Why Dan would Make a Decent PR Guy for CP

Dan, I don't know what your ambitions are, but have you ever considered working in the PR dept for Cedar Point?  I'm sure with some of the media attention you've received it seems like you might be a good person to work in PR.
Patience is a virtue

*** This post was edited by Valleyfair Fan on 12/5/2001. ***

Dan is one of the rare ones that has the personality to do this..I think that would be a great job for him..and he would be really good at it!
Jeff's avatar
I doubt anyone could accept the low salary for very long unless they were married to someone else making a whole lot more. I'm sure that over time the salary improves, but who wants to earn money on someone else's schedule?

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Actually my major was PR and still is.  I am considering going into photojournalism with a minor in wriritng.  I am really sick of being out of school.  Granted I have a well paying job, but its not what I want to do the rest of my life.  I am planning on going back in January but I am looking at different options.  I need to find a local school that offers photojournalism.  I am currently going to Cleveland State but they don't offer much of anything in the field of photography.  Outside of Cedar Point photography is my second love and I want to learn as much as I can about it and continue with it, I have had much luck shooting around the backyard,  at CP, and with people when they let me.  I would like to see what I could accomplish with proper training.  By the time I finish school Dan Feiht will be ready to retire and I would be more than happy to take over for him. 
Magnum Count: 2166

I know what your saying about being sick of being out of school dan..sometimes I wish I could get myself to go back to college and get some more medical done.  Now that I have what I wanted in the medical field now..I would rather be a vet.  Funny how you plan on doing one thing your whole life and then change it.  The hardest part about going back to college is..once your done and go to work..and get paid for your time..its hard to go back to college and not get paid for your time.  Good luck with your decision, though Dan...all the best to ya!
Ride of Steel's avatar
Dan Feicht is my hero. 

That is all.

Magnum Dan != PR guru
Magnum Dan == great photographer


I can see it now. Reading the newspaper and seeing a photo of somewhere in Cedar Point, and seeing under it, "Photo courtesy of Dan Haverlock."

Force Laps: 424
Wicked Twists: ???
6/11/01: Gemini 100

okay.. so since somebody made a code-like comment, I've been given free license to geek!

 if (Dan.degree != "PR" && Dan.photographic_skills == "great")
Dan.job = "professional roller coaster photo-journalist;
Dan.salary = "low"
Dan.status = "legendary"
VorTeX.needs_to_shut_up = "true"
If (Dan_Feicht.status="retired")
Dan.job = "PR guy"

Sorry all.. it's finals week and I have to amuse myself, even at the expense of everyone else's annoyance :)

Joe McNally
Final 01 MF Count - 18
Total MF Count - 32

I'm Psyched!

After working at a University for 27 years, I'm actually GLAD I'm not in school! Look what finals does to people!

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Ride of Steel's avatar
VorTex I revised your code, as Dan Feicht happens to be the director of print media at Cedar Point, a.k.a. the photography guy. Although I think a while loop would be more appropriate with the revisions. Jeff is going to kick my butt if I don't stop, so I will.

if (Dan_Feicht.status!="retired")
Dan.job = "Grocery store"

OMG I have too much time on MY hands too. If I start arguing things in symbolic logic somebody please come to Youngstown and kill me.

To get back on topic, we luv Magnum Dan, hoooray!


I know about back in school.  I hate working.  I'm thinking of going back and getting a second degree, but I don't know what in.  I'm tired of sitting in an office, I want to be out and about.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

LuvRaptor's avatar
I actually "inquired" into this and have to agree with Jeff that the salary isnt exactly great. On the flip side though if wasn't for some small "issues" (kids, b/f, house, horses, good paying long time job) don't think I havent thought about working at CP other than a ride op.
I agree Dan would be awesome but being a PR person for CP means you have to give up that "ride time" and Dan give up Maggie? Nah!
(Of course you could simply "promise" to ride with someone and just NEVER do it for lets say the past 2 years--hint hint :))
With all I "do" for CP I consider myself a PR person who works for free anyway, and you can ask ANYONE who knows me just how true that is! :)
For now I can just be content knowing I have "Cedar Point Ride Operator" added to my life resume! :)

2000 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

That's true, Jo.  You are a walking, living billboard for CP!  ;)
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

Jeff's avatar
I just hate working for other people.

Maybe this unemployment thing isn't so bad (except for the part about being poor).

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

ShiveringTim's avatar
Well let's not forget about the class declaration of the "Dan" type.  So far we have data members of:.


and no function members.  I think we'll need the following functions:

Ride(default ride="Magnum")
ClickCounter(default Ride="Magnum")

Ah, all those first year OOP courses are coming back to me
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

*** This post was edited by ShiveringTim on 12/5/2001. ***

We could just throw it all into a relational database.  I can start working on the level 1 schema.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

Jeff's avatar
I look at code all day and this is crap you make me look at in my leisure time? ;)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

No boy, that's not mock-code. That's Pascal!
I'd just like to take this time to formally apologize for starting a code discussion and shall cease from doing so from here forth :)

Now.. to study for my calculus final....

If one takes the integral of Dan's Job...

Joe McNally
Final 01 MF Count - 18
Total MF Count - 32

Remember, y=f(x), and all that other calc crap I can't seem to remember right now.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

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