Why all the arcades???

I was just visiting the "Cedar Point on Lake Erie" website, and got to thinking what's happening to Cedar Point's attractions...They're all being turned into arcades!!!!
First it was the Pirate Ride, then it was the aquarium...what's next? Disaster Transport?
I dont think the Arcade in the bottom of the ballroom was even meant to be an arcade. Maybe for skeeball, but that's about it. Does anyone know if the Gemini arcade was even an arcade to begin with?

I have one large brontosaurus bone to pick with CP about the arcades. The prices are not bad, and are actually about the same as regular arcades. BUT WHY ARE ALL THE GAMES STILL FROM THE 80'S.? Its like going through a time warp going through the arcade's. When I go out, I expect the Gemini to be the tallest coaster still. I am surprised people are not Doing the Safety Dance, wearing those short shorts, Talking about the latest episode of Night Rider, doing Coke, and voting for Regan. Not that that stuff is bad, except coke, and maybee those shorts.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 12/30/2000. ***
(Good thing you didn't say, "People are still voting for Bush..." ;))

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
what makes me mad is that they took out the pirate ride and replaced it with an arcade.
Arcades are big time money makers, especially when the weather turns nasty or when the park has a very busy day. Simply put, that is why there are so many arcades. As for the demise of the beloved dark rides, they were both relatively low capacity, and I suspect a maintenance nightmare.

- Raptor Dave
Lets see...Coke, bad...Short shorts (except on hot girls) bad...Night Rider *shivers*. Regan Good...Safty Dance still good (lol its on my MP3 list right in between AC/DC and Linkin Park)

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Safety Dance is a good song. I've got it on my mp3 list, too. Thought I still can't figure out the dance for it.
Another point about the arcades, they're quick fixes and relatively easy to do instead of putting in another ride, which would involve demolishing the building, they do preserve that indoor space for bad weather, and they are staffed by very few people -- the one that used to be Pirate Ride only needs one Games host. That way they're cheaper all around, while maybe holding that space and using it before CP can turn it into something even better.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
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For people like me who appreciate the classics, the Cedar Point arcade is a refreshing change of pace from the all the modern "memorize this cheezy sequence of button presses" fighting games.

I'm glad Cedar Point is willing to take the time involved to keep those old machines running -- that's not always an easy task, especially on vector graphics games like Tempest!

MF count: 27 *** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 12/30/2000. ***
InclInE LoOpEr, SWEET!
The CP arcade in the ballroom is consider a "hot spot" for classic gamers. Its a bit well known for some of the classic games there. I think part of the reason you see some of the games from the 80's and 70's is because you can't find them anywhere else. You could go to any bowling alley or mall to play Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter Part 3 Quick Kick edition.
I think that it is cool that CP keeps those old games running. In fact, I play them more than the newer games that keep coming out.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
CP_bound, DUDE! .....sorry....I could'nt help myself. I love going to the ballroom arcade and playing tons of games of pinball. The VR arcade is cool, but they need to update those games, Duke Nukem 3D was sweet when it first came out, but now the graphics are spritalicious. They need to get newer games on the VR machines, like Quake 3 or Unreal Turney. *sighs at how wonderfull it would be to frag someone in full VR with a rocket launcher*. Oh..lol. The arcades are a delightfull way to relax and enjoy more of the diverse park atmosphere. However, I miss the Pirate Ride.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
Hmmmmm. I guess I never thought of it that way. I still think the 8 Bit Nintendo is the best system ever and I break out a game of Tecmo Super Bowl or Ice Hockey every once in a while. Some of the old games, I agree keep. If they buy new games though its like having A PS2 and an Intellivision or Atari right now. Which one is going to see more play? Arcades are built around eye catching graphics for the most part anyway.

There is this one game in the PR arcade that I think they should get rid of, as well as other types of games similar to this. I is a helicopter game that appears to pride itself on its state of the art graphics from like 1983. If a game has no simulation value, and is just outdated graphics it belongs in the trash. Keep the good ones though. As long as people still play, there won't be a change.

at least it doesn't cost $1 to play the older video games.i remember when all video games used to cost 25 cents.(god im old).
mame and cedar point arcades have a lot in common.
It's amazing how mame and cedar point are the only ways to play most of those old games,unless you own one yourself that still works.

if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
What's mine say!!!!!...SWEET!

Joe E. you're completely right about the Nintendo. I just beat Mario 1-3 all the way through without skipping levels or dying. I beat Zelda in like 2 hours 1 night, and I've made it to the Technodrome on Turtles 1. I will beat that game if it's the last thing I do!
Speaking of Nintendo, consolidation seems to be looming in the video game industry to with the rumored Nintendo takeover of Sega. THat could shake things up alot in that industry.

Back to the thread, though. The vintage games are definitely an enriching asset to the arcades, but I do agree that most of the younger audience IS craving some newer "state of the art" flavoring as well. I do know in year's past that regular surveys of park patrons were done to determine action plans for the park. That may be a question they want to add for younger demographics: "How do you feel about the state of electronic entertainment in the park?" We'll see how well the staff has been doing their homework...

This brings up another point which I will start a new thread for. Look at Cedar Point and Technology...
I know this is a little off subject but Zelda is the best game ever made. 2 hours is impressive CP_Bound. I will have to break that out too and see if I can match you. I don't want to touch the sequel again (Adventures of Link, Urghhh). I pride myself on beating every Zelda game ever made, including the new DX for game boy. Right now I have not had much time to play Majora's Mask, But I am on the Final Dungeon. I never got very far in Ninja turtles though. It amazing how much money I have Given to the Nintendo Corp. I have Every system they every made, except Virtual Boy, and at least 30 games on each system. A generous estimate (Meaning only $40 for each game) brings my lifetime spending on Nintendo to around $5,000. It is all worth it to see Gannon Perish in Orcania of Time, without the playa's guide. CP should buy some old Nintendo's and hook them up. I would then pay to play some of the old Nintendo games that I never got to beat, Like Night Rider (quite possibly the worst game ever made). Some games CP should keep, but other's throw away.
Here's a few Zelda hints. Save up for the blue ring first, and don't die. :) I didn't die 'til level 9.

PS. My first name is the main bad guy's name. :)

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