Wierd Guests '04

One of my all time favorites, is while sitting at MS entrance, a guest asks(this isnt a child mind you), "is this coaster made of wood?" At that point I like to respond with something along the lines of..."Well actually ma'am, the Mean Streak is made of 7.5 milion board feet of treated southern yellow pine." They actually dont catch sarcasm. It amazes me.

'05- Mean Streak

And after some real thought about this one, I remembered my great weeks at Snake.

"Which seat will be the dryest?"


'05- Mean Streak

Ahh, MS....

At the entrance:
- "Is this how we get to Lighthouse Point?"
- "This one's just like Gemini." (Got that countless times.)
- If I remember correctly, one time someone thought that they were approaching the entrance to Soak City. o.O
- One time, we got a guy totally obsessed with some basketball he won, which was one of the 2 or 3 items we absolutely couldn't allow in line...he ended up leaving it just outside the entrance when John was there, and when I took his place in rotation, the ball somehow got lost or disappeared or something. The guy came back looking for it and was totally furious, trying to get info out of me about John, even though he had been told that we weren't responsible for lost items...yeah, I don't know why he wanted that thing so bad.

Sometimes at Mine Ride, a little kid would point to MS's first hill and ask if MR went over there/was part of that. *rolls eyes* That and questions like "Do you get wet?" and "Is this going to fall apart?" were classic.

ATL Mean Streak '06
Mean Streak Crew '05

But Janice, do you remember the day we did get wet...that was priceless. Phil came and rode, and even he was confused.

'05- Mean Streak

The inevitable "Does this go upside-down?" that I got at least 5 times a day working entrance at Snake.

Slave to the Mouse and couldn't be happier!
2005-2006: CP Ride Host
2006: Disney-MGM Studios - Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show/Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! Movie Set Adventure
2007: Magic Kingdom - Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

I never worked at Cedar Point, but throughout my "college" career, I have worked in the service industry as a security guard at pro football games and as the cadet-in-charge of entertainment.

The most unique experiences I had were with drunk people at the AFC Championship game this year. I actually had to perform "bathroom security" because people were line jumping and were causing brawls in the bathroom. I had a guy offer us $50 a piece to sneak in. Another guy said he would pee in the trash can and yet another said he would pee on me.


i had this one guest with his buddies come up to my games booth and say i want three plays and he was drunk but i don't know how and so he says if i win i'll tell everybody i paid you for the prize because you have the hardest game to beat here, so he actually won and i had forgot about him and so i guess he told someone else and one of the supervisors heard it and they questioned me and i told them and they still actually believed him, so that's probably why i can't go back to work. another guess said we put glue on the cups at gunball so they wont fall

2004 Gun Ball
2004 Half-Court Hoops

I'm surprised this was not mentioned:

"Hey look guys, that sign says 1/4 of an hour. It's only a 25 minute wait!"

or how bout, "The sign says it's a half hour wait from this point. Does that mean right here, or once you get up there?"

I also use to love when we would go down for weather, and we would announce the spiel on the loading platform, "attention, Raptor is down due to ONCOMING weather conditions..." and guests would then scream, "WHAT?! I dont see any rain!" and then literally two seconds later it looks like a hurricane. People need to realize, we DO actually know what we're talking about sometimes ;)

2006: Raptor
2005: Raptor


p.s. when i said "hurricane" above I didnt mean an actual hurricane (seeing as that usually doesn't happen in Ohio!) I meant it starts pouring down rain ;)

2006: Raptor
2005: Raptor

"...and lastly, the action of people who bend over to try and make themselves shorted than the height stick..."

My personal favorite. The best part is that they all think they are the FIRST person to ever do that. Little do they know, we tallied everyone.

This type of action happens at zoos as well. Working in any animal enclosure we get visitors saying "Your a funny looking (insert animal name)". Everyone thinks they are the first. People literally start saying it before another individual finishes. I stopped keeping track of how many times I hear that. I feel your pain!:-)

*** Edited 3/16/2006 3:18:51 AM UTC by newt***

anonymous2008 said:

p.s. when i said "hurricane" above I didnt mean an actual hurricane (seeing as that usually doesn't happen in Ohio!) I meant it starts pouring down rain ;)

Except for Katrina.


2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

First Off....I would like to say I don't work for CP! But reading what some of you have posted I admire you! Reading some of these stories reminded me of what happened last year while we were in line for the Mantis......

We were waiting for about an half hour to ride.....This lady and her 2 kids are watching the ride do several cycles.....She then asks me and my friend who were just talking to each other.... and I quote "My Son doesn't want to stand up" "Can he just sit down and ride?"

If you could have heard the laughter from the other guests in line!!!!!!!!!!

Just thought you would all enjoy that


Cedar Point 4-ever

You should have said... "unless you want him to get neutered, I'd recommend he stand..."

That dosen't beat the "is this ride made of wood?" heard by Mean Streak...


My personal favorite response from when my fiance was working at CP and I was hanging around "impersonating" an admissions employee:

Q: "How far is Cleveland from here?"

A: "Roughly an hour and a half, but if you're from Michigan, you'll probably make it in about thirty five minutes."

Not CP related, but I work in admissions at the Columbus Zoo, which runs the rides, so I run the boat ride usually once every week, and I am always amazed at how many people ask me how tall the 'roller coaster' goes, and how fast it is. As if they can't see the boat and the lazy river. I guess there must be invisible supports and I must be deaf towards the screams.

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