Why can't MF run 2 trains at the same time?

A couple of things.....

Millennium Force CAN have two trains on the course at a time. The total ride time from the top of the lift to the brakes is around 62 seconds. It takes 20 seconds from dispatch to clear the top of the lift. So to get from dispatch to the brakes at the end of the ride would require 62 + 20 = 82 seconds. Because of the 20 seconds it takes to get from dispatch to the top of the lift, the second train can be dispatched slightly more than 62 seconds after the first one, which is 20 seconds before the first train clears the block brake at the end of the ride, which happens pretty much just as the first train is going over the bunny hop next to the station. That's the absolute minimum dispatch interval without having to stop or slow the train on the lift, because the block brake MUST be clear before the second train may clear the lift.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

thank you very much!
It goes by really fast anyways:) (Not including days in which it decides to be Matience force)
Drink Milk. Goto Cedar point. Love Life.
MF count: 24. I'm marrying Millennium Force. You're all invited to our wedding.

Jeff said:
"Brian, I'm not one to generally be a jerk (shut up Hostyl ;) ), but you're totally full of crap. "

Damn it! How did I let this one slip by me?

Because it dosn't like you!:)
Wicked Twister Rocks

MiLlEnNiUmGuRl said:
It goes by really fast anyways (Not including days in which it decides to be Matience force)

Or unless passengers exert Hurl Forces on the seats and their friends.  I think one of the park improvements should be running water in the exit station so they can hose the seats down and get MF back on line quickly.


(who watched two poor rideops wash seats with a bucket and paper towels for 15 minutes .....Yikes)

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 2/21/2002. ***

Good Idea. I wonder what possessed them to put access to water in the front of the station in the first place.  Even so, they don't even have to rework anything, just buy one of those big garden hoses and run it underneath the station to unload. Then turn it on when you need it! :)

I can't think of anything that it would hurt. Unless the track sensors or restraint release system are susceptible to water, or they don't want water on the kicker wheels.

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