to agree with Gmoney that they are by far the most rude crew I have ever encountered on Gemini! That was from opening day till my latest visit.

Thank goodness we didn't have that issue when we did the Gemini 100 or it would have ended up being the Gemini 10! ;)

Lifetime Raptor flights: 1158 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

I somewhat agree that the Raptor crew was off while I was there on the 2nd and 3rd (the ride being closed for around 3/4 of the day on the 2nd which made NO sense when Millennium Force and everything else except for Dragster were running) and while I was in line, they decided that at 10 minutes before closing with a line of around 15-20 minutes to bring out another train since they were running single train. I still had a great time on both days considering the hurricane on the 2nd and the horrible crowds on the 3rd and still managed around 50 or so rides total between the two days. Also, many of the ride ops were experiencing their first times working at Cedar Point, and keeping that in mind, I think they did a great job!

On the 3rd, the simple fact that the ride pride people stuck around after hours to run Top Thrill Dragster once it re-opened was great, and the ride ops weren't mean whatsoever, they were informative and if you had the time to actually stop and talk to them and sympathize with them for how hard they are actually working, then you make your day better as well as theirs and that then rubs off on everyone else whom that ride op comes in contact with that day. Ride ops aren't there to only serve you, they're not slaves, you have to realize that they're only human, just like you.

Ride Count at Dorney Park so far this year:
Hydra: 14 Laser: 3 Steel Force: 11 Talon: 18 Thunderhawk: 4
And that's just in 23 hours!

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