Who Do I go to with a Complaint about Cedar Point?

Being that you are a "family man", maybe you would be more interested in going to this park:


Sounds like the park that Ned tried to start on the Simpsons. haha

Afamilyman said:
I had to shield my children's eyes.

But you gotta admit, this may well be the line of the Month!

Force00's avatar

This is just too funny! :) Made my day. I was almost going to post a link for complaints but after I read his complaint I can't stop laughing.

^ I totally agree with you on that one!

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Frankly, I would rather point out the gay couple that obviously cares for each other rather that the straight couple who are screaming over one another while arguing as the relationship that kids should strive for. The fact that it is two men as opposed to a man and a women has nothing to do with it. How the two treat each other is everything, regardless of who it is.

How typical, a christian family guy! Holding hands is an innocent act that couples (gay or straight) do. You don't even want to know the other things I hear about that other odd folks do at said places, and holding hands by same sex is nothing compared to what I hear. (in public that is)

Well I have decided, even though I am straight I would enjoy meeting afamilyman and trying to hold his hand in public.

Shoot the rapids, tame and dry. Thunder Canyon, wet and laughter. Snake River Falls, soaked and smiling. White Water Landing and the old shoot the rapids, Fun and missed.

Jeff's avatar

You guys don't like white trash theater? Nothing is more entertaining than watching Cooter and Ginny fight over their last cigarette.

I gotta say, this community has come a long way. Usually this topic brings up what a moron the original person is (inevitably reinforced by their mad spelling skillz and awesome topic title), followed by the big reveal on who else is a moron. And today, a unified voice saying get a life. I'm a little misty. They grow up so fast.

But seriously, this is a moron-free zone, so move along.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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