Who's holding on their 1st ride?

After watching the "topping" video my daughter announced "I'm holding my hands up the entire 1st ride on MF! Who's with me?" How does one back down from a challenge like that from a 17 year old? I have agreed, at least at this point, that I can do it. My wife, on the other hand, assured us she will "hold on for dear life," and my 15 year old son replied "Sounds cool". How does everyone else feel about it?
Jeff's avatar
I'm saying I'll have my hands up, but that's assuming that instinct doesn't kick me in the unit and say, "What are you, nuts?" :)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
That will definately be a last minute decision for me. Last minute as in cresting the hill!:)
I'll probably put my hands up on that first turnaround, sitting on the right side...oh yea!

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
124 days until the real "Millennium
I am going to try my dam-dest to keep my hands up.

Only if I ride in the front. :)

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120
Hands up! ALWAYS!

On May 13th my life will have meaning again!
I've never put my hands up on a new roller coaster, so I'm going to ride up front with both of my hands up the whole ride.
I am going to try to keep my hands up, but thats what I said when I rode SROS for the first time. My hands were up at the top of the hill, but they came down when I realized how steep the drop really was. It might take me one to two rides, then I will be ok. :)
mmmmaybe, mmmaybe not....all depends. i usually hold on for the drop, even on Magnum, but after that all bets are off...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Hands HAVE to be up!! now what gravity and the big guy even higher up allows me to do may be different..LOL..But hands up is my intention!!


Jeffrey Spartan
I'll be riding with my hands up, HOWEVER:

I have a propensity for leaning back and sticking my stomach out while loading so that I have plenty of space between myself and the lap bar on most coasters. Love that airtime.

On MF, I will most certainly have that puppy ratcheted down to the point where I can't move.

By the way, that brings up an interesting (and important) question:

Will each seat have its own lap bar, or will there be one for both seats. If it's one lap bar that both riders use, I'll never get my 10-year old on this thing. There'll be way too much space between her and the lap bar if I'm in the other seat.

Duane Cahill
It's not just for Penn State fans anymore!
ShiveringTim's avatar
Each individual seat will have a lap bar, just like on Magnum or Gemini.

Scott W. Short
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
each has its own


Jeffrey Spartan
Jeff's avatar
The neat thing about these lap bars are that the pivot point is almost between your feet, unlike most where it is a little more in front of you. The bar tends to rest more on your gut (some people have stomachs, I have a gut) than it rest on your legs. Airtime is inevitable.

=== Click "info" under my name to see a picture of the lap bar. (On-ride photo from Superman: Ride of Steel at Six Flags Darien Lake.)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Hands up
Man, Jeff looks a little like me... Scary...

Well, I will probably not have my hands up on the first drop seeing that it has the steepest drop in the world bwithout OTSR's/b Oblivion's gottem. 80 degrees is a heck of a lot steeper than Magnum's 60 some degree drop. And that's going to be the deciding factor.
I'm with you, skykicker.
I'll probably try to keep hands up on the first drop, I managed to on my first Magnum ride but when the train reached the bottom the splitting headache started...

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