if (thread = "continue")
tommy.status = "confused"
else (eyes.status = "hurt")
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
BEST PRODUCT PLACEMENT! http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
MF count: 1, going for 2000
Class Freak
Inherits Control
Sub New()
Response.Write("Isn't one of him enough?")
End Sub
End Class
Me > you
That's all, kthxbye.
Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"
This makes you > me using your variable declarations.
And tommy... you used an assignment '=' isntead of the '==' in your if statement.... that would cause some bugs.
Ahhh!!!! Well, that code-silence lasted all of two and half hours...
*** This post was edited by VorTeX on 12/5/2001. ***
Tommy Penner - http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
"We shall go foreward, not back. We will go up, and not down. And twirling, twirling, always twirling to victory!"
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