Wondering about fate of Corkscrew, cars blank

Gemini's avatar
If you remove the Corkscrew because it's a "poor ride," then why not remove Disaster Transport, Mine Ride, WildCat, and Iron Dragon and replace them with modern day equivalents?

If a coaster no longer appeals to an enthusiast, should it be replaced with something that does?

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

I have always enjoyed the corkscrew. It was my first looping coaster way back when, and I'd hate to see it go anywhere. Thankfully, I can't see CP removing it when there is so many other places for the new fandangled rides. :)
How can you say the Wildcat is not appealing. It's small cars offer quick drops, sharp turns, and my favroite part of the ride is the sudden stop at the end.
I like Corkscrew, and Cedar Point won't touch. Like posted previously, it will be 25 next year, and CP wouldn't mess with a coaster on it's birthday. Come to think of it, they would tear down any of their coasters anytime soon.
I like the Corkscrew..ok maybe its not as high or fast as todays coasters but its still a fun little ride..and i didnt think it was all that rough when i rode it in June. I think it attracts people who have never been upside down on a coaster before..and even people like me who have. Now maybe it could use new trains but im not complaining. Also like said many times why would they take away from there record breaking coasters?
IMO I don't think CP will get rid of any of their coasters. Maybe if they started to have major mechanical problems with one (Hmmm Mean Streak, j.k.) or if one is unsafe. CP's reputation is for having the most coasters and they are not going to do anything to damage that. I still like the Corkscrew and I will ride when there is no line. I do think they need a new looping coaster but I dont think it is necessary to take out the corkscrew.
I love the Corkscrew!!! But why did they get rid of Jumbo Jet?? I don't remember if I read anything about it being sold for any reason.

Raptor '00 Count: 40
Jeff's avatar
Net said: "But a new looper in it's place would keep more people off the Midway than Corkscrew."

Not true. This is one of the great myths of ride capacity, and a central issue for Ticket to Ride. In any given hour, any given coaster can only cycle so many trains carrying so many passengers at a time. If Millennium Force and Corkscrew have the same capacity (and with MF running around 1,300 pph, I think it would be a close race), the only way that MF can give more rides in a day is if there are more people in the queue at closing time. If Corkscrew steadily fills trains with one-train waits on the platform, it's still giving as many rides per hour as MF with a 90 minute line.

Legend has it that Jumbo Jet went away because it was expensive to maintain.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
I don't get how people can knock corkscrew like that. It is'nt all that bad. It is a good training coaster for newbies, also it was the 1st coaster with a corkscrew, so it does serve some history purpouses (spelling?). Every time I have been to the point this year, the trains have been full through the whole day. It is an attractive coaster with the corkscrews that go over the midway and all.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11

I can't believe the comments made about the Corkscrew!!!! First of all, if it weren't for the Corkscrew, people would be riding the Raptor as their first upside-down coaster!!! Many, MANY people use the Corkscrew as their first UPSIDE-DOWN coaster ride. You people are making it sound like the corkscrew is the worst coaster at CP!! Personally, I'd rather ride the Corkscrew than the MANTIS!!!! I actually think it's more fun.
I see it as getting spoiled with all the new creations out there today. If you are at least in your mid 20s or older than you are the group of people that appreciated this kind of ride back in the 70s and 80s. Although I havent been on it but have been on several others of its type, it was a growing Arrow creation throughout the world that was the most popular in the coaster industry. Also the smaller Arrow loopers seem to stay popular while the newer Arrow mega-loopers have had alot of faults. This is not to bash the younger generation but coasters follow through time like music, cars, etc. If you didnt have steel coasters from yesterday ( Like Arrow loopers) from the 70s you wouldnt have B&M and Intamin coasters of today. *** This post was edited by Chitown on 7/11/2000. ***
"it was the 1st coaster with a corkscrew"

Actually, Corkscrew was the first to have 3 inversions. I believe that Knotts Berry Farm had the first corkscrew (which still exists at a different park).

My point is that the Corkscrew is not attracting as many riders, NOT RIDES, but riders because there are empty cars. Plus, you have to account for the fact that some people are riding Corkscrew two, three, four, etc. times in a row because the line is so short. So it's not attracting a diversity. When you recycle a limited number of people in a given hour on corkscrew, compared to the mass amount of people that would be in line for a new looper in a given hour, it would keep people off the midway. There could be hundreds of NEW people in line in that given hour, not repeat riders.

*** This post was edited by net on 7/11/2000. ***
The attendance numbers that Cedar Point publishes are *actual rides given* based on turnstile clicks, not on ride dispatches. So if you ride solo on Corkscrew, that counts as one ride, not 24.

So it is the park's 7th most popular ride even with empty seats.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Corkscrew is a great little ride. I still love it. I'm an airtime nut, and the pop over the 2nd hill is great.

Cedar Point isn't going to want to remove a coaster to replace it, if they can avoid it. They're in an arms race for "most coasters", and removing one to replace it keeps them at a static number, not increase the count...

Corkscrew is a great fun ride, isn't eating up a lot of space, and provides a comparatively tame ride for people who aren't ready to tackle Mantis and Raptor yet. Should CP get another sitdown looper? Sure. Should the remove Corkscrew? No.

(For a new sitdown looper, I'd even say "they can get a floorless for this" -- everyone who complains that "if you're not in the front seat of the floorless what's the point" is missing the fact that they're still B&M sitdown loopers, and that's not a bad thing (my favorite seat on Batman Knight Flight is in the BACK row, not the front). But I digress...)

As for putting a boomerang in that space, I'll take Corkscrew over any boomerang (including an Invertigo, my favorite boomerang-style ride) ANY day.

MF count: 4 *** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 7/11/2000. ***
Why are you people complaning about Corkscrew having short lines, isn't that a good thing?
No one is complaining about short lines....that is a good thing. People are just saying that the lines are ridiculously short now for Corkscrew and want their opinion as to whether they like the ride or not anymore. If you still like it, great. If you don't, great. Let's remember that everybody! It's all about opinions...no rights or wrongs.
They would be crazy to tear down the corkscrew, it was a record breaker for them, (First coaster to go upside down 3 times). With several other parks getting close to there record of coasters, can CP afford to get rid of the corkscrew??

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