work shoes for ride host?


DevynxCouture's avatar

I was just curious but do they really check to see if your shoes are leather and all white or have 10% color? i actually work at footlocker so i have alot of options for shoes but i really wanted some mesh shoes that are extremely comfortable and only have color around the rim.

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12



You should be fine. They aren't too picky about the shoes unless they are obviously 90% color.

2005-2007 Merchandise/ Ride Photo Team Leader
2008-2009 Rides. Mantis, Millennium, Magnum, Top Thrill Dragster
2011-2013 TGI Fridays on the beach. Server/ Bartender.



DevynxCouture's avatar

now what if the sneaker is a light gray color all over?

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12



That depends. I've seen people with light gray shoes, and seem to get away with it. However, that's not always the case. Just get shoes that are mostly white, to be safe.

2005-2007 Merchandise/ Ride Photo Team Leader
2008-2009 Rides. Mantis, Millennium, Magnum, Top Thrill Dragster
2011-2013 TGI Fridays on the beach. Server/ Bartender.



You can get any tennis shoe as long as it's 90% white...I am getting a pair of Nike Lunarglide 2's...I had to custom make them from nike to be basically all white except for the areas that only grey was avail, which was a small area near the nike logo. I also wanna get a pair of spenco polyscrub insoles for these, I tried them on at foot locker this way, and they are sooooooo comfortable...I liked the insoles enough the deal is buy one get one free, one year warranty, and it ended up being around 20 bucks. The shoes to make online are 130, and I would assume S&H. New Balance was my next choice for shoes. I didn't find them as supportive & comfortable as the Lunarglide 2's...If you want those they are cheaper, but also another thing is the higher the number, the more supportive/comforting. The lower, the less supportive/comfortable. So you're paying lower for not as good quality in my opinion, but the lunarglide 2's were phenominal. I want a pair for work right now, no joke



I figured I'd show you the shoe too, so here's a link to how I had to make it. Also I was thinking about changing the midsole rim color to photo blue (to match the uniform I think it looks better but idk) but we'll see, all I know is it's comfortable as all holy heck

Last edited by TheDevarious,


I wear Skechers, and I love them. I seriously wore one pair of Skechers for most of the 09' season, then the 10' set - up (April until opening day), and the beginning part of the season. They are comfortable as well.

09' - Breakers' Boutique

10' - Emporium

11' - Costume Charater (Peanut's Gang)



DevynxCouture's avatar

TheDevarious i know what shoes you mean. I work at footlocker so i know every shoe lol I am pretty mad lunarglides don't have all white shoes the ones i wanted are lunars but they were gray so instead i was going to get a pair of nike free tR's that were all white and blue around the rim but instead im gonna get some air max 90's and nike trackstars 3 with an insole unfortunately ours aren't bogo:(

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12



I think I'm ganna take my luck with the lunarglides cause those are insanely comfortable...If not I did like new balance...if I stay nike, the airmax 2011's weren't bad...standing though it kinda felt pressure built up under the balls of my feet, moving felt amazing though, so it's def. a running only shoe IMO

But if worse comes to worse and they don't like the lunarglides, I'll replace em with something else, but ugh I'd hate to...Lunarglides with spenco polyscrubs rock like no other haha



DevynxCouture's avatar

the 2011 are AMAZING shoes...i use them for work everyday:) i don't care to run in them at all though. but only thing about 2011 they dont come in all white or white and silver for girls only for guys which sucks:(

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12



Yeh...the only thing is getting them in all white through NikeID to make sure the requirements are basically met as good as I can ended up being 195 which is obscene...Waaay to much for a shoe (wanna help out hahahah jk)

But I think I'm ganna stick with em, I need to make em soon to get em here in 3-4 weeks before season starts



DevynxCouture's avatar

haha it's funny cause i just went to the nike store today to look for shoes and asked if i could use my discount...they told me no:( lol but they is a ridiculous amount for some sneakers! i didnt even wanna pay $90 for some shox that was originally $120 before my discount! lol but atleast you know your feet is going to be extra comfortable!

Calypso/turnpike cars, MaXair, Disaster Transport '11
maXair '12



Oh no doubt...I wear a set of red wings boots at work as per requirement so anything can beat that haha, I will say putting the spenco insoles is amazingly different, my back used to hurt after work and the balls of my feet hurt like no other, rarely get that anymore, and when I do it's after working iron shifts or working & then being on my feet all day till I pass out at home



Erin166's avatar

They sell the spenco supports near the beginning of the season in the employee cafeteria for a discounted price

2010: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2011: Top Thrill Dragster Crew


Ralph Wiggum

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

You'll definitely want to go for comfort over style, and you may need more than one pair of shoes. For example, it's almost certain that at some point during the season your shoes will get soaking wet. Also, when I worked there I had to buy new shoes in early July because the arch support in my first pair had completely broken down and I was having immense foot pain. Standing/walking on concrete all day every day can be pretty brutal.



are the shoes they sell in warbrobe uncomfortable?



MillenniumSpork's avatar

At the beginning of last season, I bought a pair of the Reebok Shape-Ups, which were super comfortable but they died after like a month of running back and forth checking seats at Millennium. I bought a pair of cheap Nike's and they lasted me for pretty much the whole season. Honestly? Don't spent too much money on them, just find something that's comfortable, otherwise your feet will hate you.

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper


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